George Galloway 'beaten over Israel comments'


Time Out
Oct 23, 2011
George Galloway 'beaten over Israel comments'

Pro-Palestinian British MP attacked in London street by man said to have been shouting about the Holocaust.

A British MP known for his pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel speeches has been injured in an attack in London by a man shouting about the Holocaust, his spokesman has said.

George Galloway was reported to have suffered bruising and a suspected broken jaw and rib in the attack on Friday in the capital's Notting Hill area while he was posing for pictures.

"George was posing for pictures with people and this guy just attacked him, leapt on him and started punching him," his spokesman said.

"It appears to be connected with his comments about Israel because the guy was shouting about the Holocaust."
Galloway had described himself as being in "pretty bad shape" following the assault Friday, the spokesman said.
Reports of broken bones have not been verified by Al Jazeera but police said the MP was badly injured.

A post by the Respect party's Twitter account thanked wellwishers and included a picture of Galloway's bruised face.
Galloway, the leader of the Respect party and MP for Bradford West, was interviewed by British police earlier this month following a speech on August 2 in Leeds in which he claimed Bradford as an Israeli-free area due to the attacks on Gaza.
"We don't want any Israeli goods; we don't want any Israeli services; we don't want any Israeli academics coming to the university or the college; we don't even want any Israeli tourists to come to Bradford, even if any of them had thought of doing so," he said.

A Metropolitan police spokesman said a suspect was found a short time later and arrested.
"He was arrested on suspicion of ABH (actual bodily harm) and taken to the south London police station where he remains."


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Nonsense in an open society one should have the right to say what side they are on.
Perhaps many differ but how would some like to be beaten for supporting Israel.
This is the slow undoing of democracy at least what's left


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB

To bad they didn't kill him.

Couldn't have happened to a more deserving WING NUT
I was wondering when the softer gentler Boomer would put in an appearance. The one we all know and don't love.

How did his speech affect the referendum vote about splitting from the UK? How are the English hooligans going to browbeat the Scottish cause that would stop the curling when nothing else will.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Actually as one of Scottish heritage I hope the end the occupation of Scotland
with a vote to get back to their borders and tell England the day of occupation
is over


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.

To bad they didn't kill him.

Couldn't have happened to a more deserving WING NUT

Oh Georgey-boy, lover of mass murderers and terrorists, is a real bit of shyte.

But, one can not be allowed to go around beating people up because opf their political beliefs.


Religion of Peace?

The attacker should be deported.... All things being equal :p


If he is not a British citizen, he should be deported.

As should all the pro-Palestinian and pro-ISIS protesters.

But we won't go there. :)


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Does Britain have the same protection to Freedom of Speech, like the USA's 1st Amendment or is it more like Canada with the CHRC??

I love how everyone equates Freedom of Speech as a right, but it's not. There is responsible speech.. for example, you enter an airport and say "bomb" or in a crowded theater say "Fire" - see where your Freedom of Speech gets you.

Freedom of speech by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

UK Laws

"...contains in Article 10, into its domestic law under the Human Rights Act. However there is a broad sweep of exceptions including threatening, abusive or insulting words or behavior intending or likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress or cause a breach of the peace (which has been used to prohibit racist speech targeted at individuals)"


Upside, he has a broken jaw.. hope it takes a long time to heal.. the world can do without his drivel.


Electoral Member
Apr 13, 2014
Nonsense in an open society one should have the right to say what side they are on.
Perhaps many differ but how would some like to be beaten for supporting Israel.
This is the slow undoing of democracy at least what's left
Democracy is not slowly being undone. There have always been and will always be radicals at either end of any issue.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Oh Georgey-boy, lover of mass murderers and terrorists, is a real bit of shyte.

But, one can not be allowed to go around beating people up because opf their political beliefs.



If he is not a British citizen, he should be deported.

As should all the pro-Palestinian and pro-ISIS protesters.

But we won't go there. :)

I'm going to assume you're being facetious because if one can't support the right to utter the speech you hate or disagree with, then one does not support free speech.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
****ing hilarious. The only disappointment I've got is that Galloway wasn't mashed to a complete pup.

Hopefully Galloway will learn from that and learn that that's what you get for uttering bigotry and racism. That's his punishment, and I hope he will receive more of the same if he steps out of line again. He should learnt o keep his racist mouth shut next time.

Hopefully, the whole of Galloway's far-left "Respect" Party will also learn from that and not to be racist in future.

Actually as one of Scottish heritage I hope the end the occupation of Scotland
with a vote to get back to their borders and tell England the day of occupation
is over

England doesn't occupy Scotland. Scotland and England are part of the same Union, in the same way that Texas and California are. The sooner you learn that, the better.

As for the referendum vote, with the big mouth, thuggish Scots Nats hooligans still trailing by a fair distance in the polls with just 19 days to go until the referendum, it's looking like it will take a huge miracle for them to win on 18th September. They need a game changer and a miracle, and it doesn't look like that's going to happen. I think the NOs will win by a much bigger distance than they did in the Quebec referendum.

Galloway has lots of pals and it's a good bet his attacker is the one in danger of getting croaked. ;)

So Galloway was attacked for his racist, inflammatory, hate speech, which incited racial hatred - one which led to him being arrested by police - and yet you hope Galloway's thugs get their own back for beating up Galloway's anti-racism attacker?

This is the REAL "non-racist" Left we're seeing right now.

Put it this way, had Galloway been a member of the BNP and he called for Bradford to be Muslim-free or blacks-free you and your other hypocritical anti-Semitic Galloway apologists would have called for his head, calling him a "racist" and a "bigot".

But because Galloway is a rabid Lefty and the leader of a racist Far-Left party which doesn't like Jews his bigotry and racism are excused by the Lefties. It's disgraceful. One rule for the Left.....

By the way, talking of Scottish independence - Galloway, who is a Scot, is against Scottish independence. There could be all sorts of reasons for this, but my bet is that, in the unlikely event of the Scots voting to ween themselves off Mother England's generous teat, he and all the other Scottish MPs in England - most of whom are all thuggish, Left-wing bullies like Galloway - will be kicked out of Britain, and no Scot will be allowed to stand for parliament in an English, Welsh or Northern Irish constituency anymore, because no foreigner can be a British MP.

So Scottish independence = No more George Galloway and his ilk as British MPs anymore. No wonder Galloway wants Scotland to remain in the Union. He'd no longer be able to spout his anti-Semitic drivel if Scotland became independent.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Harper: 'Clearly this act of violence has no sociological source and local law enforcement can take care of it.'


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
I'm going to assume you're being facetious because if one can't support the right to utter the speech you hate or disagree with, then one does not support free speech.

Yep, it makes one a fascist. Not good company to be in...


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Talking when he should have been listening ? 8O
He's a political figure, he's supposed to talk, . . . . a lot. The news worthy part is he represents Gaza and they are supposed to be the evil minions yet it was 'the other side' that resorted to the action of an 'evil' person. Just like the ones cheering somebody being assaulted over his arguments being debated are the same little evil minions that they are claiming the people of Gaza are. A point that is swept away from being considered to be the major point of the 'whole incident'.