If he sought any help at a facility the Press would be at the door like wolves.
I don't think so. I think at that point they would back off or face a public backlash. The Toronto Star took a lot of heat for that video they paid 5 G's for and from folks who aren't Ford friendly. I think if he said, "It's time to get some help." They'd back off.
All things being equal I would take Ford the buffoon - who has kept a number of his promises- over John Tory a Party hack.
But I find all these police resources were to get Ford with something. No arrests and they had probable cause up the hoop.
Look at the resources assigned to this.
Makes a man wonder it do, yes it do.
I disagree, I think that TO blew it when they didn't elect John Tory and I think Ontario blew it when they got wrapped up in that religious school thing. Tory is a centrist and a smart guy and very respected.