Christian Inclusiveness


Council Member
Jun 18, 2013
"Jesus was both scandalously inclusive and curiously exclusive. He included in his fellowship those who were often excluded from religious fellowship (tax collectors, “sinners,” lepers, women, children). Yet he excluded notable religious leaders and others who were unable to receive the kingdom of God with the humility and openness of a child.

However while Jesus extended the grace of the kingdom to many who were wounded or sinful, he didn’t include them in their brokenness, but rather restored them to wholeness as they entered his community.

Is it true that Jesus was inclusive? If so, in what sense was Jesus inclusive? Were there limits to Jesus’ inclusiveness?"
Inclusiveness of Jesus


Council Member
Jun 18, 2013
Is it true that Jesus was inclusive? If so, in what sense was Jesus inclusive? Were there limits to Jesus’ inclusiveness?

Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven." (Matthew 10:32-33 NIV)

The "whoever" statements in the gospels reveal the extent of Jesus' inclusiveness.

"Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it." (Matthew 10:38-39 NIV)

"Whoever" implies an open invitation to all.

"Whoever has ears, let them hear." (Matthew 11:15 NIV)

"Whoever" includes everyone with ears.


rigid member
May 31, 2007
there are the whoevers or there are the whoever-elses

I guess you can't be both


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Council Member
Jun 18, 2013
Everybody knows Jesus is the world's # 1 Jewish liberal: But even he had his prejudices and excluded these characters:

How dare Jesus exclude anyone? That seems so intolerant.
Last edited:


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
How dare Jesus exclude anyone? That seems so intolerant.

If he were a god, he wouldn't exclude anyone!

Sister, sister! Mum loved us both unconditionally. She would not have harmed either of us; it was not in her nature. So a mother; even more so a god.


Council Member
Jun 18, 2013
If he were a god, he wouldn't exclude anyone!

Sister, sister! Mum loved us both unconditionally. She would not have harmed either of us; it was not in her nature. So a mother; even more so a god.

Dear Brother Spade. You seem to equate exclusion with harm. Please explain.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
Dear Brother Spade. You seem to equate exclusion with harm. Please explain.

An aside, Sister.

In Steinbeck's novel, East of Eden, two brothers vie for their father's love. The boys, abandoned in infancy by their mother, are raised with the help of a Cantonese cook. As the boys grow, the cook, observes that one child is favoured by the father over the other. The cook draws parallels with Cain and Abel in the Genesis myth. The cook concludes that as in human families, the god of the Bible had favourites. And, of course, our myths, such as Genesis, teach us about ourselves not our gods.

The perfect mother/father has no favourites. Our theologies are flawed.


Council Member
Jun 18, 2013


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
O Motar. Listen, my sister, to the gods crying "No!" The Apocalyse of St. John is not about the future; it is a coded description of the Roman past.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I agree, Spade. We are wired for healthy social interaction. That being said, I submit that some social interaction is unhealthy. In such cases, timely and temporary exclusion is the healthy choice for everyone involved.

Revelation 7 - 144,000 sealed are Israel, DB.

144,000/666 gives a repeating decimal. 216.216216216------------------------------this is lunar orbital stuff

Number 144 versus 666 | hydrogen2oxygen
Number 144 versus 666 | hydrogen2oxygen
May 1, 2013 - Curiosities Imperfect for all eternity: 144000 / 216 = 666,666666666666... 144000 / 666 = 216,216216216216... Still missing a thousandth:

Numerology: Or, What Pythagoras Wrought
Underwood Dudley - 1997 - ‎Mathematics
Notice that 144000/666 = 216.216216216. .. and 216 = 6•6•6. (p(666) = 216 = 6•6•6. (<p(/i) is Euler's <p-function of n: the number of positive integers less than ..


Council Member
Jun 18, 2013
48 aside, Sister. In Steinbeck's novel, East of Eden, two brothers vie for their father's love. The boys, abandoned in infancy by their mother, are raised with the help of a Cantonese cook. As the boys grow, the cook, observes that one child is favoured by the father over the other. The cook draws parallels with Cain and Abel in the Genesis myth. The cook concludes that as in human families, the god of the Bible had favourites. And, of course, our myths, such as Genesis, teach us about ourselves not our gods. The perfect mother/father has no favourites. Our theologies are flawed.

Dear Brother, in Genesis, we learn about the rivalry between Ishmael and Isaac that rages in the Middle East today. Abraham's direct and Sarah's indirect favoritism still inflames this sibling rivalry in our contemporary world. Not surprising then is Isaac's perpetuation of this fallen human trait as he and Rebecca each favor Esau and Jacob, respectively. Jacob continues this bent human tendency in favoring one child (Joseph) over all the others. In the written record of this one family, we discover the spiritual and physical carnage that this decidedly human behavior (favoritism) produces.

Here is a partial list of NIV Bible references clearly denouncing favoritism: Acts 10:34, Galatians 2:6, Ephesians 6:9, Colossians 3:25, 1Timothy 5:21, James 2:1 and James 2:9. "For God does not show favoritism." (Romans 2:11 NIV)


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Bingo, the sign

An aside, Sister.

In Steinbeck's novel, East of Eden, two brothers vie for their father's love. The boys, abandoned in infancy by their mother, are raised with the help of a Cantonese cook. As the boys grow, the cook, observes that one child is favoured by the father over the other. The cook draws parallels with Cain and Abel in the Genesis myth. The cook concludes that as in human families, the god of the Bible had favourites. And, of course, our myths, such as Genesis, teach us about ourselves not our gods.

The perfect mother/father has no favourites. Our theologies are flawed.

Theology was clean in the old days, gimmee that old tim,e religion.

You are avoiding the numbers Motar.

I agree, Spade. We are wired for healthy social interaction. That being said, I submit that some social interaction is unhealthy. In such cases, timely and temporary exclusion is the healthy choice for everyone involved.

Revelation 7 - 144,000 sealed are Israel, DB.

tThese are the endarkened not the enlightened. Simple counterweight to light, this provides for balance and harmony. We empower them.


Council Member
Jun 18, 2013
O Motar. Listen, my sister, to the gods crying "No!" The Apocalyse of St. John is not about the future; it is a coded description of the Roman past.

Dear Brother Spade, please note John's instructions: "Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later." (Revelation 1:9 NIV) I am currently studying the Apokalupsis (uncovering/unveiling/revelation). I am encountering both the layers of truth and the microscopic (present)/telescopic (past/future) views in Revelation which are present throughout all of Scripture.

You are avoiding the numbers Motar.

Revelation 7, DB. The numbers are recorded for us - 144,000/12 tribes=12,000 sealed from each tribe of Israel


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Dear Brother Spade, please note John's instructions: "Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later." (Revelation 1:9 NIV) I am currently studying the Apokalupsis (uncovering/unveiling/revelation). I am encountering both the layers of truth and the microscopic (present)/telescopic (past/future) views in Revelation which are present throughout all of Scripture.

Revelation 7, DB. The numbers are recorded for us - 144,000/12 tribes=12,000 sealed from each tribe of Israel
Israel is the grade of the enlightened. In our age that grade has been misappropriated. If youd steal a grade your steal anything. 12x12=144 yer confused by numerology. I don't think you know the subject very well. Yer discovering natural philosophy the mater of science,