We have way too much government in Canada, and the numbers needs to be drastically reduced. I'm not talking about front-line workers, I'm talking about the numbers of MPs, Provincial MLA's and senior bureaucrats, most of whom we could and should shed to save money for taxpayers. In the public service, those at the top of the bureaucratic pay-scale should be eliminated, and the money saved could be put to much better use in healthcare and education, while leaving the people in place on the front lines, because it is them that actually does all the work, with too few people. These front-line workers are continually being told by senior bureaucrats that they need to learn to do more with less, while the senior bureaucrats don't or won't follow their own advice. In fact these same senior bureaucrats sees nothing wrong with rewarding themselves with bonuses for doing nothing except what they are already generously overpaid to do.
The federal government is the house of commons and the senate, my answer is count up the sitting members and divide by 2.
Or maybe your talking about federal government employees? In that case it is impossible to put any numbers to it unless one knows how many of those there are. Give us the current number of federal employees and we might have a starting point to give you an answer.
A good place to start is by dividing the number of MPs, Senators, and Provincial MLAs, and eliminate at least half of those positions. The same should be applied to the ranks of senior bureaucrats, considering the fact that they do little to nothing for the huge salaries they are being paid, while they sit back and lay-off front-line workers, they very people who actually does all of the work.