Welfare should be eliminated.

Welfare should be eliminated.

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • No

    Votes: 17 85.0%

  • Total voters


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I think your system works better from what I have seen. Still abuse but from my wife's state of WV, when she was on assistance, the state paid a good chunk of her rent, gave her food stamps for food, and allowed her to work as she was able without penalizing her for her effort (up to a point I think).

Well each state is different. The more checks and balances the more scrutiny.

Here in Mass your wife could have had her whole rent paid, SNAP card to be used everywhere plus free food banks,... I could go on and on... and not had to work at all.

I think the big problem with Canada's system is they give cash. Somebody gets a government cheque, goes out and parties for the weekend and then is begging on the street because they have no more money for rent or food. There is no semblance of control. If assistance is to be provided, it should be in the form of housing and food.


There is no cash given... but they can take their EBT cards to the ATM for that. Or they can sell their EBT card for cash and get a new one. That is done often.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Anyone who would request that has not heard of what the world was
like prior to and during the Great Depression. Secondly if we were to
do as you say Boomer the 2008 crash would have resulted in a full on
Depression and civil unrest like we have never experienced.
Welfare needs some fine tuning I admit but to eliminate it would drive
the cost of everything up.

People who are on disability would suffer
Children would suffer the most in our society
The job market would suffer as people who cannot work would drain
other resourses.

We should be looking to solve the problems that have people on welfare
cure that problem or move those with mental issues into other programs
make sure people without workplace skill get them by investing in them
Once we have educated trained people ready for the workforce earning
a living wage we'll have more tax revenue to support all kinds of programs.
Education and training should not be an expense it should be an investment.
If we did that in a decade we would have less welfare and we would be able
to pay those who are handicapped etc more money and still save our tax
dollars. Truth is governments love welfare and they like people on it as it
keeps us focussed on it instead of their deficiencies elsewhere and corporate
welfare is more acceptable.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
You get my point though. If you don't want your money going to stupid things, it makes more sense to tackle the tax issue altogether, doesn't it?

Like trying to get the govt. to stop taxing us? Well that is why there is a Tea Party and other conservative groups. But naturally they're all racist and against women.

The fact that the focus is on welfare recipients, and not arts funding, corporate welfare, etc.,

Oh they tried tackling the NEA... National Endowment for the Arts. However if you come out against mandatory tax funded art... you're trampling on Freedom of Speech!

Going against PBS... you're an idiot saying Big Bird is the problem.

And Corporate Bail Outs... when the Administration failed to stop them it got pretty quiet about them.

is symptomatic of someone having sold you the idea that these people specifically are stealing your money.

Nah... the state steals it and buys votes. Keeps em' fat and comfy and buses them to the polls every few years.

You know what? I have way less issue with an uneducated trailer trash momma getting my tax dollars, than I do with a million dollar painting, or an interpretive dance exhibition, or a corporation, getting it.

I have problems with them too! Equally... add PBS to that list as well... add pork projects as well.

lol. Oh come on now, stop wringing your hands, and calm down about a simple saying.

I was joking with JLM. He got it. I figured most would.

We should be looking to solve the problems that have people on welfare
cure that problem or move those with mental issues into other programs
make sure people without workplace skill get them by investing in them
Once we have educated trained people ready for the workforce earning
a living wage we'll have more tax revenue to support all kinds of programs.
Education and training should not be an expense it should be an investment.
If we did that in a decade we would have less welfare and we would be able
to pay those who are handicapped etc more money and still save our tax
dollars. .

Sigh.... Oh DG DG DG

As I said... it must be nice not seeing who these people are every day and what they think about your lofty ideals. I would LOVE to see you in a Welfare Office with an available job in one hand and an EBT card in the other.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Google is your friend.. or all that sod busting going to your head.. besides isn't the sod frozen now.. :lol:
Those people that are tapping your phone and reading your email illegally do the same thing to those sucking the SS lollipop legally but they go far far far deeper into your records. If they laid charges against all those caught defrauding the system the courts costs would be insane so they just make them pay it back by taking off their cheque.

Big Brother is indeed watching the money and information flow.

Welfare Reform

1. Drug Test all recipients.

2. You collect a check, you being paid by the government to look for work, provide a list of 5 places you contacted per day. 25 a week.

3. Re-school some recipients with trades.. welding ticket, plumber ticket, mechanics, construction
Hire them all in the call center needed to verify they are looking for work.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
It's amazing how vindictive people become about 'freeloaders'.. when faced with an economy that is failing to produce enough jobs for young people to start a career and family, where people no longer can anticipate life time employment, decent pensions, financial security for their families regardless of their education

Fix the disastrous Free Market economy so that people who are willing to work can get jobs with a living wage for them and their families.. and THEN.. worry about the deadbeats.

The real deadbeats in the economy are the brokers, bankers and traders who have become rich by disenfranchising working Canadias of a decent livelihood.. and have bribed the government to tax them a pittance on their 'capital gains'.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
lol, if a society need to run at 3% unemployed it is a failed society, the ones having fun would be the ones 'on vacation' in a society where 3% work and they can feed the 97% that are not needed on the front lines. The point of 'keeping the alive and happy' is for when the well oiled system. The ones in danger are the ones that don't grow the food (boots on the ground) or the ones that have a set of useful skills. That does not include Wall St stockholder or other pencil pushers.
If you don't work you should be denied food or killed in some other way. At what point does forced starvation become an acceptable solution, it isn't like it isn't a favorite tool when killing many at little expense are the two requirements of the 'working class'.

Fix the disastrous Free Market economy so that people who are willing to work can get jobs with a living wage for them and their families.. and THEN.. worry about the deadbeats.
When the 'disasters' are intentional the the 'deadbeats' actually deserve a different title. Triple the payments to the 'unemployable ' so they can do something with their 'free time', if not you are treating the exactly like the 'slaves' the working think they are.

That is so when Wall St is sent home the drop in standards isn't so great. The poor can always adjust to being a bit more poorer, the rich becoming poor are the ones that won't survive ither by taking their own life of being killed for 'not fitting in'.

The real deadbeats in the economy are the brokers, bankers and traders who have become rich ....
I read an article just a few days ago where they gave a list of the CEO's that earned more that $100M in one years, several earned more than $1B, put a cap at $500K and then the rest goes to the poorest. If you can't spend it all in one years the surplus gets taxed back to the poor also. If they don't want to work under those conditions somebody will do it just because the like it rather than it is the way to get rich.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
I read an article just a few days ago where they gave a list of the CEO's that earned more that $100M in one years, several earned more than $1B, put a cap at $500K and then the rest goes to the poorest. If you can't spend it all in one years the surplus gets taxed back to the poor also. If they don't want to work under those conditions somebody will do it just because the like it rather than it is the way to get rich.

We had a far healthier and equitable economy when the CEOs earned perhaps 10X the average for their wage earners.. and were taxed progressively at 80% on the highest marginal rate, especially unearned capital gains. Now they might earn 100X more than their productive wage earners.. or a 10,000X if you include their sweat shop workers in foreign Maquilladoras.. and might be taxed at HALF or less the total tax rate of those workers.

That's the sign of a very sick.. and very unsustainable.. economic paradigm.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Welfare Reform

1. Drug Test all recipients.

2. You collect a check, you being paid by the government to look for work, provide a list of 5 places you contacted per day. 25 a week.

3. Re-school some recipients with trades.. welding ticket, plumber ticket, mechanics, construction
Addendum to the drug test: Make sure what you're paying for is actually IN the body and in expected amounts - taking out the folk who sell their prescriptions (or trade 'em for a drug of choice seeing as how popular stereotype and tiny minds paint all the disadvantaged and down-on-their-luck as dope fiends and drunks)


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Welfare Reform

1. Drug Test all recipients.

2. You collect a check, you being paid by the government to look for work, provide a list of 5 places you contacted per day. 25 a week.

3. Re-school some recipients with trades.. welding ticket, plumber ticket, mechanics, construction
Hey you dumb prick, do the math, if there are 50 jobs and 500 people somebody is going to be sitting on their ***, you should be at the head of the line destined to be sitting.
A ticket to a trade that is overstaffed??? time to send the teachers home too.

We had a far healthier and equitable economy when the CEOs earned perhaps 10X the average for their wage earners.. and were taxed progressively at 80% on the highest marginal rate, especially unearned capital gains. Now they might earn 100X more than their productive wage earners.. or a 10,000X if you include their sweat shop workers in foreign Maquilladoras.. and might be taxed at HALF or less the total tax rate of those workers.

That's the sign of a very sick.. and very unsustainable.. economic paradigm.
One that they will defend to their dying breath, by them I mean us, the bottom feeders.

Addendum to the drug test: Make sure what you're paying for is actually IN the body and in expected amounts - taking out the folk who sell their prescriptions (or trade 'em for a drug of choice seeing as how popular stereotype and tiny minds paint all the disadvantaged and down-on-their-luck as dope fiends and drunks)
Lets move the workers to that line also, make sure they are spending their money on things other than what they should be, like illegal drugs. The world needs responsible workers, ones that put all the excess money in the bank as a gift (after the appropriate taxes) for their great, great, great grandkids.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Lets move the workers to that line also, make sure they are spending their money on things other than what they should be, like illegal drugs. The world needs responsible workers, ones that put all the excess money in the bank as a gift (after the appropriate taxes) for their great, great, great grandkids.

If it's THEIR money, how is it any of YOUR business?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Hey you dumb prick, do the math, if there are 50 jobs and 500 people somebody is going to be sitting on their ***, you should be at the head of the line destined to be sitting.
A ticket to a trade that is overstaffed??? time to send the teachers home too.


If.... if if if

What if there are jobs but a person would just rather sit on their azz?

If it's THEIR money, how is it any of YOUR business?

He is part of the class that knows how people should live, eat, etc. The world according to him... and ENFORCED!


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
If they get do decide how much their talents are worth then let the poor dictated how much they need to survive above the 'suffering stage'.

What if there are jobs but a person would just rather sit on their azz?
Care to show the list that shows how many actually turned down a $259k a year job down so they could make $25k on welfare? No excises a list af actual people who have done that/


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Care to show the list that shows how many actually turned down a $259k a year job down so they could make $25k on welfare?


Is that the bar now? They need a $259K job a year or nothing?

And $25K for welfare? Again.... lmfao.

Why did I even bother responding to such idiocy.

No excises a list af actual people who have done that/

Good grief.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Nobody ever has, I agree.
How about turning down $80k for $20k then?

As to why you responded, you were hoping for some changes that you could see, I can see some changes, just not the big ones you were hoping for. The one where I say 'yes' to ever thing you say will never happen so feel free to start to hold your breath until that does happen.
Last edited:

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
If they get do decide how much their talents are worth then let the poor dictated how much they need to survive above the 'suffering stage'.

Care to show the list that shows how many actually turned down a $259k a year job down so they could make $25k on welfare? No excises a list af actual people who have done that/
Where in Hell are you gonna find a place that even pays out 10 grand/year in welfare?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Nobody ever has, I agree.
How about turning down $80k for $20k then?

Please go on. Throw out more scenarios that have ZERO basis on reality.

As to why you responded, you were hoping for some changes that you could see, I can see some changes, just not the big ones you were hoping for. The one where I say 'yes' to ever thing you say will never happen so feel free to start to hold your breath until that does happen.

lol. Don't flatter yourself.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
What is with this popular notion to cancel/eliminate/ban everything whenever one discovers a problem with it? Isn't that like throwing the baby out with the bath water? Sure people do work the system, some people do. But there are people that legitimately need assistance. Why is it okay to say screw these 10 people because 2 or 3 have taken advantage?

I don't know but we seem to always define everything by the worst aspect of it. In my book that's simply tarring everyone with one brush.