What's Your New-year's Resolution?


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
I don't have a resolution. I have plans this year, but my resolutions have always gone bust so I don't really pay attention to the New Year Promise to break.

I lost 40 lbs last year, thanks greatly to Mrs RCS above who looks absolutely fantastic. This Christmas I probably put 10 back on so I'll be watching what I eat and try and dump that.

I'm going to finish the first draft of the new book in mid 2013, let it rest for a couple months then start on one of the other two partially started manuscripts before the editing begins. Balancing that with my artwork.

I'm also going to see about selling my house in the Spring so I can stop being an economic refugee. Although the wife and I would rather retire to a warm climate, we want to be together, so damn the torpedoes.

I will continue shooting photography, a pastime I have really come to love.

No real ultimatums folks, just simple goals. I'm a lucky guy as it is.

I hope all of you stay healthy and happy in 2013.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I really like the % trick, I am going to check that out.

I live on the 8th floor and used to walk up and down...now I just riiiiiiiiiiiiide the elevator...bad bad bad...

There you go, there's your "gymnasium". 8 Floors, I guessing about 120 steps, so do that 4 times a day and you'll be in great shape, pronto.

:smile:Happy New Year everyone.

This year I'm going to finish what I sta



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
There you go, there's your "gymnasium". 8 Floors, I guessing about 120 steps, so do that 4 times a day and you'll be in great shape, pronto.
yeah maybe tomorrow... last night I actually drank too much...haven't done that in years... :( likely won't do it again for years...hopefully never with the way my head feels today... it's a lay around drink tea and eat toast kinda day...


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
yeah maybe tomorrow... last night I actually drank too much...haven't done that in years... :( likely won't do it again for years...hopefully never with the way my head feels today... it's a lay around drink tea and eat toast kinda day...

uh huh yup yeah uh huh yeah right uh huh...


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
yeah maybe tomorrow... last night I actually drank too much...haven't done that in years... :( likely won't do it again for years...hopefully never with the way my head feels today... it's a lay around drink tea and eat toast kinda day...

Aaaaaaaaaah, get out in the cold air for an hour, much better than toast or tea and 15 minutes after you get home you'll be dozing.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
uh huh yup yeah uh huh yeah right uh huh...
I drank a WHOLE BOTTLE OF WINE... and I KNEW better, I can't handle more than two glasses...I feel like I'm dying :(

Aaaaaaaaaah, get out in the cold air for an hour, much better than toast or tea and 15 minutes after you get home you'll be dozing.
Maybe later right now I am concentrating on not hurling up my toast. :clown:


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
I don't make 'em either.

As for you miss Sal, you feel sick because your stomach is full of puke.

I started my day by cleaning up the dishes while she slept (we had steak and shrimp last soir), got some prep done for a omelet then cued-up a piece of music (A Touch of Magic by James Leroy). Around 9 am had a gentle dance and made her a tea.

I'm a good boy.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
I have the e-cigs. So far I've stayed away from the nicotine cartridges but then I've not had all that much luck so far either. I'm wondering if I should be maybe using the nicotine cartridges and try weaning myself out of the habit first.

Sigh, or maybe I'm just setting myself up to fail. Again.
I was smoking a pack and a half by the end, sometimes more...I cheated I took Zyban.

It worked.

I really wonder if I was actually physically addicted though...they say there is a tiny percentage who are not...I claimed to be physically addicted, my doctor at that time said I was physically addicted and that it was worse than a heroin addiction.

I reacted rather badly to the Zyban after 3 weeks. I lost a lot of weight which I could not afford to do at the time, and I had anxiety attacks which made me feel I couldn't breathe. They (Zyban hotline) told me to keep taking it because otherwise I would begin smoking again. I knew I was finished with smoking so I quit the Zyban and haven't smoked since. Well except for my 1 year anniversary. I lit one up to test it. Choked... done. That was.....hm I don't know, maybe ten/twelve years ago. I don't track these things.

Good luck, it's a hard battle for some. I wish I could give up desserts as easily as I quit smoking after having done so for likely 30 years.


Nominee Member
Dec 29, 2012
For normal people it probably is. But I'm a full blown chocoholic. If I touch the stuff I'll be chowing down an entire box of Purdy's for breakfast. Best for me to stay away from it entirely.
I think it's more normal to adore chocolate than being abnormal. LOL.
I think dark chocolate is cruel and unusual punishment for chocolate lovers.

Unfortunately to get the health value of one piece of dark chocolate the stats say you might just have to eat that whole box of Purdy's.

And Purdy's in the mall is a definite stop for this gal.
Unless of course I just visited Godiva's .

As for chocolate for breakfast,perfectly normal in France.
I love this shop in Toronto ,Soma.

Do not peek in here Kreskin!
Welcome to SOMA chocolatemaker



Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
:-( yes, they do,soooooooooooo what's my excuse then?

eeew 8O

Well chomping down on some pickled pig’s feet will take care of that puke feeling.
Down it goes and then the gagging begins- signaling time to head for the head - Then Bamo - projectile puking.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Well chomping down on some pickled pig’s feet will take care of that puke feeling.
Down it goes and then the gagging begins- signaling time to head for the head - Then Bamo - projectile puking.
*adds Goober to the kill list* 8O


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Well chomping down on some pickled pig’s feet will take care of that puke feeling.
Down it goes and then the gagging begins- signaling time to head for the head - Then Bamo - projectile puking.
Mmmmm pickled ham hocks.

And I am called cruel? LOL



The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
I was smoking a pack and a half by the end, sometimes more...I cheated I took Zyban.

It worked.

I really wonder if I was actually physically addicted though...they say there is a tiny percentage who are not...I claimed to be physically addicted, my doctor at that time said I was physically addicted and that it was worse than a heroin addiction.

I reacted rather badly to the Zyban after 3 weeks. I lost a lot of weight which I could not afford to do at the time, and I had anxiety attacks which made me feel I couldn't breathe. They (Zyban hotline) told me to keep taking it because otherwise I would begin smoking again. I knew I was finished with smoking so I quit the Zyban and haven't smoked since. Well except for my 1 year anniversary. I lit one up to test it. Choked... done. That was.....hm I don't know, maybe ten/twelve years ago. I don't track these things.

Good luck, it's a hard battle for some. I wish I could give up desserts as easily as I quit smoking after having done so for likely 30 years.

Thanks. It's not my first battle and it may not be my last. The way I figure it, you got to keep climbing back on that wagon no matter how many times you fall off.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Thanks. It's not my first battle and it may not be my last. The way I figure it, you got to keep climbing back on that wagon no matter how many times you fall off.
absolutely, can you identify what makes you fall off of the wagon?