Civilized countries don't kill their citizens. We'll leave that to the US and Saudi Arabia
many states in the u.s. do 'not' have the death penalty.
Civilized countries don't kill their citizens. We'll leave that to the US and Saudi Arabia
Or stronger gallows.I wondered at the time why they couldn't use a thicker rope.
Nobody is too fat for plastic bag induced hypoxia. Shrink wrap would be perfect.
Can't they hook up an extra generator to "Ol' Sparky"?
Here is another thing for you....someone murders or rapes one of my family members and there won't even be the cost of the trial let alone 18 appeals and a lifetime of free food & entertainment.
Because at the moment it is illegal. To not do it humanely would be unconstitutional. The US supreme court has stopped or delayed many executions when the method was in question.
Ohio could always give it a shot though. Change their method of execution to one bullet to the back of the head, but it'd have to be passed by the state government first.
I feel sorry for people that are ruled by their emotions.
I have a lot of sympathy for the victims and their families
Hypoxia is the most humane method of all and one size fits all. BRING ON THE SHRINK WRAP!
He's not too fat to mainline.
Hypoxia is the most humane method of all and one size fits all. BRING ON THE SHRINK WRAP!
Hell yeah and look at that neck...perfect for injection. Not too fat at all. I still like the shrink wrap idea though.He's a beauty!
Civilized countries don't kill their citizens. We'll leave that to the US and Saudi Arabia
Civilized people don't murder others either. Those that do should be permanently removed to protect the rest of society.
8O........Too big to fail..........:lol:
Originally Posted by captain morganWhat about death by twinkies?
Gays with flails?
I don't know if inducing hypoxia by shrink wrap would be humane at all. is it even possible? seems more like strangulation. this however seems like the most euphoric way to die everHypoxia is the most humane method of all and one size fits all. BRING ON THE SHRINK WRAP!