What's Your New-year's Resolution?


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
absolutely, can you identify what makes you fall off of the wagon?

I seem to hit this wall about day four where, no matter what type of method I'm trying, it doesn't matter, I just have to have a cigarette. I could probably do cold turkey for about three days, it would be really tough for sure, but I could do it. But as soon as I hit day four, it's like my patience wears out completely and I just don't care.


Nominee Member
Dec 29, 2012
absolutely, can you identify what makes you fall off of the wagon?
The physical addiction is absolutely over within 3 to 4 days for everyone.
Then comes the hard part, and it is hard, and one must face it.I have.

The human mind is complex, sometimes plainly stupid for it's own good .
It will fool one into believing an addiction is not harmful.
In many cases months, or even years after the addiction seems to have been conquered .

And yes ,I'm no expert, just a witness.

Hang in there Sal, your mind is what will cause you to fall off the wagon. It is your worse best friend.



The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I seem to hit this wall about day four where, no matter what type of method I'm trying, it doesn't matter, I just have to have a cigarette. I could probably do cold turkey for about three days, it would be really tough for sure, but I could do it. But as soon as I hit day four, it's like my patience wears out completely and I just don't care.
If you're in good with your doc, benzos will take care of the anxiety issues.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
I drank a WHOLE BOTTLE OF WINE... and I KNEW better, I can't handle more than two glasses...I feel like I'm dying :(

Maybe later right now I am concentrating on not hurling up my toast. :clown:

Do you smell toast even in the bathroom?
Bad sign...
A passing friend (dead now from tobacco) used to say, "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy!|
But, you know, an entire bottle of red wine (or its insipient brother, white) will give you both.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
The physical addiction is absolutely over within 3 to 4 days for everyone.
Then comes the hard part, and it is hard, and one must face it.I have.

The human mind is complex, sometimes plainly stupid for it's own good .
It will fool one into believing an addiction is not harmful.
In many cases months, or even years after the addiction seems to have been conquered .

And yes ,I'm no expert, just a witness.

Hang in there Sal, your mind is what will cause you to fall off the wagon. It is your worse best friend.


Sal quit years ago. I am the one who needs the help.

I also need to quit smoking but one topic at a time. ;)


Nominee Member
Dec 29, 2012
I seem to hit this wall about day four where, no matter what type of method I'm trying, it doesn't matter, I just have to have a cigarette. I could probably do cold turkey for about three days, it would be really tough for sure, but I could do it. But as soon as I hit day four, it's like my patience wears out completely and I just don't care.
In my case I learned to ignore all cravings, all mental justifications that seem to pour in, and put up my own defensive wall against myself.

I just got so angry at the stupidity bouncing about my mind. For it is just stupidity.

That wall was made entirely of ignore bricks and ignore mortar.

That , and keeping the goal close to heart. The entirely selfish goal of knowing the quality of my life would be better all around.



Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
The physical addiction is absolutely over within 3 to 4 days for everyone.
Then comes the hard part, and it is hard, and one must face it.I have.

The human mind is complex, sometimes plainly stupid for it's own good .
It will fool one into believing an addiction is not harmful.
In many cases months, or even years after the addiction seems to have been conquered .

And yes ,I'm no expert, just a witness.

Hang in there Sal, your mind is what will cause you to fall off the wagon. It is your worse best friend.


No, the addiction (mental and physical) never abates.
Occassionally, when I see my neighbour out with shovel in hand and a cigarette (I learnt not to use the word "fag" for a smoke) in his mouth, the urge is strong to leap over the fence, grab his shovel, dispatch him quickly (I'm not cruel) and leisurely finish his cigarette.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
This year I am cancelling my satellite TV service in favor of signing up for Xplornet. I realized a while ago that I spend more of the time that matters to me on the net, then I do watching TV. And too, the programs that I am most interested in are available on the net..........as long as I have high-speed internet. The chances of any towers coming to my neighborhood - which have been promised to us by oh so many different governments - are nil to none.

I spent December house-sitting for friends who have the latest Xplornet and it was a revelation. Being able to come here, watch and post videos; load the pages heavy with graphics in half the time or less than on dial-up, running several sights at once.......and so much more - that convinced me. So high speed here I come.

Don't let me near a box of chocolates............ever. It has taken me awhile but I've finally disciplined myself to ignore chocolate though during the holidays.............I am sorely tested. I know all about consuming an entire box of chocolates in one day, Kreskin. In my case, abstinence is the best policy.........tough though it may be.

I don't know why, but I have discipline, and I have one chocolate every day, just like my vitamins, enjoy
that chocolate so much, and they next day the same.

My obedience allows me that one chocolate each day. I hand my husband one chocolate as well, but he isn't
the chocolate lover that I am, so he doesn't care one way or the other.

There was a time when I indulged, but then I didn't feel very good, so that helps.


Nominee Member
Dec 29, 2012
No, the addiction (mental and physical) never abates.
Occassionally, when I see my neighbour out with shovel in hand and a cigarette (I learnt not to use the word "fag" for a smoke) in his mouth, the urge is strong to leap over the fence, grab his shovel, dispatch him quickly (I'm not cruel) and leisurely finish his cigarette.
If you read my post I refer to only the physical addiction having a 3 to 4 day time period.

The mental addiction can carry on for years in some.
I strongly believe it is up to the person's will to quit and how strong that will is, will prove the end result.

If you really understand that it is not healthy and death threatening in fact, your will should be available .lol

It's not always the case ,and relying on external substances and anti smoking aids weakens ones resolve .
Although all methods and devices instil skills in the person.
Each time one quits they learn, and develop mental and physical skills.
Falling off the wagon is normal. I do not know anyone who smoked for years and was successful the first time out.

My take on the matter is simply.

The task at hand is all a mental issue after the initial physical addiction is over.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Beware, should your obedience buy you chocolate!

My confidence in my dicipline allows me to buy the chocolate, and I have some
chocolate in the house all the time, and if I run out, I get antsy about it,
so even with that one chocolate a day, it is a habit, a good one, and it won't
be going away anytime soon.
Haven't had one yet today, and I will savour the thought all day, and have that
chocolate for dessert after my supper.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
In my case I learned to ignore all cravings, all mental justifications that seem to pour in, and put up my own defensive wall against myself.

I just got so angry at the stupidity bouncing about my mind. For it is just stupidity.

That wall was made entirely of ignore bricks and ignore mortar.

That , and keeping the goal close to heart. The entirely selfish goal of knowing the quality of my life would be better all around.


That's what I think will eventually happen with me, I'll just get so angry at the back and forth, quit/fall off the wagon that I'll be done with it. In the meantime I'll keep plugging away at it.


Nominee Member
Dec 29, 2012
I don't know why, but I have discipline, and I have one chocolate every day, just like my vitamins, enjoy
that chocolate so much, and they next day the same.

My obedience allows me that one chocolate each day. I HAND MY HUSBAND ONE CHOCOLATE AS WELL, but he isn't
the chocolate lover that I am, so he doesn't care one way or the other.

There was a time when I indulged, but then I didn't feel very good, so that helps.

May I ask , how could I teach my partner to be happy with just one?
Is this issue of obedience and the handing out the goodies to your husband a learned thing?



Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
No, the addiction (mental and physical) never abates.
Occassionally, when I see my neighbour out with shovel in hand and a cigarette (I learnt not to use the word "fag" for a smoke) in his mouth, the urge is strong to leap over the fence, grab his shovel, dispatch him quickly (I'm not cruel) and leisurely finish his cigarette.
Hate to disagree with you....
When I quit ....years ago....I had said ...many times...when the price would hit $1 a pack That I would quit..( started a 33cents a pack)

I had sent my helper at work, to the cafeteria for a pack of cigarettes, when he gave me my change for a $2 bill, something just clicked in my mind....I flipped the pack of cigarettes in the garbage with no explanation at the time (busy with work).
A little later a co-worker came to me, because the helper had told him what had happened and tought I was mad at him.......or something...
I finally decided to explained to both of them the reason...... had just quit smoking.
I haven't smoked since and, I can't say that I have ever had any cravings, I'm the kind of guy that when I have a goal in mind, it takes something major to make me deviate.
BTW that co-worker who picked my last pack of cigarettes from the garbage, is still smoking today.

This is why I say that a mind set is all you need.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
May I ask , how could I teach my partner to be happy with just one?
Is this issue of obedience and the handing out the goodies to your husband a learned thing?


If I didn't hand him a chocolate, he would never have one, he doesn't think about it at all, and
probably would never eat one,I love to share. lol

But he does have other types of food he would over indulge on, and
I am totally in charge of food allotment in our house, even though that sounds really strict, he
likes it that way, keeps his weight reasonable, (he is italian and could weigh a lot, he isn't
tall and his genetics don't help at all), and he also doesn't do anything in the kitchen, (he isn't interested),doesn't
cook at all, and appreciates that I do it all, so he eats and loves everything I put in front of
him, and we eat well, but we eat sensibly, and love steak and hamburgers but not too much of
anything, 'dicipline', dicipline'.

We both have gained a bit of weight during december, but it will be gone by feb. happens every


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
We both have gained a bit of weight during december, but it will be gone by feb. happens every
Which is normal, The human animal is programed to build fat reserves for the winter....which is why I have always believed in loosing weight starting in the spring or summer.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
The physical addiction is absolutely over within 3 to 4 days for everyone.
Then comes the hard part, and it is hard, and one must face it.I have.

The human mind is complex, sometimes plainly stupid for it's own good .
It will fool one into believing an addiction is not harmful.
In many cases months, or even years after the addiction seems to have been conquered .

And yes ,I'm no expert, just a witness.

Hang in there Sal, your mind is what will cause you to fall off the wagon. It is your worse best friend.

Thanks Bremusa but it isn't me trying to quit. I already did quit years ago. I was asking SLM if she was aware of her trigger...:smile:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Which is normal, The human animal is programed to build fat reserves for the winter....which is why I have always believed in loosing weight starting in the spring or summer.

that little layer keeps us warmer, and I agree with you, but not more than about five to ten pounds.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Which is normal, The human animal is programed to build fat reserves for the winter....which is why I have always believed in loosing weight starting in the spring or summer.

And we use less energy as we age- that also adds weight - our intake is the same but the energy used by the body is less.
So we can go from a hunk to a chunk - Not referring to you or myself on that last one.:smile: