Detroit Files for Bankruptcy


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
yes, if I had a kid, I would choose very very carefully where my kid went to school, it is imperative

My grandkids are in the local elementary school but my DIL is very involved in the PAC. Best I can tell they do quite well but both are very smart.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
When you have disfunctional families; a high teen pregnancy rate, no responsible adult to mentor youth, high crime rates and everyone wonders why the drop out rate is so high in schools? Seriously?

Whether the schools were funded properly or not, it seems to me that this is only part of the problem. It is far more complex than it being the fault of unions, Free Trade or anything else. It's a societal problem that no one seems to want to address because its not "politically correct". It drives me crazy!! Chicago has the same issues - and what do you find in the news? Trayvon Martin, that's who.

There are serious issues that need to be addressed and until people "get over themselves" (the Al Sharptin's et al of the world), maybe over time some of the problems could actually be addressed. Get over the "racist" crap and deal with reality. Good Grief!!


Of course there's jobs, housing, crime, drugs, and every other societal problem. Politicians can only do so much. I give regularly to charities and do what I can to help on my own time to the degree I can. I guess that's all I can do besides pray.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Worse they don't have the literacy skills to read the dam manual.

Oh I'm sure most of them do. The other side of the coin is most employers expect to be able to hire candidates that they don't need to train. That's been a big societal change from you older generation folks to the Millennial generation. We're expected to show up on day one with full kit. Most on-boarding these days seems to be teaching the new hire the company policies.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
No one seems to recognize that it is essential that teh students also buy into the program.

....... You can lead a horse to water.......

They do tend to learn better on a full stomach too. How about school lunches for example?

Also, kids from broken homes might want a place to study outside of home to reduce the stress. Local libraries and school libraries come to mind. For such students, a library open on a weekend might be much appreciated.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I believe I read somewhere recently that there are 58,000 vacant buildings in Detroit. I would suggest a vacant building is the worst situation, it attracts ne'er do wells, creates hazards, if not additional costs to the city while bringing in no money. Wouldn't it be better to have the building occupied by tenants paying minimal rent and taxes. Surely there are people looking for such accommodation to start a small or large business, or they could be used to house/rehabilitate the homeless. Perhaps even some of the homeless could be productively active performing upkeep and minor repairs. Of course any of these suggestions would take several people with foresight and initiative to jump start the process.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Sometimes, but mostly the opposite!
When I used to get hungry I got off my A$$. -:)

We're talking about kids in school. He can get off it all he wants but if the fridge is empty... What, you expect a 5-year-old to start handing out resumes now?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Ah yes, the myth of the empty belly being a great motivator.

Have you ever looked into the voluminous research on the effect of malnutrition on physical and mental development in children ?

Child or no child... he should go out and get a job. It'll build some character into that 5-year-old. Never mind that they should be in school.

But Geez, those teachers at private schools don't have a union so how is it possible for them to teach good on those starvation wages?

Like I said, that applies only to kids who've chosen their parents wisely.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Ah yes, the myth of the empty belly being a great motivator.

Have you ever looked into the voluminous research on the effect of malnutrition on physical and mental development in children ?

I would guess the cause of malnutrition in people today has more to do with quality of food than quantity of food.

We're talking about kids in school. He can get off it all he wants but if the fridge is empty... What, you expect a 5-year-old to start handing out resumes now?

No but decent parents would start handling them out rather than see their kids go hungry.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
I would guess the cause of malnutrition in people today has more to do with quality of food than quantity of food.

No but decent parents would start handling them out rather than see their kids go hungry.

What if the parent is functionally illiterate in a high-unemployment town. It might motivate him to steal the food for his kid I suppose... But a parent in prison can't help his kid. so then what? Now not only must we provide the kid with school lunches but also room, board, and foster care. Even more expensive.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I would guess the cause of malnutrition in people today has more to do with quality of food than quantity of food.

No but decent parents would start handling them out rather than see their kids go hungry.
Right. "Kid, if your parents are too indifferent or too ignorant to feed you properly, your loving and benevolent society, of which you are a full and equal member, is only too happy to see your physical and mental development stunted."

Works for me.

What if the parent is functionally illiterate in a high-unemployment town. It might motivate him to steal the food for his kid I suppose... But a parent in prison can't help his kid. so then what? Now not only must we provide the kid with school lunches but also room, board, and foster care. Even more expensive.

Nah, I like the idea of putting 'em to work. They can't haul that much, but you can pay 'em next to nothing, and they'll probably die pretty young anyhow. 'Specially if you repeal all those socialist communist workplace safety rules.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Right. "Kid, if your parents are too indifferent or too ignorant to feed you properly, your loving and benevolent society, of which you are a full and equal member, is only too happy to see your physical and mental development stunted."

Works for me.

Nah, I like the idea of putting 'em to work. They can't haul that much, but you can pay 'em next to nothing, and they'll probably die pretty young anyhow. 'Specially if you repeal all those socialist communist workplace safety rules.

Hey, it's the kids fault. I chose my parents well as I'm sure you did yours. Why couldn't those kids have done the same. Serves them right. Any smart kid knows you don't just choose your parents randomly. You have to have a plan of attack.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
It's nice we can choose schools. But some kids really ought to choose their parents very carefully.
and that's what most people miss and it frustrates me to no's the children who fall through the cracks when the parents are punished by society for mental health issues or second or third generation welfare because environment influences how we perceive the world, it's sad... build more prisons... that's their solution

Sometimes, but mostly the opposite!
When I used to get hungry I got off my A$$. -:)
yes because a five year old would do so well in the work place

I would guess the cause of malnutrition in people today has more to do with quality of food than quantity of food.
and you would be wrong

No but decent parents would start handling them out rather than see their kids go hungry.
and for the little ones whose parents are drug addicts or have mental health issues? what's your solution there other than getting off their asses of course