Detroit Files for Bankruptcy


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
It would be interesting to know where the migrators moved to. How many relocated within a few miles of the city limits?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
That must be it. It was taxes. Detroit producing crap nobody wanted when Japan was producing attractive, efficient cars everybody wanted had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!.

Most of the big manufacturing left Detroit. So did most of the people that could afford to. The spending by council didn't decline with the decrease in revenue.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
The Big 3 are still producing vehicles and have mfg in NorAm.... My question is: Why leave Michigan (Detroit)?... There has to be a reason

Even the 'foreign' manufacturers are still producing cars in America (and Canada). Usually someplace gives them a tax break in order to lure them to that location. It sounds to me like Detroit did not although Detroit has so many problems, it is hard to say if this is the only cause for their demise. Even in the 80s everybody knew you did not want to stop in Detroit if you could avoid it.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I just checked the stats for Wayne County, which has also taken a big hit in the past 15 years of so and Michigan State has also suffered a small population decline.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Even the 'foreign' manufacturers are still producing cars in America (and Canada). Usually someplace gives them a tax break in order to lure them to that location. It sounds to me like Detroit did not although Detroit has so many problems, it is hard to say if this is the only cause for their demise. Even in the 80s everybody knew you did not want to stop in Detroit if you could avoid it.

You're dead-on with that.

I believe that the city didn't respond in a manner that sought to retain that industry, and as time went by, other places worked to attract those mfgrs... When one of these groups constructs a new plant, you know that they won't be moving it for a lot of years to come... By the time Detroit began to realize this, it was already too late.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
The Big 3 are still producing vehicles and have mfg in NorAm.... My question is: Why leave Michigan (Detroit)?... There has to be a reason
There are any number of reasons why corporations choose locations, and why they move, or don't move, or move and then come back. Some of the reasons remain valid, some change. A few examples. . .

The Eastern cities are the centers of banking because back in the day, they were the trading ports and that was where the action was. You could make a solid case that with money changing from gold and silver coins to internet datastreams, there's absolutely no reason for the financial industry to center itself in New York.

Many industries settled themselves on navigable rivers, which became a far less urgent issue with the development of rail and highways. Some moved, some didn't.

Many jurisdictions offer tax breaks and other legal advantages to business generallly, to entire industries, or to single companies. Whether any of these deals is a "good" thing or a "bad" thing is debatable in each case.

Many of the car manufacturers moved operations to Mexico a few decades back, lured by the low wages. And many of them moved back after finding that ill-educated workforces, bad roads, and unreliable power supplies outweighed the advantage of low labor costs.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
motor cities burning no one knows the reason why black day in july

Who Killed Detroit City and Why?

Dave Hodges
Activist Post
Cities don’t die because of happenstance. The city of Detroit has been murdered by the same forces that are slowly killing cities all across the United States.
Detroit Becomes the Largest US City to Declare Bankruptcy
On July 18, 2013, Detroit declared Chapter 9 bankruptcy to squelch most of their $18 billion in debts. The Chapter 9 filing occurred only four months after the appointment of an emergency financial manager. ‘Let me be blunt: Detroit’s broke,’ says Michigan’s governor, Rick Snyder. Snyder went on to say that Detroit is the heart of Michigan and if Detroit is in trouble, Michigan is in trouble.
Detroit is the largest American city to declare bankruptcy, officially succumbing to job losses in the auto industry, decades of population flight, and the collapse of revenue to cover everything from policing to street lighting.

Richest 300 Persons on Earth Have More Money Than Poorest 3 Billion

As we repeatedly focus on wealth inequality in the United States (i.e.; just four hundred persons in the US have as much in assets and income as the bottom 50% of Americans), a video points out the even more extreme global wealth disparity.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Many of the large U.S. cities in the N.E. quadrant are on the decline.............St. Louis, Cleveland, Baltimore! The population has been gradually shifting to the S.W. for years.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Yep, and that was the sole cause of the bankruptcy.
2 Million taxpayer moving away wasn't the reason it's was all the lefties,Obama and even Clinton. It's was paradise during the Bush years with free flowers and bubble gum soup for all. It yoyoed.

That's fact!


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
It was unions acting in thier own short-term interests. It was corporations acting in their short-term interests. It was politicians acting in their short-term interest.

The unions wanted their pensions and high wages and were willfully ignorant of the fact that this would drive the companies into the ground. The corporations failed to innovate and were more focused on making money than making cars, and the toxic race-based politics let to mismanagement, corruption and population decline.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
It was unions acting in thier own short-term interests. It was corporations acting in their short-term interests. It was politicians acting in their short-term interest.

The unions wanted their pensions and high wages and were willfully ignorant of the fact that this would drive the companies into the ground. The corporations failed to innovate and were more focused on making money than making cars, and the toxic race-based politics let to mismanagement, corruption and population decline.
Yup, in politics and economics it takes more than one to screw the pooch. But trying to blame it all one one source is the MO of ideologues.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
It wasn't Unions. The same unions in the plants elsewhere in the country that were expanded and took the union labour from Detroit are doing fine.

It was GMAC that tanked GM, not unions. Ford is doing fine. Chrysler has swapped hands so many time nobody know who the hell they are anymore and the Jap companies that utilize union labour are doing fine too.

Contracted parts suppliers buggered off the Mexico and that wasn't because of union it was because the opportunity to do so arose from NAFTA.

It wasn't Unions who came up with NAFTA was it?

NAFTA did it. Nothing more, nothing less.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Hiroshima looks better than Detroit and it was hit by a nuke.