Priest says women bring violence onto themselves


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
It is interesting that this Christmas message is posted on the door. I've never heard of that before. Why didn't he do it from the pulpit? I question his stability, perhaps there is a reason he is posted in a small village. The old ladies comment is interesting and raises further questions still.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
This goes to the heart of the matter as to why I gave up on this church long ago.
All I can say is welcome to the twelfth century. Here society is trying to get the
Middle East and Asia to understand the world has changed since the Middle Ages
and the Christians espouse the same nonsense as those they have by and large
been critical of in this social belief.
Personal restraint is the by word here, just because you see a woman does not
mean you have the right to assault her, what part of that does this priest not yet
I can't believe what I hear sometimes, then again there was that other social and
conservative Christian who gave us his wisdom on "legitimate rape" what ever that
When are these people going to realize we are living in the twenty first century?

Should we get into the othe things said by this church over the last several years

Yes, let's.

I don't think many Catholics want to go there.

Well, here's one that is willing.

I used to go to Mass and I realized these people were continuing in the same old
belief system as they have done for centuries, Exit I did. its not just the first small
statement made by a humble priest in a remote Italian Village.
The priests are well educated and university educated and immersed in theology
and supposedly sensitivity. its not like we are talking about an uneducated hermit
from the mountains or something.
No I am talking about religious people who think that everyone should believe what
they believe, everyone should dress to their approval and everyone should see the
world of religion from their point of view.
We live in an age where people can dress how they want, and the law states that
others are going to have to comply with the wishes of the citizens when it comes to
being accountable for their behaviour.
It is time religion got with the program, and joined the twenty first century. Its not
the single comment its the general belief that because they believe they are superior
not true of any of us Personally I have many friends who are religious and I have a
lot of respect for them, but when an idiot like this speaks utter nonsense the tolerance
on the bull**it meter is severely strained..

"I have many friends that are......" typical bigot response. Pretty much everything you have said above is out right bullshyte. That really shouldn't surprise me as you seem to be VERY "uneducated" when it comes to the Catholic Church.

The Catholic Church has been the organ player for the Americans in Central and
South America and they have held back modern thinking and personal progress
of the human race for centuries. When it comes to now and how the church has
evolved it hasn't moved very far from the Spanish Inquisition actually.

More lies and B.S.

Their stand on everything is to resist any and all change as long as possible.
They have had undue influence on governments and society in general.
Taking a run at them no, I am pointing out that it is time for the church to come to
grips with itself and expand its thinking.
The reason religion is losing its influence is that education has debunked most of
the belief system itself. As you put it, the earth is flat, the sun revolves around the
earth, and God made it all in six days.

wow... your ignorance knows no bounds I see.

Women have been kept down and in some
cases kept out of the main sacraments in terms of participation, mainly they cannot
be priests what nonsense. Then again priest can't marry, hello we are living in
another time.

Again, your ignorance knows no bounds.

It is time however for religion in general to step out and embrace the twenty first century.
I would consider the church more favorably if for example the Pope was elected by the
people who support the church instead of a group of unchanging old guys who protect
their own self interest. The old boys club in Rome has to go, and the church must reflect
those who put the money in the collection plate.

You're kidding, right? You want the Papacy to become nothing more than a popularity contest?

I used to be a proud Catholic but that has become increasingly difficult in the past twenty or
so years.

Pardon? This last statement makes it sound like you are still a Catholic. Yet, on many many occasions you have made it quite clear that you had left the Church. So which is it? Are you a Catholic or not?


Jan 6, 2007
Really. An old man has old views and in a presumed fit of dementia, expressed them. Is this a surprise? Does it reflect on anyone? Even him?


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
As for what he said, I don't care if women are walking the streets naked it does not give license to anyone to assault or rape her.

What is RAPE really?

In truth RAPE is just the word PEAR all jumbled up.

Everyone loves Pears.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Yes, let's.

Well, here's one that is willing.

"I have many friends that are......" typical bigot response. Pretty much everything you have said above is out right bullshyte. That really shouldn't surprise me as you seem to be VERY "uneducated" when it comes to the Catholic Church.

More lies and B.S.

wow... your ignorance knows no bounds I see.

Again, your ignorance knows no bounds.

You're kidding, right? You want the Papacy to become nothing more than a popularity contest?

Pardon? This last statement makes it sound like you are still a Catholic. Yet, on many many occasions you have made it quite clear that you had left the Church. So which is it? Are you a Catholic or not?

Good old Gerry......................always dependable! -:)


Jan 6, 2007
RCs, you've been too far north for too long. Go home to your wife. Don't take pears from strangers.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Actually I do think it is time to give the church going folk the power of directing the
course they want the church to go. It has been run by some old guys who have no
idea of what the world is like.
yes priests should marry and be part of the community.
If they receive tax exemptions they should be required to follow the law first

In other words no more special privilege period.
Ingnorance has nothing to do with it, we live in the twenty first century and the days
of the church hiding behind privilege should end.
I fully expected people to be a little upset however the Catholic Church which my family
fully supports. I have relatives who are nuns, and good members of the Knights of Columbus
but its time to shake things up. Right now the church is doing something different with the
ads calling on Catholics to come home. org. That is all well and fine but come home to what?
There are reasons so many have left, and if the issues are not resolved why would people
like me come home? Come home to what?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Actually I do think it is time to give the church going folk the power of directing the
course they want the church to go. It has been run by some old guys who have no
idea of what the world is like.
yes priests should marry and be part of the community.
If they receive tax exemptions they should be required to follow the law first

In other words no more special privilege period.
Ingnorance has nothing to do with it, we live in the twenty first century and the days
of the church hiding behind privilege should end.
I fully expected people to be a little upset however the Catholic Church which my family
fully supports. I have relatives who are nuns, and good members of the Knights of Columbus
but its time to shake things up. Right now the church is doing something different with the
ads calling on Catholics to come home. org. That is all well and fine but come home to what?
There are reasons so many have left, and if the issues are not resolved why would people
like me come home? Come home to what?
You can join one of the Moonbeam branches of the Universal Church (Catholic). Have you been to Mass lately? It's pretty kicked back and not preachy.


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
The last mass |I attended was brought forth by a fairly approachable dude, he drank and smoked but still sang the old song.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
The last mass |I attended was brought forth by a fairly approachable dude, he drank and smoked but still sang the old song.

All the old ones I knew, drank, smoked and didn't pass out when us youngsters tested their limits and swore. They ran our youth groups and tolerated us testing the limits. I've been around a few young ones lately and these two were super conservative. Of course that could be because they were being respectful around an old lady,(me) and I sure as hell wasn't going to act out... well... at least not until I know them a tad better. One of them was beginning to thaw a bit but got transferred. They yank these pups out and move them all over the place.

I don't know what the answer is for the Catholic Church and part of the reason for that is that my belief system is so fluid. The older I get the more fluid it becomes.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Ah yes, the priests that smoked and drank - reminds me of our parish priest when he came to dinner on occasion to our house. Father Watchel (RIP). He was quite the character. He was instrumental in building a new Catholic Church in our town and also for bringing a Catholic School to our town as well.

One time he was a substitute teacher for our Religious class - our regular teacher was sick (or something). Anyway, we had to memorize the poem "The Grapes of Wrath" and had to be able to recite it when called upon during class. I tried and tried to memorize that damn thing and just couldn't seem to get it all together. One day in class, he called upon one of the guys - this kid was always causing trouble (a regular JD). You just KNEW he wouldn't know the poem and, he didn't fail us - he hadn't memorized it at all. Father took a book and just slamed it on this dudes desk and yelled at him. I almost had a heart attack. I went home that day and did nothing but try to succeed in memorizing that bloodly poem. I was never called on thank heavens. Don't recall it now (you'd think I would after all the time I spent in trying to memorize it). I was happy to see our regular teacher back, fer sure!! All I know is that I didn't want Father getting mad at me for not doing my homework and I was petrified that id he called on me to recite it I'd be completely humiliated.

That was the only time that I ever saw him upset, but that was enough for me! Funny how that still sticks in my mind.


A modern nomad
Dec 18, 2006
Leiden, the Netherlands

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Fun fact: No, it does not. Anyone who disagrees with fundamental doctrine of the church is considered a heretic.

Reread my post.. I did not identify fundamental tenants in my statement, that is an arbitrary addition that you made to attempt a rebuttal.

The Catholic church is somewhat special in its obstinate view that they and they alone are right.

Congratulations... Looks like you share something in common with how you feel the Church operates!

Come to think of it, it's kinda like the IPCC ideology that you support so fervently


A modern nomad
Dec 18, 2006
Leiden, the Netherlands
Reread my post.. I did not identify fundamental tenants in my statement, that is an arbitrary addition that you made to attempt a rebuttal.

You said they allow disagreement on issues, and as I pointed out: they do not. You must take the same view as the pope. Heck they even have position papers saying that Catholic politicians must enact legislation in line with church dogma.

As I pointed out, this doctrine has a name even: Papal Infallibility.

Given that they have a name for this doctrine, how can you deny it?

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
You said they allow disagreement on issues, and as I pointed out: they do not. You must take the same view as the pope. Heck they even have position papers saying that Catholic politicians must enact legislation in line with church dogma.

As I pointed out, this doctrine has a name even: Papal Infallibility.

Given that they have a name for this doctrine, how can you deny it?

Interesting how reality isn't living up to your generalizations of Catholicism... That said, there is nothing that I could offer that will ever alter your preconceived views.