Colbert blasts Fox imbecile, Hannity on corporal punishment


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Stephen Colbert blasts Sean Hannity for defending Adrian Peterson, corporal punishment

Stephen Colbert discussed the NFL’s very troubling and unacceptable domestic abuse problem, on Thursday night. However, not everyone thinks that certain cases are problematic: Sean Hannity recently defended Minnesota Vikings player Adrian Peterson, who was arrested for whipping his 4-year-old with a tree branch.

“I got hit with a strap. Bam, bam, bam,” Hannity explained mimicking the beating with his belt. “And I’ve never been to a shrink — by my father. I will tell you I think I deserved it. I think [Peterson] went too far, but I don’t want to see this guy get a felony. I don’t want to see this guy lose his job.”

At the spanking display, Colbert exclaimed, “Pumpkin Patch! Pumpkin Patch!” then turned to the audience and explained, “I’m sorry, it’s just, ‘pumpkin patch’ was the safe word that Sean and I agreed on.”

Colbert agrees with Hannity that Peterson definitely went too far, and accepted Hannity’s assertion that being whipped with a belt has no negative effects: “After all, Sean’s dad whipped him with a belt and he never needed to go to a psychotherapist. He just has to have them on his show three times a week.” And by golly, there’s a strong case to be made that all those much-deserved thrashings helped Sean Hannity become the mature, sane, even-keeled person he is today:

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Stephen Colbert blasts Sean Hannity for defending Adrian Peterson, corporal punishment -


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
“I got hit with a strap. Bam, bam, bam,” Hannity explained mimicking the beating with his belt. “And I’ve never been to a shrink — by my father. I will tell you I think I deserved it. I think [Peterson] went too far, but I don’t want to see this guy get a felony. I don’t want to see this guy lose his job.”

He was bang on until far.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Stephen Colbert blasts Sean Hannity for defending Adrian Peterson, corporal punishment

Stephen Colbert discussed the NFL’s very troubling and unacceptable domestic abuse problem, on Thursday night. However, not everyone thinks that certain cases are problematic: Sean Hannity recently defended Minnesota Vikings player Adrian Peterson, who was arrested for whipping his 4-year-old with a tree branch.

“I got hit with a strap. Bam, bam, bam,” Hannity explained mimicking the beating with his belt. “And I’ve never been to a shrink — by my father. I will tell you I think I deserved it. I think [Peterson] went too far, but I don’t want to see this guy get a felony. I don’t want to see this guy lose his job.”

At the spanking display, Colbert exclaimed, “Pumpkin Patch! Pumpkin Patch!” then turned to the audience and explained, “I’m sorry, it’s just, ‘pumpkin patch’ was the safe word that Sean and I agreed on.”

Colbert agrees with Hannity that Peterson definitely went too far, and accepted Hannity’s assertion that being whipped with a belt has no negative effects: “After all, Sean’s dad whipped him with a belt and he never needed to go to a psychotherapist. He just has to have them on his show three times a week.” And by golly, there’s a strong case to be made that all those much-deserved thrashings helped Sean Hannity become the mature, sane, even-keeled person he is today:

The Colbert Report – Watch Online | Colbert Report - The Comedy Network

Stephen Colbert blasts Sean Hannity for defending Adrian Peterson, corporal punishment -

Yeah, God Forbid anyone present a view not previously approved by the self-appointed arbiters of Political Correctness.

BTW, Adrian Peterson went too far in the corporal punishment of his son, ESPECIALLY considering the kid was four years old.

The ridiculous thing is that "progressives" take Colbert and Stewart SERIOUSLY, when even they will tell you that they are the REAL Faux News. :)


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Yeah, God Forbid anyone present a view not previously approved by the self-appointed arbiters of Political Correctness.

BTW, Adrian Peterson went too far in the corporal punishment of his son, ESPECIALLY considering the kid was four years old.

The ridiculous thing is that "progressives" take Colbert and Stewart SERIOUSLY, when even they will tell you that they are the REAL Faux News. :)

Colbert and Stewart have been able to solidify their reputations as invincible by using comedy to reveal logical fallacies inherent in the media and politics.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
“I got hit with a strap. Bam, bam, bam,” Hannity explained mimicking the beating with his belt. “And I’ve never been to a shrink — by my father. I will tell you I think I deserved it. I think [Peterson] went too far, but I don’t want to see this guy get a felony. I don’t want to see this guy lose his job.”

So was I which is why I have very little contact with my mother. I can't be around her without the anger building up inside. Its just not worth it to me.

Even so she never went as far as this guy did. I never bled or had my genitals injured. This guy should be charged. Had he done the same thing to an adult there would be no question of that and he would get a felony. He shouldnt be allowed to be around children alone given he still thinks what he did was normal and right.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I wonder how many thousands of people who were whooped (Not that that's all this clown did) as a kid, went on to be productive members of society.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
So was I which is why I have very little contact with my mother. I can't be around her without the anger building up inside. Its just not worth it to me.

Even so she never went as far as this guy did. I never bled or had my genitals injured. This guy should be charged. Had he done the same thing to an adult there would be no question of that and he would get a felony. He shouldnt be allowed to be around children alone given he still thinks what he did was normal and right.

I believe he has been charged....


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
I never 'got the strap' in school but the principal kept one hung on his outer office wall at CFB Borden Public...we all saw or heard about it...kinda like a myth, the excalibur of punishment if you were an arsehole...still, never did any sh!t stupid enough to require his undivided attention...then again, even if I was a 'hard man' as some like to say, the fukkin' joke would be on me when I got home and waited for the old man to come have a chat with me...I might have been young but not that stupid.

I think I got slapped with dad's belt once for some bonehead thing I did or smart-mouth comment I let go but only once see...again, not that stupid...and who in their right mind and heart enjoys beating their own child anyway...gimme a break.

the coddlers, timeouters, the 'communicators', 'educators', the wannabe pee-wee john howards, the weak, the entitled, the mom's basement crews...all those sort likely got lottsa hugsnkisses from parents or single parents that had no clue what to do and even if they did were afraid to try during the wee brat's tantrums and acting out.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Other immune system-building activities I suppose...falling out of trees, skinning knees in random falls, nut-hits in floor hockey, riding behind mosquito foggers on our bikes, maybe putting our unclean fingers in our mouths...toughened us up.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
It would be nice if we had the same wisdom with our kids that many gain when they have grand kids.

I would change much if given a second chance.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
No one should lay a hand on a child. That's horse****. There are other ways to correct a child . and I don't give a damn what any book or expert has to say about it. It's cowardly horse****.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
No one should lay a hand on a child. That's horse****. There are other ways to correct a child . and I don't give a damn what any book or expert has to say about it. It's cowardly horse****.

That is your opinion, and that is fine. I would never assume to tell you how to raise your children.

Now, I hope you will refrain from telling me how to raise mine.