Employers will be allowed to ask for Facebook Passwords


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
I think you have to look at the bigger picture, it's not actually about you. It's about a system they've developed to ensure 0 tolerance, and the only way to achieve that is to test EVERYBODY. Once they start making exceptions for any reason the system is eventually going to fail.

All true. I don't see how that's my problem though.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Since this is a US story, and the Bamster is currently in charge, and he is out taking liberties away from the citizens, there is no doubt in my mind that the assertion of the OP is correct.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Since this is a US story, and the Bamster is currently in charge, and he is out taking liberties away from the citizens, there is no doubt in my mind that the assertion of the OP is correct.

Obama's hated, Bush was hated, Clinton was hated, Reagan was hated, hope someone acceptable shows up soon.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Since this is a US story, and the Bamster is currently in charge, and he is out taking liberties away from the citizens, there is no doubt in my mind that the assertion of the OP is correct.
Let's see, the amendment was defeated by the Republicans in the House, and you blame Obama?

Wow, your racism is completely out of control.


Jan 6, 2007
This doesn't have much to do with me as I am my own employer. That is unless
one of my other personalities wants the information. Seriously, if you want to
avoid nasty things ending up in places you don't want. Do not post anything
you don't want people to see.

So I shouldn't write letters to friends? Sorry, that's not gonna happen.

My personal facebook account is also my personal e-mail account. No one has the right to access it but me. If my employer has some burning need to see what's going on publicly on my facebook account, he's welcome to peruse the internet and see what is visible. He has no right to access what is not publicly visible (which is the only reason they'd need the password).

Just because a person refuses does not mean they are using illegal drugs. The right for a company to request or enforce random sampling will soon be addressed by the SCoC.
Hubby's company abandoned random testing ages ago because it violates individual rights. The industry standard now is screening upon hire, and access screening for particular companies, high profile, or high risk jobs, as well as drug and alcohol testing if an accident occurs. No more 'random' tests.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Does the bill as written allow for this? I have searched the bill; the word password doesn't appear, the word employer doesn't appear, the word personal doesn't appear.

Wolf! Wolf!
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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
So I shouldn't write letters to friends? Sorry, that's not gonna happen.

My personal facebook account is also my personal e-mail account. No one has the right to access it but me. If my employer has some burning need to see what's going on publicly on my facebook account, he's welcome to peruse the internet and see what is visible. He has no right to access what is not publicly visible (which is the only reason they'd need the password).

Hubby's company abandoned random testing ages ago because it violates individual rights. The industry standard now is screening upon hire, and access screening for particular companies, high profile, or high risk jobs, as well as drug and alcohol testing if an accident occurs. No more 'random' tests.

If I recall this case is before the AB courts or Labor Board?? union against- company for - Reason why regardless of where it is, the end result will be decided by the SCoC.


Jan 6, 2007
If I recall this case is before the AB courts or Labor Board?? union against- company for - Reason why regardless of where it is, the end result will be decided by the SCoC.

The SCoC has upheld the rights of Canadians to have private correspondences even in the workplace, last I heard. That includes e-mails, text messages, facebook accounts.