Bible Logic


Council Member
Jun 18, 2013
In the three synoptic gospels, Jesus uses logical reasoning to instruct the Sadducees, a first century politico-religious sect of Judaism. In Matthew 22:31-32, Mark 12:26-27 and Luke 20:37-38, Jesus quotes the writings of Moses in discussing the matter of life after death: “Thenhe said, “I am the God of your father(s), the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac andthe God of Jacob.”(Exodus 3:6 NIV)

Jesus' argument regarding life after death:

Abraham, Isaac and Jacob lived and died (Genesis)
God relates to them in the present tense in Exodus 3:6
Personal relationships can only occur between living persons
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are alive during Moses' earthly lifetime
There is life after death

Where else in the Bible can logical reasoning be found?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
"Where else in the Bible can logical reasoning be found? "
Everywhere, that is why it is the bible. Name a few you see as not being that way. Sometimes a different viewpoint is needed.

Why not quote Job instead?

So man lieth down, and riseth not: till the heavens be no more,
they shall not awake,
nor be raised out of their sleep.

O that thou wouldest hide me in the grave,
that thou wouldest keep me secret,
until thy wrath be past,
that thou wouldest appoint me a set time, and remember me!
If a man die,
shall he live again?
all the days of my appointed time will I wait,
till my change come.

Thou shalt call,
and I will answer thee:
thou wilt have a desire to the work of thine hands.


Council Member
Jun 18, 2013
"Where else in the Bible can logical reasoning be found? "

Certainly, MH, Jesus' logical reasoning with the Sadducees above is subtle. In context, the logic holds. The Sadducees embraced the first five books of the Bible as true. They had settled the matter of God's existence in their minds. They were theists. But they denied life after death. Jesus used their own sacred text (the Pentateuch) to validate life after death to them, quoting Moses: “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.” (Exodus 3:6 NIV)

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
In the three synoptic gospels, Jesus uses logical reasoning to instruct the Sadducees, a first century politico-religious sect of Judaism. In Matthew 22:31-32, Mark 12:26-27 and Luke 20:37-38, Jesus quotes the writings of Moses in discussing the matter of life after death: “Thenhe said, “I am the God of your father(s), the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac andthe God of Jacob.”(Exodus 3:6 NIV)

Jesus' argument regarding life after death:

Abraham, Isaac and Jacob lived and died (Genesis)
God relates to them in the present tense in Exodus 3:6
Personal relationships can only occur between living persons
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are alive during Moses' earthly lifetime
There is life after death

Where else in the Bible can logical reasoning be found?
Whatsisname said that so-and-so said .... Pretty limited logic. Wifey says her youngest sister is still in her heart even if she did die when she was 14. So to wifey, her little sis is still alive in a way.
If you take one part of the Bible so literally, you might as well take all of it literally.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
"you might as well take all of it literally."
Actually that is correct. If the bruise from Ge:3:15 was the death on the cross in one of the two references then a literal death is also going to be a fact (literal thing manifest in reality)

You would have a better understanding of what you read if you 'pictured the author' as being God and He uses a variety of methods to relay important information to you. The hardest part of that is accepting that God is intentionally putting things down in the same manner that a parent talks to a (not too bright) 3 year old.

Here is a quick example of how stupid we really are.

Genesis 1 gives us the history of the heaven and earth. Heaven is mentioned first so it was made first. It then goes on to give 6 steps that explain how life in the air, in the sea, and on the land came about.

Step 1 is the end of day 1 and the last step is the end of day 7. The exit from the garden was 4005BC (as promoted by some scholars and 4,000BC works just as good for this example. It can be made to match (and even surpass) our scientific community if, and only if, you add 1 zero to the date for each year you go backwards. You end up at 4,000,000,000BC as being the date the sun produced ligh so that the primitive ball of molten rock experienced it's first day/night cycle.

How smart are we that we didn't consider that on page one of a very long (single) document we are given dates that require using the power of 10 to be able to 'decode it'.

Is it already encrypted? A single document that covers the plans for the end and it is to remain 'hidden' until that time and it is split into writings bt 40 different people that mostly never met each other (more on this part later) and it is only when computers can do quick phrase searches that the original message is clearly understood. When the US was building the bomb they compartmentalized all operations as a way of protecting the information. If God gave a bit to all 40 and because it didn't make sense to anybody it was never tampered with to any great degree. The 'literal meaning' you first get from reading all the OT passages that contain the phrase 'day of the lord' were always meant to be a partial description of the day of the return, mostly the very first day.

If we can't read it how much more intelligent would we have to be to create it to begin with?

The coming out of the graves as described in Eze:37:1-14 is a literal event, it is the last part made real in what would be 6PM that same day, noon was the resurrection of the two witnesses to then 'best seats available to see all the vials poured out in 3 hours, 1/2 hour of silence and then the resurrection of that specific group who are the first people to ever visit the literal river that is described in Eze:47.

Now add 1,000 more prophetic verses and the way that day goes is descriptive enough that imagination is not needed. That also means there are a few passages that set the tone for what all the other ones build on. #1 being there is no person ever conceived that doesn't get a new name once the new earth exists.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
"It can be made to match (and even surpass) our scientific community if, and only if, you add 1 zero to the date for each year you go backwards..
And what is the justification for doing that? There's no indication in scripture that the counting should be done that way, or if there is it was evidently too subtle even for so diligent a student of the numbers as Bishop Ussher.

Here is a quick example of how stupid we really are.
And you're the only one smart enough to figure this out, are you?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
And what is the justification for doing that? There's no indication in scripture that the counting should be done that way, or if there is it was evidently too subtle even for so diligent a student of the numbers as Bishop Ussher.

And you're the only one smart enough to figure this out, are you?
Yup, that is just how obvious it is. God planted all that in the book and hid it from everybody for all these years just so Mhz could come along and spell it all out for us. Too bad all those people for the past thousands of years are screwed because the truth was not revealed until Mhz came along and broke the code. God is such psychopath for giving us his word and keeping the meaning hidden all this time.


Council Member
Jun 18, 2013
"you might as well take all of it literally."
Actually that is correct. If the bruise from Ge:3:15 was the death on the cross in one of the two references then a literal death is also going to be a fact (literal thing manifest in reality)

You would have a better understanding of what you read if you 'pictured the author' as being God and He uses a variety of methods to relay important information to you. The hardest part of that is accepting that God is intentionally putting things down in the same manner that a parent talks to a (not too bright) 3 year old.

Here is a quick example of how stupid we really are.

Genesis 1 gives us the history of the heaven and earth. Heaven is mentioned first so it was made first. It then goes on to give 6 steps that explain how life in the air, in the sea, and on the land came about.

Step 1 is the end of day 1 and the last step is the end of day 7. The exit from the garden was 4005BC (as promoted by some scholars and 4,000BC works just as good for this example. It can be made to match (and even surpass) our scientific community if, and only if, you add 1 zero to the date for each year you go backwards. You end up at 4,000,000,000BC as being the date the sun produced ligh so that the primitive ball of molten rock experienced it's first day/night cycle.

How smart are we that we didn't consider that on page one of a very long (single) document we are given dates that require using the power of 10 to be able to 'decode it'.

Is it already encrypted? A single document that covers the plans for the end and it is to remain 'hidden' until that time and it is split into writings bt 40 different people that mostly never met each other (more on this part later) and it is only when computers can do quick phrase searches that the original message is clearly understood. When the US was building the bomb they compartmentalized all operations as a way of protecting the information. If God gave a bit to all 40 and because it didn't make sense to anybody it was never tampered with to any great degree. The 'literal meaning' you first get from reading all the OT passages that contain the phrase 'day of the lord' were always meant to be a partial description of the day of the return, mostly the very first day.

If we can't read it how much more intelligent would we have to be to create it to begin with?

The coming out of the graves as described in Eze:37:1-14 is a literal event, it is the last part made real in what would be 6PM that same day, noon was the resurrection of the two witnesses to then 'best seats available to see all the vials poured out in 3 hours, 1/2 hour of silence and then the resurrection of that specific group who are the first people to ever visit the literal river that is described in Eze:47.

Now add 1,000 more prophetic verses and the way that day goes is descriptive enough that imagination is not needed. That also means there are a few passages that set the tone for what all the other ones build on. #1 being there is no person ever conceived that doesn't get a new name once the new earth exists.
"He uses a variety of methods to relay important information to you"
True, MH. There are at least six major literary genres in the Old Testament including narrative, law, poetry, wisdom, prophecy and apocalyptic writings.

Some of these genres, LG, are factual (historical narratives) and worthy of literal interpretation. Others are symbolic (poetry) and use literary devices such as metaphor to describe abstracts using concretes. It is important to approach Scripture with the awareness that individual books in the Bible may contain more than one of these genres. Consequently, we need to be familiar with genres and adjust our interpretation accordingly. Education on this subject is helpful. Inspiration, even better : )

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
"you might as well take all of it literally."
Actually that is correct. If the bruise from Ge:3:15 was the death on the cross in one of the two references then a literal death is also going to be a fact (literal thing manifest in reality).
If you believe it.

You would have a better understanding of what you read if you 'pictured the author' as being God and He uses a variety of methods to relay important information to you. The hardest part of that is accepting that God is intentionally putting things down in the same manner that a parent talks to a (not too bright) 3 year old.
Considering there's just as much evidence that I can flap my arms and fly as there is for this god, why would i accept that some imaginary critter wrote a book?

Here is a quick example of how stupid we really are.
Speak for yourself.

Genesis 1 gives us the history of the heaven and earth. Heaven is mentioned first so it was made first.
Couldn't have been. If your goofy god hadn't poofed itself into existence ..... First there was nothing.
It then goes on to give 6 steps that explain how life in the air, in the sea, and on the land came about.
Yeah, some 6 thousand years ago + or - a few.

Step 1 is the end of day 1 and the last step is the end of day 7. The exit from the garden was 4005BC (as promoted by some scholars and 4,000BC works just as good for this example. It can be made to match (and even surpass) our scientific community if, and only if, you add 1 zero to the date for each year you go backwards. You end up at 4,000,000,000BC as being the date the sun produced ligh so that the primitive ball of molten rock experienced it's first day/night cycle.
lol Fiddle with numbers all you want. Earth is about 4.55 billion years old. The sun is about 4.6 billion years old.

How smart are we that we didn't consider that on page one of a very long (single) document we are given dates that require using the power of 10 to be able to 'decode it'.
Smarter, actually. You can say whatever you want with numbers if you arbitrarily add a little here, subtract a little there, smudge a number to make it look like another, etc.

Is it already encrypted? A single document that covers the plans for the end and it is to remain 'hidden' until that time and it is split into writings bt 40 different people that mostly never met each other (more on this part later), {but all had read the same thing and liked it so they wanted to add there only little list of verses.
and it is only when computers can do quick phrase searches that the original message is clearly understood. When the US was building the bomb they compartmentalized all operations as a way of protecting the information. If God gave a bit to all 40 and because it didn't make sense to anybody it was never tampered with to any great degree. The 'literal meaning' you first get from reading all the OT passages that contain the phrase 'day of the lord' were always meant to be a partial description of the day of the return, mostly the very first day.
..... according to the poor, confused SOB that wrote Genesis. lol

If we can't read it how much more intelligent would we have to be to create it to begin with?
I dunno, can you read ancient text?

The coming out of the graves as described in Eze:37:1-14 is a literal event, it is the last part made real in what would be 6PM that same day, noon was the resurrection of the two witnesses to then 'best seats available to see all the vials poured out in 3 hours, 1/2 hour of silence and then the resurrection of that specific group who are the first people to ever visit the literal river that is described in Eze:47.
Maybe it did happen, maybe not. All we have is hearsay. And even then hearsay is subject to the biases of the speaker and the interpretation of the listener. I am not impressed.

Now add 1,000 more prophetic verses and the way that day goes is descriptive enough that imagination is not needed. That also means there are a few passages that set the tone for what all the other ones build on. #1 being there is no person ever conceived that doesn't get a new name once the new earth exists.
Ah, gotta love hearsay. No-one ever warps a tale or whatever.
Thanks for the laugh.
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Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Some of these genres, LG, are factual (historical narratives) and worthy of literal interpretation. Others are symbolic (poetry) and use literary devices such as metaphor to describe abstracts using concretes. It is important to approach Scripture with the awareness that individual books in the Bible may contain more than one of these genres. Consequently, we need to be familiar with genres and adjust our interpretation accordingly. Education on this subject is helpful. Inspiration, even better : )
Like any work of historical fiction, there is some truth and a whole bunch of creative license.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
"He uses a variety of methods to relay important information to you"
True, MH. There are at least six major literary genres in the Old Testament including narrative, law, poetry, wisdom, prophecy and apocalyptic writings.

Some of these genres, LG, are factual (historical narratives) and worthy of literal interpretation. Others are symbolic (poetry) and use literary devices such as metaphor to describe abstracts using concretes. It is important to approach Scripture with the awareness that individual books in the Bible may contain more than one of these genres. Consequently, we need to be familiar with genres and adjust our interpretation accordingly. Education on this subject is helpful. Inspiration, even better : )
So? If I wrote a book about anything, even a book of fiction, there'd almost definitely be some facts I'd known in it.
Still not impressed, but I am having fun. :)

What Cliff said.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
And what is the justification for doing that? There's no indication in scripture that the counting should be done that way, or if there is it was evidently too subtle even for so diligent a student of the numbers as Bishop Ussher.
Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him;
but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him,
lest they should be put out of the synagogue:

Still in it's simplest form it solves the problem of having a lot of zeros in something that was an oral only book for many centuries, let alone at the campfire talks. More numbers (no references as we covered this before) the 'nations of the whole earth' (Jer:25) just happens to be the same land area as the 1/4 that is destined to be ruled when the prophecy of the 4th seal unfolds as the reality described in cartoon form for the 5th and 6th trumps, overlaid with all the iron/clay references from any part of Daniel

Wasn't his speciality more to do with dating the early Bible from the exit frim the garden until the Ark grounded out? (rather than 'day of the Lord' material?

And you're the only one smart enough to figure this out, are you?
That came after an initial burst of reading and a pause of about 10 years and then it became a matter of looking up answers to specific questions, now 15 years after that phase started I can blab about almost any part of the end times. If it was delusional there would be some clashes along the way. There are a finite set of words and once you start sorting the bulk of the text into two piles that are defined by the two bruises in Ge:3:15. The history in the OT and the 4 Gospels are the reality of the bruise to the heel. The parts of the prophecy in the OT that was not fulfilled by the time Jesus said the words below belong to the events that acts:10 introduces, Gentiles under the two laws. All of those prophecies belong to what Revelation covers, the period of time that started in 70AD and will end on the day of return and covers until the beginning of the new earth.

To do a in-depth research into what the texts say you have to follow all the leads, no matter where it goes, yes or no?

My current version is nothing more than that. If I was allowed to remove the reference numbers a lot of time you could not tell the words were from different passages. Other times the numbers help lead to the whole passage when just a portion is being referenced. The verse below is the final words for anything to do with the bruise to the heel, everything after is about the other bruise. Even the slaughter of the innocents has an ending that sees those specific children come back from the grave. You can't put details like that in a book if there is more than one author and he has to know the ending before he can write the beginning. Just sayin, ... the book is too complex to not be the work of a 'higher power' The completion of the other bruise is also below.

When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar,
he said,
It is finished:
and he bowed his head,
and gave up the ghost.

And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air;
and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven,
from the throne, saying,
It is done.

And when God does it it is the beginning of the perfected earth as an earth that is calld 'good' or even 'very good' by the ultimate perfectionist it leaves a bit to be desired and loads of room for improovement. The new earth runs perfect from beginning to end.

And it shall come to pass,
that before they call,
I will answer;
and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.
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L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him;
but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him,
lest they should be put out of the synagogue:

Still in it's simplest form it solves the problem of having a lot of zeros in something that was an oral only book for many centuries, let alone at the campfire talks. More numbers (no references as we covered this before) the 'nations of the whole earth' (Jer:25) just happens to be the same land area as the 1/4 that is destined to be ruled when the prophecy of the 4th seal unfolds as the reality described in cartoon form for the 5th and 6th trumps, overlaid with all the iron/clay references from any part of Daniel

That came after an initial burst of reading and a pause of about 10 years and then it became a matter of looking up answers to specific questions, now 15 years after that phase started I can blab about almost any part of the end times. If it was delusional there would be some clashes along the way. There are a finite set of words and once you start sorting the bulk of the text into two piles that are defined by the two bruises in Ge:3:15. The history in the OT and the 4 Gospels are the reality of the bruise to the heel. The parts of the prophecy in the OT that was not fulfilled by the time Jesus said the words below belong to the events that acts:10 introduces, Gentiles under the two laws. All of those prophecies belong to what Revelation covers, the period of time that started in 70AD and will end on the day of return and covers until the beginning of the new earth.

To do a in-depth research into what the texts say you have to follow all the leads, no matter where it goes, yes or no?

My current version is nothing more than that. If I was allowed to remove the reference numbers a lot of time you could not tell the words were from different passages. Other times the numbers help lead to the whole passage when just a portion is being referenced. The verse below is the final words for anything to do with the bruise to the heel, everything after is about the other bruise. Even the slaughter of the innocents has an ending that sees those specific children come back from the grave. You can't put details like that in a book if there is more than one author and he has to know the ending before he can write the beginning. Just sayin, ... the book is too complex to not be the work of a 'higher power' The completion of the other bruise is also below.

When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar,
he said,
It is finished:
and he bowed his head,
and gave up the ghost.

And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air;
and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven,
from the throne, saying,
It is done.

And when God does it it is the beginning of the perfected earth as an earth that is calld 'good' or even 'very good' by the ultimate perfectionist it leaves a bit to be desired and loads of room for improovement. The new earth runs perfect from beginning to end.

And it shall come to pass,
that before they call,
I will answer;
and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.
Darwin studied life for more than 10 years and was still wrong about stuff. It was corrected by more evidence, not more hearsay.


Council Member
Jun 18, 2013
"So? If I wrote a book about anything, even a book of fiction, there'd almost definitely be some facts I'd known in it."

So we agree, LG, there are facts in the Bible.

What about logic? Is there logical reasoning in the Bible?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
"He uses a variety of methods to relay important information to you"
True, MH. There are at least six major literary genres in the Old Testament including narrative, law, poetry, wisdom, prophecy and apocalyptic writings.

Some of these genres, LG, are factual (historical narratives) and worthy of literal interpretation. Others are symbolic (poetry) and use literary devices such as metaphor to describe abstracts using concretes. It is important to approach Scripture with the awareness that individual books in the Bible may contain more than one of these genres. Consequently, we need to be familiar with genres and adjust our interpretation accordingly. Education on this subject is helpful. Inspiration, even better : )
I was thinking more about consistency. There are a lot of 'messages' given to the OT Prophets to tell to 'somebody' that follow the same pattern. Not saying that is divine just saying it is consistence and there are no variations on that, even in one verse as I will point out. Who the message is coming from is usually at the top and then there are variations about who is 2nd or 3rd and it is either the receiver of the message defined or who the human messenger is. John 1:1 is a good example. John the Baptist is the speaker and he was the last OT Prophet to be called by God to preach to the people as would a High Priest from the time of Moses and Aaron. That is who he is introducing and the definition references Ge:1 ad God and the Holy Spirit being the Word and the God. The spoken word was manifest into reality by the Holy Spirit. The other part of the 'image' and 'likeness' that Adam and Eve were modeled after later in that same chapter.

There is also the format that Daniel and Revelation share. Both start out with a vision and later chapters explain the vision in ever increasing detail. Daniel stops at the evening of the first day, the one in which the two witnesses are resurrected on. Revelation has the vision with the seals and later chapters expand on what they introduce. That a little too complex of a 'plot' for 40 different writers to hatch up.

Really, how many Canadians wouldn't thinK of snow falling in the high hills and mountain tops in a 40 day rain if those places were not seen again for 150 days

"He uses a variety of methods to relay important information to you"
True, MH. There are at least six major literary genres in the Old Testament including narrative, law, poetry, wisdom, prophecy and apocalyptic writings.

Some of these genres, LG, are factual (historical narratives) and worthy of literal interpretation. Others are symbolic (poetry) and use literary devices such as metaphor to describe abstracts using concretes. It is important to approach Scripture with the awareness that individual books in the Bible may contain more than one of these genres. Consequently, we need to be familiar with genres and adjust our interpretation accordingly. Education on this subject is helpful. Inspiration, even better : )
I was thinking more about consistency. There are a lot of 'messages' given to the OT Prophets to tell to 'somebody' that follow the same pattern. Not saying that is divine just saying it is consistence and there are no variations on that, even in one verse as I will point out. Who the message is coming from is usually at the top and then there are variations about who is 2nd or 3rd and it is either the receiver of the message defined or who the human messenger is. John 1:1 is a good example. John the Baptist is the speaker and he was the last OT Prophet to be called by God to preach to the people as would a High Priest from the time of Moses and Aaron. That is who he is introducing and the definition references Ge:1 ad God and the Holy Spirit being the Word and the God. The spoken word was manifest into reality by the Holy Spirit. The other part of the 'image' and 'likeness' that Adam and Eve were modeled after later in that same chapter.

There is also the format that Daniel and Revelation share. Both start out with a vision and later chapters explain the vision in ever increasing detail. Daniel stops at the evening of the first day, the one in which the two witnesses are resurrected on. Revelation has the vision with the seals and later chapters expand on what they introduce. That a little too complex of a 'plot' for 40 different writers to hatch up.

Really, how many Canadians wouldn't think of snow (22ft) falling in the high hills and mountain tops in a 40 day rain if those places were not seen again for 150 days

Are you saying the explanations in both Daniel 7 and Revelation 17 doesn't solve the 'mystery of the vision' just like in Daniel 2. We get to solve the seals
Seal 1 is God and the Holy Ghost and the time is the beginning of that 'unknown day'. The 'missing piece' is the verse below, it describes Christ as being the 'instrument' that makes the bow an effective weapon.

And he hath made my mouth like a sharp sword;
in the shadow of his hand hath he hid me,
and made me a polished shaft;
in his quiver hath he hid me;

Darwin studied life for more than 10 years and was still wrong about stuff. It was corrected by more evidence, not more hearsay.
Meaning what, everybody who studies siomething for a long time is an idiot? If I have more answers than questions about any subject does that automatically make me an idiot and the one with unanswered question is helt up as the intelligent one? Happens all the time, at least I'm not confused on who God is and the coming events.

When you use the actual text that eliminates hearsay, if you can't see what it is referencing that is a flaw in you rather than it being one with the book itself. If you can never admit that you are just creating your own tripping stone.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Meaning what, everybody who studies siomething for a long time is an idiot? If I have more answers than questions about any subject does that automatically make me an idiot and the one with unanswered question is helt up as the intelligent one? Happens all the time, at least I'm not confused on who God is and the coming events.

When you use the actual text that eliminates hearsay, if you can't see what it is referencing that is a flaw in you rather than it being one with the book itself. If you can never admit that you are just creating your own tripping stone.
Nope. It just means that no-one can research enough to know everything. Makes them ignorant, not an idiot.
I don't think you are very confused about what you believe. But believing does not necessarily mean that what you believe is fact.
lol What part of the Bible is not hearsay? Got an example?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Considering there's just as much evidence that I can flap my arms and fly as there is for this god, why would i accept that some imaginary critter wrote a book?
Nice to see you didn't actually try it, .... or did he???

The beauty about 'the plan' is you don't have to do anything, if you can't find him He can certainly find you when that task is before Him, ... that is why God chose him to be the one to do that specific task. Mind you the one who make it there first do witness that 'the other road' has some `serious bumps in it.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Nice to see you didn't actually try it, .... or did he???

The beauty about 'the plan' is you don't have to do anything, if you can't find him He can certainly find you when that task is before Him, ... that is why God chose him to be the one to do that specific task. Mind you the one who make it there first do witness that 'the other road' has some `serious bumps in it.
uhuh. BS


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Nope. It just means that no-one can research enough to know everything. Makes them ignorant, not an idiot.
I don't think you are very confused about what you believe. But believing does not necessarily mean that what you believe is fact.
lol What part of the Bible is not hearsay? Got an example?
If this is you finest shrink work han up the shingle, you will go hungry.

It's not even a matter of belief, you can view it as fiction, the point is if you can't mesh any tow` references toget6her so the mesh (like day of the lord) you have some serious back-tracking to do. God ahead, even one or two OT references and explain how it works with other references, or how it doesn't if that is the case.
If you can't then your judgment that my version is wrong (and it has explanations for all of them) I accept that as a fact, what is holding you back other than fear and a lack of good judgment. lol

Not a very persuasive comeback.

Do you really thing these guys won't find who they are looking for?

Blow ye the trumpet in Zion,
and sound an alarm in my holy mountain:
let all the inhabitants of the land tremble:
for the day of the LORD cometh,
for it is nigh at hand;
A day of darkness and of gloominess,
a day of clouds and of thick darkness,
as the morning spread upon the mountains:
a great people and a strong;
there hath not been ever the like,
neither shall be any more after it,
even to the years of many generations.
A fire devoureth before them;
and behind them a flame burneth:
the land is as the garden of Eden before them,
and behind them a desolate wilderness;
and nothing shall escape them.
The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses;
and as horsemen,
so shall they run.
Like the noise of chariots on the tops of mountains shall they leap,
like the noise of a flame of fire that devoureth the stubble,
as a strong people set in battle array.
Before their face the people shall be much pained:
all faces shall gather blackness.
They shall run like mighty men;
they shall climb the wall like men of war;
and they shall march every one on his ways,
and they shall not break their ranks:
Neither shall one thrust another;
they shall walk every one in his path:
and when they fall upon the sword,
they shall not be wounded.
They shall run to and fro in the city;
they shall run upon the wall,
they shall climb up upon the houses;
they shall enter in at the windows like a thief.
The earth shall quake before them;
the heavens shall tremble:
the sun and the moon shall be dark,
and the stars shall withdraw their shining:
And the LORD shall utter his voice before his army:
for his camp is very great:
for he is strong that executeth his word:
for the day of the LORD is great and very terrible;
and who can abide it?