Bible Logic

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
If this is you finest shrink work han up the shingle, you will go hungry.

It's not even a matter of belief, you can view it as fiction, the point is if you can't mesh any tow` references toget6her so the mesh (like day of the lord) you have some serious back-tracking to do. God ahead, even one or two OT references and explain how it works with other references, or how it doesn't if that is the case.
If you can't then your judgment that my version is wrong (and it has explanations for all of them) I accept that as a fact, what is holding you back other than fear and a lack of good judgment. lol
Not pretending to be a shrink, but it's immaterial as you don't seem to have a reply to what I said. What's holding me back? Disinterest and good sense; fear and judgement have nothing to do with it. Far as I can tell, the books in the Bible were written in sequence. I'm betting that everyone who wrote a book had read the previous books. From there, it isn't far-fetched to think later writers simply corroborated the previous books. However, that still doesn't mean the Bible is not fictional. The writers were human and made all kinds of claims.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Not pretending to be a shrink, but it's immaterial as you don't seem to have a reply to what I said. What's holding me back? Disinterest and good sense; fear and judgement have nothing to do with it. Far as I can tell, the books in the Bible were written in sequence. I'm betting that everyone who wrote a book had read the previous books. From there, it isn't far-fetched to think later writers simply corroborated the previous books. However, that still doesn't mean the Bible is not fictional. The writers were human and made all kinds of claims.
The 12 Books listed after Daniel were all written before Daniel and they all pick up the story where Daniel leaves off except for a few verses at the start of Daniel 12. That is exactly the opposite of what you are claiming happened, .... All 12 of those books have prophecies that only deal with the bruise to Satan's head.

Which question of yours did I miss? Did you know the ones killed by the sword in Isaiah 65 are the same ones that are killed by the sword in Re:19. What is the ultimate fate of the ones called 'the rest' in Re:20 based on that entire chapter? Take you all of 1 minute to read the chapter and form the 'right' answer. That task is beyond what you are willing to put forward, yet that doesn't stop you from claiming to know more about the Bible than somebody like myself. From my point of view that makes you delusional at the least and blind to what a 'fact is' as it would appear to be after reading a bit of Scripture. Daniel said he was writing about things he didn't understand, there is the argument for your other (baseless) assumption that they all worked off each others writings.


Council Member
Jun 18, 2013
MH, perhaps you could start another discussion thread concerning Bible prophecy. The subject of this thread is Bible logic. Can you cite any examples of logical reasoning from the Bible?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Which question of yours did I miss? Did you know the ones killed by the sword in Isaiah 65 are the same ones that are killed by the sword in Re:19. What is the ultimate fate of the ones called 'the rest' in Re:20 based on that entire chapter? Take you all of 1 minute to read the chapter and form the 'right' answer. That task is beyond what you are willing to put forward, yet that doesn't stop you from claiming to know more about the Bible than somebody like myself. From my point of view that makes you delusional at the least and blind to what a 'fact is' as it would appear to be after reading a bit of Scripture. Daniel said he was writing about things he didn't understand, there is the argument for your other (baseless) assumption that they all worked off each others writings.
You wrongly assume that the bible is the word of god and that the stuff written in it are facts. If you pulled your head out of the book long enough to read the history of the book, you would see that it is nothing what you think it is. But that ain't gonna happen and you will continue to be delusional about what is in the book. But, if you are not willing to listen to reason, then you have no right to be accusing others of what you are. Taking fiction as fact and truth, is not something that most people would be announcing to the world. You may know the contents of the book, but you know nothing about what the book is.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
The 12 Books listed after Daniel were all written before Daniel and they all pick up the story where Daniel leaves off except for a few verses at the start of Daniel 12. That is exactly the opposite of what you are claiming happened, .... All 12 of those books have prophecies that only deal with the bruise to Satan's head.
Ah, so the Bible wasn't written in sequence. Musta had time travel back then, I guess. Or someone mixed the books up. :)

Which question of yours did I miss? Did you know the ones killed by the sword in Isaiah 65 are the same ones that are killed by the sword in Re:19. What is the ultimate fate of the ones called 'the rest' in Re:20 based on that entire chapter? Take you all of 1 minute to read the chapter and form the 'right' answer. That task is beyond what you are willing to put forward, yet that doesn't stop you from claiming to know more about the Bible than somebody like myself. From my point of view that makes you delusional at the least and blind to what a 'fact is' as it would appear to be after reading a bit of Scripture. Daniel said he was writing about things he didn't understand,
Anyone can have a dream and write about it. So what?
there is the argument for your other (baseless) assumption that they all worked off each others writings.
Still doesn't negate that the Bible is hearsay. THAT sticks out like a porcupine in a balloon factory, but quibble about parts of it all you want.

MH, perhaps you could start another discussion thread concerning Bible prophecy. The subject of this thread is Bible logic. Can you cite any examples of logical reasoning from the Bible?
He just likes to brag about being the only person to have ever "decoded" the Bible. He really is harmless and is quite funny sometimes.

You wrongly assume that the bible is the word of god and that the stuff written in it are facts. If you pulled your head out of the book long enough to read the history of the book, you would see that it is nothing what you think it is. But that ain't gonna happen and you will continue to be delusional about what is in the book. But, if you are not willing to listen to reason, then you have no right to be accusing others of what you are. Taking fiction as fact and truth, is not something that most people would be announcing to the world. You may know the contents of the book, but you know nothing about what the book is.
It's his nature. He's too busy looking at pictures of small parts that he forgets about the picture of the book.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Anyway, yes I think logic is not omitted in the Bible, to a point. The entire basis of the Bible, though, hinges on an existence that is unknowable, mostly mysterious, and hidden. Kind of like the tooth fairy. THAT is why the logic is limited.


So then you would say that loading the Ark with both genders of every animal on earth is logical?

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him;
but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him,
lest they should be put out of the synagogue:

Still in it's simplest form it solves the problem of having a lot of zeros in something...
There's no conceivable leap of logic that'd enable you to interpret that verse as justifying counting by powers of ten. You've just come up with an after the fact rationalization to make the numbers come out close to what modern science says they are. If the powers of ten argument hadn't worked you'd just have come up with something else, same as theologians did when science began to show the earth could not possibly be as young as the Bible seemed to suggest. That's where the original argument that the days of creation did not really mean literal 24 hour days, but meant instead some unspecified longer period, came from.

That came after an initial burst of reading and a pause of about 10 years and then it became a matter of looking up answers to specific questions, now 15 years after that phase started I can blab about almost any part of the end times.
Yes, you've certainly demonstrated that beyond any doubt, but the chances that you're right are as close to zero as makes no practical difference. What you're really doing is seeing patterns that aren't real, finding significance in coincidences, and retrofitting data to suit what you long ago decided must be true. It's clear from modern neuroscience that those are very common errors in perception and reasoning the human mind is very good at making, it has evolved to preferentially make certain kinds of errors because they have survival value. Is that rustle in the grass an antelope or a big predator? Far safer to go with the false positive, behave as if it's a lion when it's not, than go with the false negative, assume it's an antelope when it's really a lion. In the former case you miss lunch, in the latter you die. An oversimplified example perhaps, but the fact remains, we are far more likely to see patterns that aren't there than to miss one that is, we are heavily biased in favour of finding patterns and that's what you're doing, finding patterns that aren't really there and forcing all the data you have to fit them.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
MH, perhaps you could start another discussion thread concerning Bible prophecy. The subject of this thread is Bible logic. Can you cite any examples of logical reasoning from the Bible?
If 42 months is determined and 5 months of that is used up how much time is left? Is that more in line with the points you would like to cover?

How about sloppy reading being a factor people today not understanding what is written in a very logical manner. Moses is said to have parted some water in the exodus story. If a person look at a map and the names mentioned and the other details (such as a strong wind from the east that blew all night) the 'logical' conclusion would be that the crossing took place at the narrow spot between the Greater and Little Bittern Lakes.

In the flood story what is more logical in the way to get 22ft of 'water' onto the top of Everest, turn it to snow or poof several billion cubic miles of water into being and then poof it away again. That is how some men say that story went. I would say those men are not firing on all cylinders rather than the book being in error. Any idea how hot it would have to be for the temp at the top of the mountain to be able to have water in liquid form, none of that stops mockers because their argument then becomes 'illogical'.

Rather than me poke around in the dark what are some blatant illogical things in the Bible? Is it logical that Gentile food was made clean in Acts:10. The last action made for Jews alone because moments after that happened Peter was teaching Gentiles about the Kingdom of God, some of them have not caught onto that 'logic' even today. Who is in error, the Bible (in that it promotes that 'fact') or the groups that support only the OT exodus and later version of what is food is clean and what is slop.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
So then you would say that loading the Ark with both genders of every animal on earth is logical?
If there was going to be a flood consisting of more water than is on the planet, and if it was possible to crowd 2 each of 2 million (or thereabouts) AND their food into a boat that is only 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high, especially if some of those species don't even like each other and some really like eating some of the others. Key word in that sentence is "if" and that "if" is incalculably massive.
Most likely there was a flood of some type back then, but it was a local flood, not global.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
In the flood story what is more logical in the way to get 22ft of 'water' onto the top of Everest, turn it to snow or poof several billion cubic miles of water into being and then poof it away again. That is how some men say that story went. I would say those men are not firing on all cylinders rather than the book being in error. Any idea how hot it would have to be for the temp at the top of the mountain to be able to have water in liquid form
Yup, I know, above 0C.
none of that stops mockers because their argument then becomes 'illogical'.
Jeeezez. Not even hardly. Like I keep saying, there OBVIOUSLY isn't enough water on the planet to cover ALL the planet in 20' of water, which makes the magic crap irrefutably necessary. BUT (huge BUT) magic is all about illusion.

Rather than me poke around in the dark
Wut? I thought you had the Bible all figured out. Kinda gave me the impression that if anyone on the planet was "in the dark" about the book, it was everyone except you.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit

I'll let y'all in on a secret.

Water below the firmament is ocean, water above the firmament is a lake.

meta4s are cool.


Council Member
Jun 18, 2013
Anyway, yes I think logic is not omitted in the Bible, to a point. The entire basis of the Bible, though, hinges on an existence that is unknowable, mostly mysterious, and hidden. Kind of like the tooth fairy. THAT is why the logic is limited.

LG, you are a superstar when it comes to maintaining the topic.

After silencing the Sadducees (Matthew 22:34), Jesus engaged the Pharisees, another politico-religious Jewish sect.

Jesus posed this logical dilemma: "What do you think about the Messiah? Whose son is he?' 'The Son of David,' they replied. He said to them, 'How is it then that David, speaking by the Spirit, calls him 'Lord'? For he says, 'The LORD said to my Lord: 'Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet.' 'If then David calls him, 'Lord,' how can he be his son?" (Matthew 22:42-45 NIV)

Taking into account the audience, how would you solve this logical puzzle?

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
In the flood story what is more logical in the way to get 22ft of 'water' onto the top of Everest, turn it to snow or poof several billion cubic miles of water into being and then poof it away again?
There are better options. Like, the story's not true, it's a didactic myth, or it was cribbed from older traditions, which were similarly not true, or it's about an extensive but still local flood that would have appeared to the parochial people of the time as if *their* whole world was flooded. All three of those could be true, and geology can even point to some events that might be the origin of such a folk memory, like the opening of the Bosporus and the Mediterranean flooding in to the Black Sea, or the opening of the Bab el Mandeb and the Indian Ocean flooding into the Red Sea. What's certainly not true is that there was a global flood that drowned the whole planet at any time during the existence of humans on it, there would be clear and unmistakeable evidence of it all over the world. Unless you're going to invoke the miraculous of course, in which case evidence becomes irrelevant, you can just claim god cleaned up after it so as not to leave any evidence.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
So then you would say that loading the Ark with both genders of every animal on earth is logical?
Loading them as babies is more logical that loading full grown ones. If you add in the manna from the 40 years at the start of the exodus the that same form of food would have been made available. With God that would be needlessly repeating himself, we are supposed to be able to make the connections rather than the same old, same old toss out the Bible as an error filled book.

If there are 14 different relationships with God available and 7 are good and 7 are bad, is it logical that if that information is not available to you that you cannot make a logical decision on who appears to be long to which group.

All God is required to do is tell us about things He is going to do before He does it, allowances are made for those that fail to understand the message. Smoothing out the bumps is not an option.

the former things are come to pass,
and new things do I declare:
before they spring forth I tell you of them.

For this shall the earth mourn,
and the heavens above be black:
because I have spoken it,
I have purposed it,
and will not repent,
neither will I turn back from it.


Council Member
Jun 18, 2013

I'll let y'all in on a secret.

Water below the firmament is ocean, water above the firmament is a lake.

meta4s are cool.

Could water below the firmament be liquid (oceans, lakes, etc.) and water above the firmament be vapor (clouds), Pet?