Right-wing places in Alberta


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
The Conservative Government of Alberta has a lot of what we call Red Tories.
Yes conservative but with many liberal features to balance it out. Oh don't
come to BC you will be disappointed in Lotus Land to be sure.
Saskatchewan is Conservative at the moment but it is the cradle of Socialism
in Canada. Manitoba you wouldn't like, Ontario changes by the week except
for Rob Ford who just goes silent from time to time.
Quebec is not the place for you either, New Brunswick conservative yes by
American Statndards no, Nova Scotia can't make up its mind Prince Edsard
Island is Liberal and Newfoundland well that is a different kettle of fish altogether
The fact is no matter what jurisdiction you are in, in Canada its a mixture of left
and right in an open society. America thinks we are all Socialists which is not
true either and that includes Alberta.
Personally I like things the way they are. On some issues I am very conservative
on other issues I side with the socialists, but I am not on one side or the other.
There are a lot of Canadians who respond with left and right views including in
Alberta. Perhaps this is not the homeland for you. I think you would suffer a real
culture shock at times I know I do and I have lived here all my life.


Jan 6, 2007
Essenz, welcome to the forum!

I live in Alberta, and have the entire 34 years I've been alive, even when I was living in the little corner of Alberta that is stupidly called BC (Fort St John).

I would highly suggest that you not move here with some notion that you are going to be pleased with the political landscape.

Firstly, day to day, Canadians are not highly political (this forum is an outlet for the geeky handful of us who like to argue politics). When people talk about polite Canadians, a general unwillingness to argue with one another over government is part of that (yes, there are some exceptions, but generally speaking).

And political views are not categorized the same as the US. My husband, for example, is considered conservative. Yet, he supports gay marriage, social assistance for the poor, and universal health care. There is a separation between his social views and his fiscal views, of supporting lower taxation, tax breaks to encourage corporate investment in our province, and other fiscally conservative views.

You might not find what you're looking for by basing your decision on politics, and then us Canadians would all feel bad that you went to all that trouble just to be let down.

If however, you do decide to make the move, if you're looking to base it on political compatibility, and conservative values are what you're after, then I'd suggest you look up past provincial election results, find where the Wild Rose party gained the most votes, and move there.


New Member
Nov 30, 2013
there is good and bad everywhere, it is not left or right, there are malicious people who are left, there are malicious people who are right...in general people who are malicious are just not very happy with themselves.

This Absolute Tagism really is the soil of leftism thought. You understand things should be more and more specific. I was pointed out that the people in indirect and lesser individual cultures their interperson relationships really much more bad than direct ones and higher individualism ones. Of course the influential factors will be a lot, not only because of this, also depends on individual and specific ones, but if only these two factors themselves, it is like this. Direct culture means self-express, and high Individualism(best is total) is a way from fake collectivism and self-ruin and mutual; in those kind of culture is just as Sartre said "Others are hell", because each individual knows it is TRUE, also in this kind of culture there majority only have two kinds: The fake good men whom like Moral Superiority and stupid, and the stupid cunning(cunning, but no true wisdom) men whom put all energy to do conspiracies to take a part with masters or / and be masters' proxies to get little benefits; top masters have no soul nor spirit, identify them with little treasures they get from the pigpen,and the whole group as a sum of individual choices become worser and worser then be replaced by a worser one, long time thought top ruling class would change, but the pattern is similar. I am saying this is because of I deeply(more deeper compare with the ones whom only be treated as outsider) understand multiple cultures, not only as an outsider, but also as an insider.

Leftists are actually different with what they say; they say things are relative but they actually think things are absolute and the view about things are not exist in comparison. Things do have better or worser, in some perception, of some characteristics. That's why there has success or fall, rich or poor.


Someone talked about Millionaire, I think in current day's value, a million(States' Dollars) is nothing. If a person spend several decades and only get one million or two, that's very not good.

there is good and bad everywhere, it is not left or right, there are malicious people who are left, there are malicious people who are right...in general people who are malicious are just not very happy with themselves.

If you are set on moving to Canada Alberta is a beautiful province with lots of opportunity. If you are setting up a business and need to hire lots of people for your business, it might be hard to find employees because they can be choosey about where they work because there are so many opportunities.
Thank you for the second part you replied.

Most rural communities in Western Canada has the values you are looking for. Heck, even rural ON is very conservative.
Thank you for your info, sir.


New Member
Nov 30, 2013
Captain Morgan, please accept my deepest apology, we may not agree but you at least sound like you've been to school.
Go to another place to rant, pathetic. Still think other individuals are one with you?
I said you don't need to stick in here, you don't know the basic thing that don't disrupt another person's post and want to see your low self in here?


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Go to another place to rant, pathetic. Still think other individuals are one with you?
I said you don't need to stick in here, you don't know the basic thing that don't disrupt another person's post and want to see your low self in here?

You don't get to determine who posts where in this forum. Go ahead, tell me not to 'stick in here'...watch how well that will work.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Go to another place to rant, pathetic. Still think other individuals are one with you?
I said you don't need to stick in here, you don't know the basic thing that don't disrupt another person's post and want to see your low self in here?

How do you think of yourself?
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1 thru 10 as a self rating guide. 1 bad- 10 excellent - 4-6 average.
Add others if you wish.


New Member
Nov 30, 2013
The Conservative Government of Alberta has a lot of what we call Red Tories.
Yes conservative but with many liberal features to balance it out. Oh don't
come to BC you will be disappointed in Lotus Land to be sure.
Saskatchewan is Conservative at the moment but it is the cradle of Socialism
in Canada. Manitoba you wouldn't like, Ontario changes by the week except
for Rob Ford who just goes silent from time to time.
Quebec is not the place for you either, New Brunswick conservative yes by
American Statndards no, Nova Scotia can't make up its mind Prince Edsard
Island is Liberal and Newfoundland well that is a different kettle of fish altogether
The fact is no matter what jurisdiction you are in, in Canada its a mixture of left
and right in an open society. America thinks we are all Socialists which is not
true either and that includes Alberta.
Personally I like things the way they are. On some issues I am very conservative
on other issues I side with the socialists, but I am not on one side or the other.
There are a lot of Canadians who respond with left and right views including in
Alberta. Perhaps this is not the homeland for you. I think you would suffer a real
culture shock at times I know I do and I have lived here all my life.
Thank you sir for your reply. As I stayed in States I discovered the most old generations are much more better than younger ones, the most old generations although they have their stupidities but generally they are very good people, they are the ones that have a lot of excellences. Different with what neo con and new liberal's propaganda, I think the old generations are much more love freedom and much more opening and adventurous than the younger ones. Although they lack of individual spirituality but they as in a religion they do believe god and know there should no hatred in a person's mind.

"On some issues I am very conservative"
It's not about that but about you sir respond my post without cynical without hatred inside, compare with a lot of rest, esp. some more pathetic ones in them, you are much more better.

" Perhaps this is not the homeland for you. "
I don't need to treat one place as only place to live. As I said what I want is get another passport. You would like to know that the current day's governments like to do a thing called treasure confiscation. Like the stuff in South, it passed a new law that if you want to quit States and if it thinks your overall money over a certain number, it will take a large part of your assets, or / and it will ban you from enter States forever as masters still in power and don't want change.

Also delete your passport while you are in another country, and if at that time you only have one then it will be very tragic.

" I think you would suffer a real culture shock"
Cultural Shock is a collectivism conception. Lefts always liking to create fake collectivism words. To me there is only the Individually Openess to see a new place. As I lived a lot of places I never had that. Before I made long term move I always check if I got relative high similarity with the majority people of that place; if not I also have preparations if I need to go to that place for some reasons. Also to me to study a new Indo-European Language only take short time, and it is becoming more and more shorter. The languages I know have already covered a lot of relative high develop places. Thank you for you reminder though.

" Oh don't come to BC“
I know BC coast is very left, I lived in places near it too.

"in Canada its"
Sir there has relative more right ones(the right in my stated above, Individualism)

Sir thank you again for your post. You are the type of person I would like to see in North America. It was very glad to see you.

May god(that christian god) bless you, sir!

Essenz, welcome to the forum!

I live in Alberta, and have the entire 34 years I've been alive, even when I was living in the little corner of Alberta that is stupidly called BC (Fort St John).

I would highly suggest that you not move here with some notion that you are going to be pleased with the political landscape.

Firstly, day to day, Canadians are not highly political (this forum is an outlet for the geeky handful of us who like to argue politics). When people talk about polite Canadians, a general unwillingness to argue with one another over government is part of that (yes, there are some exceptions, but generally speaking).

And political views are not categorized the same as the US. My husband, for example, is considered conservative. Yet, he supports gay marriage, social assistance for the poor, and universal health care. There is a separation between his social views and his fiscal views, of supporting lower taxation, tax breaks to encourage corporate investment in our province, and other fiscally conservative views.

You might not find what you're looking for by basing your decision on politics, and then us Canadians would all feel bad that you went to all that trouble just to be let down.

If however, you do decide to make the move, if you're looking to base it on political compatibility, and conservative values are what you're after, then I'd suggest you look up past provincial election results, find where the Wild Rose party gained the most votes, and move there.
"I would highly suggest that you not move here with some notion that you are going to be pleased with the political landscape. "
I am not for that. I said I would like to know cities near that.

"You might not find what you're looking for by basing your decision on politics"
As I said I don't look for a group of people like that. I am looking for specific individuals, and I have got a lot of ones whom living in different countries.

Also as I said I am not only come to that place because of political.

"find where the Wild Rose party gained the most votes, and move there."
I had did that long time. Databasing is what I did firstly. What I would like in here is do thing, like say to talk and see responses, to observe.

Thank you for some content in your reply, though.

To be very direct I talked with some other people whom are living in Alberta, some because of business, and they are not like the stuffs I met in here. I know the stuffs in here are different with a lot of people in Alberta, also much more lower than a lot of people whom I saw on internet that are currently living in States.

You don't get to determine who posts where in this forum. Go ahead, tell me not to 'stick in here'...watch how well that will work.
I said it very clearly, this is a place that everyone can post, do not disrupt another person's post would be the basic thing. If you want to show your low self then come to show, it will also make yourself feel low about yourself. You like that, pathetic?

How do you think of yourself?
Ability to see another’s perspective.
Working with others
Charity for those in need.
Clarity of thought
1 thru 10 as a self rating guide. 1 bad- 10 excellent - 4-6 average.
Add others if you wish.
That's what left thinks.
As me I treat me as myself, I don't compare with anyone because it's a degrade of myself, I will not attach my standard with any standard.

See that user name here?

And I need to say again, regardless how left's followers think about me, those followers have heavily works everyday, and I have good life that don't need to do that.

And the followers' only thing is come to here to rant to show its low self.

My husband, for example, is considered conservative. Yet, he supports gay marriage,

You might not find what you're looking for by basing your decision on politics, and then us Canadians would all feel bad that you went to all that trouble just to be let down.

If however, you do decide to make the move, if you're looking to base it on political compatibility, and conservative values are what you're after, then I'd suggest you look up past provincial election results, find where the Wild Rose party gained the most votes, and move there.

Firstly I am not con, regardless old con or neo con, I am right wing person in my own standards; secondly I think a person can decide its own marriage, but it is not because of the fake collective tag(that various lefts like to use pla) that it's a gay or non-gay.

" would all feel "
Well how some people think are not important, what important is what I get.

"you went to all that trouble just to be let down."
Not at all, I will get another passport, new experiences, open businesses and get money, and find and develop more specific ones(not a fake collectivism conception: community) I am looking at. I don't have to stay in Alberta, understand?
Different with you I move to here and there is always happening. And I don't think get new experiences is trouble.

I had known Wild Rose long time, personally to live with the places that a lot of people living there is a good option, but due to my essence I feel that leader is a con.

Alberta would give me 10 years or so before it beyonded a certain bad level.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Already this guy is a symbol of all things that would disappoint him here.
After all we are cousins to those people south of us he doesn't like. We
are all anti American until someone attacks either side of the border then
we close ranks that is how familis work they fight each other until someone
I don't dislike Americans I just don't want to be one. You cannot escape into
a fantacy world that doesn't exist. In Canada even conservatives are liberal
look at what karri wrote.
Antactica might be a place you could try but take a lot of wood to burn it gets
cold there. Oh you won't agree so I must be ranting eh?
and if you don't understand the "eh" thing you won't understand Canadians.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
This lunatic needs the help of a "Wellness Center" but that would only be a leftist concept that the mind can be healed.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Neo Con and New Liberal(see the wiki links in first post) are essentially same, they are all like to eliminate Individuality and advocate the few ones that control government's total control. It's just same thing different facade forms; this happened in Kingdoms several decades ago too, George Orwell noted this too, said regardless how they tag themselves as left or right they all turning to few control all, and eliminate individual. they just under different facade forms, like say to fake right ones would be attracted by a left thing under a right tag, like say they would think Bush's spy individual is protect, and Obama's is spy. Truly right ones will never be attracted by this, because he knows to see the more essential part of things instead of tag, and he knows the individuality is the eventually way to distinguish left and right, as well as spirituality.

I don't need to find any "community", this fake collective conception is what left like to use, I only need to find specific persons, I have got a lot, living in different countries.

I go to Alberta want to start businesses in here, add another businesses' brand of this area(I treat businesses as one so use singular), also get another passport. If a person does not get 3 or 5 passports he will be slave of a government, literally.


"What makes you think we want you here?“
You really have serious problems. You are a little thing that have no power instead of following masters. Depends on what you think you can decide whether I go to a place or not. I bet you in your life never get a high position and always be decided by this or that. That's why you rant here and put your energy in internet to troll another person's post instead of to do some positive things to yourself.

Plus, as I said, the one whom hide under fake collectivism "we" definitely very pathetic(I say pathetic means they themselves as individual as feel itself is pathetic) in their life as individual, that's why they identify themselves with masters, also that's why the masters like to see, stupid little subjects are similar everywhere, that's why masters have game to play.

"Where on earth did you get the idea that AB was right wing bastion? O'Reilly?"
That little play is your neo con left brothers like to watch, isn't it? You only know these little neo con channels, right?

correction: "add another businesses' brand of this area" ——> add another businesses' branch of area that I have

So you only want to be a Canadian of convenience. Explain to us in a sentence that is actually readable why we should let someone like you in when there are so many people that truly want to be Canadians. FOR some reason we don't like letting ignorant little pissants like you into our wonderful country and it is up to us, not you.


New Member
Nov 30, 2013
Already this guy is a symbol of all things that would disappoint him here.
After all we are cousins to those people south of us he doesn't like. We
are all anti American until someone attacks either side of the border then
we close ranks that is how familis work they fight each other until someone
I don't dislike Americans I just don't want to be one. You cannot escape into
a fantacy world that doesn't exist. In Canada even conservatives are liberal
look at what karri wrote.
Antactica might be a place you could try but take a lot of wood to burn it gets
cold there. Oh you won't agree so I must be ranting eh?
and if you don't understand the "eh" thing you won't understand Canadians.
"Already this guy is a symbol of all things that would disappoint him here."
I did not disappointed by anything, I just pointed out a fact that the WildRose's leader I feel as a con. She is no different with other so-called politicians that will change positions for elections.

A person does have to attach with a party, understand? Only the ones whom as individual is tragic will do that.

"You cannot escape into
a fantacy world that doesn't exist."
I don't need to escape to anywhere. From where you get this information? I got a lot of friends whom love freedom, I have money and properties. Multiple passports only individual whom are powerful can get them isn't it? I just come to here to test how some people in Canada, now I tested out. Remember, there is always more than one option, if you want to move higher.

" Oh you won't agree so I must be ranting eh? "
You are not ranting, but you did not understand my words.

"and if you don't understand the "eh" thing you won't understand Canadians."
I don't need to understand the Canadians as the fake collective conception. What I know is those whom identify themselves with masters are NOT masters, they are not the ones whom can really call themselves as Canadian, the one whom represent Canadian like the Prime minister of Canada definitely is NOT one of these; the ones whom would make a deal with me about my new passport is not those ones in here. I know I pay the money, I start the businesses, I get money back, I get a new passport, that are what I want, and non of you have the power to decide this, because you are not masters, you are subjects of masters though you identify yourself with them.

Also, if you want to say indirect things like "eh", I don't need to know too, I saw a lot of this stuffs, always coming from the ones in bad position, in that individual's life.

"Antactica might be a place you could try"

I did not go to there but one person I knew went to there. Surprised you?

So you only want to be a Canadian of convenience. Explain to us in a sentence that is actually readable why we should let someone like you in when there are so many people that truly want to be Canadians. FOR some reason we don't like letting ignorant little pissants like you into our wonderful country and it is up to us, not you.
"This lunatic needs the help of a "Wellness Center" but that would only be a leftist concept that the mind can be healed."

Patheic I know your life is very bad, and it will getting worser and worser I know you are facing consequences everyday.

I know you will worry about next month's living cost isn't it? Maybe need to get up early to working at boss' place?

So you only want to be a Canadian of convenience. Explain to us in a sentence that is actually readable why we should let someone like you in when there are so many people that truly want to be Canadians. FOR some reason we don't like letting ignorant little pissants like you into our wonderful country and it is up to us, not you.
sorry, forum error, replied to wrong person

why we should let someone like you

Sorry, you are the subject of masters, you don't have the power decide who will in and who will out

You are not Canadian, still don't understand? The ones whom can represent Canadian, like the Prime Minister of Canada is NOT same kind with you, though you identify with it. That's the result of being identify with masters.

Canada also have very serious population problem that the population as average is older and older, need money and investment. Also as a person told me welcome outside immigrations are associate with Colonial Government need outside people justify its governance. Also a lot of people whom only treat Canada as a bridge to States or other places, like a motel.

I am a true person that I care specific Individuals I like instead of a fake collective conception. Thank all of you today let me see some people in Canada's quality. I thought most people in States are stupid but they are not malicious and stupid like this.

Glad to talk business with some people in Alberta let me know this is not all.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
"Already this guy is a symbol of all things that would disappoint him here."
I did not disappointed by anything, I just pointed out a fact that the WildRose's leader I feel as a con. She is no different with other so-called politicians that will change positions for elections.

A person does have to attach with a party, understand? Only the ones whom as individual is tragic will do that.

"You cannot escape into
a fantacy world that doesn't exist."
I don't need to escape to anywhere. From where you get this information? I got a lot of friends whom love freedom, I have money and properties. Multiple passports only individual whom are powerful can get them isn't it? I just come to here to test how some people in Canada, now I tested out. Remember, there is always more than one option, if you want to move higher.

" Oh you won't agree so I must be ranting eh? "
You are not ranting, but you did not understand my words.

"and if you don't understand the "eh" thing you won't understand Canadians."
I don't need to understand the Canadians as the fake collective conception. What I know is those whom identify themselves with masters are NOT masters, they are not the ones whom can really call themselves as Canadian, the one whom represent Canadian like the Prime minister of Canada definitely is NOT one of these; the ones whom would make a deal with me about my new passport is not those ones in here. I know I pay the money, I start the businesses, I get money back, I get a new passport, that are what I want, and non of you have the power to decide this, because you are not masters, you are subjects of masters though you identify yourself with them.

Also, if you want to say indirect things like "eh", I don't need to know too, I saw a lot of this stuffs, always coming from the ones in bad position, in that individual's life.

"Antactica might be a place you could try"

I did not go to there but one person I knew went to there. Surprised you?

"This lunatic needs the help of a "Wellness Center" but that would only be a leftist concept that the mind can be healed."

Patheic I know your life is very bad, and it will getting worser and worser I know you are facing consequences everyday.

I know you will worry about next month's living cost isn't it? Maybe need to get up early to working at boss' place?

sorry, forum error, replied to wrong person

Sorry, you are the subject of masters, you don't have the power decide who will in and who will out

You are not Canadian, still don't understand? The ones whom can represent Canadian, like the Prime Minister of Canada is NOT same kind with you, though you identify with it. That's the result of being identify with masters.

Canada also have very serious population problem that the population as average is older and older, need money and investment. Also as a person told me welcome outside immigrations are associate with Colonial Government need outside people justify its governance. Also a lot of people whom only treat Canada as a bridge to States or other places, like a motel.

I am a true person that I care specific Individuals I like instead of a fake collective conception. Thank all of you today let me see some people in Canada's quality. I thought most people in States are stupid but they are not malicious and stupid like this.

Glad to talk business with some people in Alberta let me know this is not all.

You really are a stupid little prick. Definitely not Canadian material.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The whole thread is a little bit distasteful in categorizing people by their political orientation which is not a stable "yardstick" to say the least. People are many things and most of the things aren't related to politics. Most of us don't think about politics on a day to day or even week to week basis. We are too involved in what we do and many of us just want to co-exist peacefully with as many people as we can. People who dwell on politics 24/7 are mostly very shallow and narrow minded and not too tolerant. Not only that but most of the people they aspire to are a bunch of A$$holes. -:)


New Member
Nov 30, 2013
You really are a stupid little prick. Definitely not Canadian material.
You are more worser, full of malicious.

As your user name, taxslave, isn't it?

"Definitely not Canadian material."
Hey I am not as you be located as Canada. I dislike Canada, as it is decaying too, you will become more and more poor.

I only go to some places of Alberta, get passport from my deal with your owners, the true canadians whom master you and can decide things, with their praises for my contribution to local prosperous(not to you, understand?), then get out. And you continuing be a taxslave as you stated.


Jan 6, 2007
I find it odd that you'd come ask people's views and opinions and then be such a prick about them.

Move to Alberta, anywhere will do, but don't bitch that you weren't warned it might not be what you expected.

Good luck to you!


New Member
Nov 30, 2013
The whole thread is a little bit distasteful in categorizing people by their political orientation which is not a stable "yardstick" to say the least. People are many things and most of the things aren't related to politics. Most of us don't think about politics on a day to day or even week to week basis. We are too involved in what we do and many of us just want to co-exist peacefully with as many people as we can. People who dwell on politics 24/7 are mostly very shallow and narrow minded and not too tolerant. Not only that but most of the people they aspire to are a bunch of A$$holes. -:)
I did not see this kind of malicious persons a lot of years. This kind of malicious is really rare. In any kind of language it's very rare to see stuffs like this.

How big hatred they have will do things like this? It's total different with the people whom are currently living with Alberta I am doing business with.

I find it odd that you'd come ask people's views and opinions and then be such a prick about them."

I only asked one question in the first post okay? I did not ask those to rant this. Or to be this attitude is ususal to those stuffs?

I discovered they are different with the people in Alberta I do business with.

I find it odd that you'd come ask people's views and opinions and then be such a prick about them.

Move to Alberta, anywhere will do, but don't bitch that you weren't warned it might not be what you expected.

Good luck to you!
" anywhere will do "
of course not anywhere

" but don't bitch that you weren't warned it might not be what you expected."
that is only you would be bitch. That is a signal of useless. If I dislike a place, I get passport then I leave.

I will request the admins to delete the post, since I met those kind of stuffs. Guys in here are different with whom I do business with. Long time did not see this kind of quality anywhere. It is very good to say bye bye with those stuffs. Also thanks to those parts whom provide some info.