Detroit Files for Bankruptcy


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
The two are not unrelated LG.. both dealing with a completely artificial and fraudulent concepts of freedom.. the former of freedom from natural law (and therefor God) and its responsibilities.. the latter freedom from an economic construct of productivity and equity.. to one supporting an ever more polarized group of economic parasites (traders and usurers)... which can only produce destruction.

So. . . unions are f*ggots?


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
How many lives have been ruined by pedo priests??

three symptoms of the same disease.. an unwillingness to see the Devil as an active agent in the world.. and his prime target as the Church of Christ (which subsists in.. but is not The Catholic Church).. but he's intent on taking down the secular world with it.

So. . . unions are f*ggots?

Wall Street bankers are f*gs.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Two symptoms of the same disease.
Symptoms are not causes of diseases. Diseases are causes of symptoms.

three symptoms of the same disease.. an unwillingness to see the Devil as an active agent in the world.. and his prime target as the Church of Christ (which subsists in.. but is not The Catholic Church).. but he's intent on taking down the secular world with it.
Oh here we go again. Still jibbering on about being controlled by invisible (read non-existent) gremlins and faeries. Are you still in Sunday School?

Wall Street bankers are f*gs.
Painting with the mile-wide brush again, huh?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
What nonsense. Unions and economic nationalists fought tooth and nail against Free Trade from the start. It was the Free Traders who made Michigan a 'Right to Work' state last year... essentially destroying the union movement. Free Trade destroyed Detroit. And Free Trade (along with Monetarism.. free trade in currency and credit.. and deregulation and privitization.. the entire cruddy Free Market scam).. will destroy America (and Canada).. if it is not stopped.
NAFTA is free trade.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
What nonsense. Unions and economic nationalists fought tooth and nail against Free Trade from the start. It was the Free Traders who made Michigan a 'Right to Work' state last year... essentially destroying the union movement. Free Trade destroyed Detroit. And Free Trade (along with Monetarism.. free trade in currency and credit.. and deregulation and privitization.. the entire cruddy Free Market scam).. will destroy America (and Canada).. if it is not stopped.

Sweden has right-to-work laws and they still have strong worker rights. One thing with Sweden is, in spite of high taxes, it also invests heavily in education. That way it can work efficiently in the open free-trade market. From what I'd read, a high percentage of residents in Detroit are functionally illiterate. That city can raise all the local tariffs and trade quotas it wants. It can introduce all the anti-scab laws it wants. In the end, until the local population becomes more educated in some trade or profession, none of that will matter.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
three symptoms of the same disease.. an unwillingness to see the Devil as an active agent in the world.. and his prime target as the Church of Christ (which subsists in.. but is not The Catholic Church).. but he's intent on taking down the secular world with it.

Wall Street bankers are f*gs.

Y'know, when you start talking about natural law and divine law and all that crap, I'm reminded of the line from Shaw's Caesar and Cleopatra. . .

“Forgive him Theodotus: he is a barbarian and thinks that the customs of his tribe and island are the laws of nature.”


Council Member
Jan 19, 2012
Van Isle
And everyone will clap for the uneducated lazy mass in the remains of the city. How many have moved to areas where work is more available? Only the normal, the rest will sell drugs to each other and collect welfare while knocking up other idiots.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Detroit overstaffed compared to other cities

Detroit —Detroit's work force hasn't shrunk with its population, leaving the cash-strapped city with far more employees than most comparably sized cities.

The 12,900 workers in the Bing budget proposed this month is much more than similar size Midwestern cities including Indianapolis and Columbus, Ohio, and double much more populous cities including San Jose, Calif.

Bing has resisted calls for mass layoffs, saying Detroit's population exodus in the past 10 years was fueled in part by shrinking services.


Detroit overstaffed compared to other cities | The Detroit News


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Detroit overstaffed compared to other cities

Detroit —Detroit's work force hasn't shrunk with its population, leaving the cash-strapped city with far more employees than most comparably sized cities.

The 12,900 workers in the Bing budget proposed this month is much more than similar size Midwestern cities including Indianapolis and Columbus, Ohio, and double much more populous cities including San Jose, Calif.

Bing has resisted calls for mass layoffs, saying Detroit's population exodus in the past 10 years was fueled in part by shrinking services.


Detroit overstaffed compared to other cities | The Detroit News
What are they hired to do? Tear down the abandoned buildings and houses?


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
10 reasons for Detroit’s historic failures

1. The population has collapsed in the past six decades.

2. Detroit has the highest unemployment rate of any major city in the nation.

3. Detroit has $18 billion – yes, billion — in general-obligation debt.

4. A lot of that debt is the result of public pensions.

5. Why is the city buried in pension costs? Because it has too many public workers.

6. And the guys running the pension funds aren’t exactly helping.

7. But they are hardly the only corrupt public employees in town.

8. Basic city services are non-existent

9. Crime is up and the police have no way to respond.

10. There are 78,000 abandoned buildings in Detroit.

10 reasons for Detroit's historic failures «



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
10 reasons for Detroit’s historic failures

1. The population has collapsed in the past six decades.

2. Detroit has the highest unemployment rate of any major city in the nation.

3. Detroit has $18 billion – yes, billion — in general-obligation debt.

4. A lot of that debt is the result of public pensions.

5. Why is the city buried in pension costs? Because it has too many public workers.

6. And the guys running the pension funds aren’t exactly helping.

7. But they are hardly the only corrupt public employees in town.

8. Basic city services are non-existent

9. Crime is up and the police have no way to respond.

10. There are 78,000 abandoned buildings in Detroit.

10 reasons for Detroit's historic failures «

I would think #9 would be easily rectified what with Obama handing out free cell phones!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
And everyone will clap for the uneducated lazy mass in the remains of the city. How many have moved to areas where work is more available? Only the normal, the rest will sell drugs to each other and collect welfare while knocking up other idiots.

Uneducated, yes. Lazy? That's debatable. Let's consider the catch-22: you need an education (or certainly at least be functionally illiterate, which according to the article is a problem among many) to secure work, and work to secure an education. And let's not blame illiteracy exclusively on laziness either. Should the parents be illiterate themselves and the teachers either incompetent or overworked or both, the likelyhood of high illiteracy rates increases expoentially. After all, why are illiteracy rates higher in Detroit than elsewhere? Detroiters are just naturally lazy? Genetic? Something in the air?

I'm not disputing that laziness may be to blame in some cases, but usually even laziness itself is often a symptom of another problem.

Clearly Detroit's education system must have been underfunded for years, resulting in having no choice but to higher incompetent teachers or overwork their teachers, or both.

At one point or another, people need a heart and start giving.

Also, you need money to move out of town. If you have no money for even a bus ticket, and none for lodging in a hostel once away, then what? Under such circumstances, it's scary.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Clearly Detroit's education system must have been underfunded for years, resulting in having no choice but to higher incompetent teachers or overwork their teachers, or both.

At one point or another, people need a heart and start giving.
Yeah, let's throw more money at the teachers' unions, that always helps.