Presidential debate


Time Out
Mar 30, 2012

- You know Romney won decisively when even James Carville on CNN gives him the debate, observing "Romney seemed happy to be there while Obama seemed to not want to be there".

- It was roughly as one sided as The Battle of The Little Big Horn with Obama as General Custer and Romney as Chief Crazy Horse.

- Mitt schooled the shallow Barry all night on every subject, challenged him on his manifest lies about Romney`s policies and Obama backed down every time and Mitt looked and sounded the more presidential and explained his policies and Obama`s policy mistakes in clear and compelling words point by point. He even offered the incompetent novelty president sound advice based on his own success as a governor on what it takes to reach across the aisle and get things done on a bipartisan basis.

- While there were no knock out blows because Obama wisely backed off every time Romney challenged him, Mitt easily won every round of this bout which consisted of six rounds or discreet segments.

- Among the many things that Romney said which appealed to me were his comment about ``trickle down government``, his comment challenging one of Obama`s lies early on that he was the father of five boys so he heard a lot of stories repeated a lot of times in the hope that people would come to believe them and his comment about the $90 billion in tax breaks given by Obama to green energy compnaies of which over half have already failed such that ``ìt isn`t true that you pick winners and losers in business, you only pick losers`.

- The entire exercise was so one sided in terms of knowledge and coherent, compelling policy choices on Romney`s part that only the moron vote (see my earlier thread) remains solid for Obama and the race is most definitely back on.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Romney kicked Obama's A$$!!!!!!!!!!

Knock out...


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
Posturing Romney won.
Content Obama won.

Romney wants to give two trillion American bucks to the military so war will continue for a lot longer and more men and women will become heroes

Obama want to keep Americans healthy by better healthcare.

Obama will win


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Mitt postured better than Obama. Obama seemed flat.

I doubt the polls will budge much in Romney's favor as a result.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
So, looking at the crosstabs on CNN's snap poll of "registered Americans" after the debate claiming Romney won the debate 69-25.

Notice anything funny? According to the breakout, all the people surveyed are white, 50+, and from the South. Are they being serious with this? I know the media loves to create a situation that causes more ads to be bought on their stations, and I'll admit Obama was less passionate and shouty than Mitt, but it's pretty hard not to ascribe a motive to their selection process.



Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
The debate wasn't that bad for Obama or that good for Romney. It was Romney by a narrow margin mostly based on appearances and how he carried himself... not substance which was a draw.

Finally they talked policy, which should be the main reason why people vote one way or the other. Competence and integrity are the other factors. Appearances can be misleading and should not be a significant factor in a rational voter's choice.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
The way I see it, these so-called debates (glorified talking points with an occasional bitch slap) are more for helping to swing Ohio and Florida for our Mormon friend and the obvious (but as of last night it's not going to happen) chance to look leadatorial and President-like for our teleprompterless and petulant man-child.

Man, was he pissed-off at times being talked-to like that. Similar to being chewed out by the principal or even your boss during a performance evaluation. Likely never happens to barry. Until now at least.

But the media are the one that run with current spin, new spin, and perhaps a splash sway to the masses that await their take on what they never watched anyway due to staring at video games, reality shows or the underside of a bar stool.

If they were truly meaningless, our liberal friends wouldn't continually bring up Kennedy's row with Nixon as an example of just how important these 90 minute dramas really are.

But they fun to argue 'bout, that much is sure. :lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Spin it whatever way you want Obama fans. Mitt DESTROYED the President in the debate. He absolutely crushed him.

Mitt exposed the President as to what he is. Incompetent. Obama had no teleprompter and no left wing media to save his butt or hide behind.

Notice anything funny? According to the breakout, all the people surveyed are white, 50+, and from the South. Are they being serious with this?

Typical Lefty Libby... when all else fails play the race card.

The debate wasn't that bad for Obama or that good for Romney. It was Romney by a narrow margin mostly based on appearances and how he carried himself... not substance which was a draw.

Keep dreaming. Obama got tooled.


Time Out
Mar 30, 2012
Obama: It Sure Wasn't Like This on The View!

- It was only a few days ago that I was on The View being fawned over by the far left fat black liberal and the almost as far left Jewish liberal and the ancient moderate Barbara Walters.

- They only asked me softball questions and they never followed up with anything probing or critical regarding my answers.

- Only that mean conservative Elizabeth Hasselback asked me a tough and direct question and I was able to blow her off by ignoring the question and then kssing old Barbara on the cheek and wishing her happy birthday.

- Last night, however, was the worst TV show I've ever been on ... no prepared script, no teleprompter, no way to defend an indefensible record or to debate on equal terms with someone of Romney's experience, accomplishment and stature.

- The polls indicate that I lost the debate to Romney by a margin of somewhere between 2 and 3 to 1.

- Here is what Chrales Hurt writes in the Washington Times about my performance. I really resent Hurt`s remarks. If only I could also deny them:

HURT: Obama the debater: Making Jimmy Carter look awesome

By Charles Hurt


Party like it’s 1980!

Bewildered and lost without his teleprompter, President Obama flailed all around the debate stage last night. He was stuttering, nervous and petulant. It was like he had been called in front of the principal after goofing around for four years and blowing off all his homework.

Not since Jimmy Carter faced Ronald Reagan has the U.S. presidency been so embarrassingly represented in public. Actually, that’s an insult to Jimmy Carter.

The split screen was most devastating. Mitt Romney spoke forthrightly, with carefully studied facts and details at the ready. He looked right at the president and accused him of being miles out of his depth.

Mr. Obama? His eyes were glued to his lectern, looking guilty and angry and impatient with all the vagaries of Democracy. This debate was seriously chafing him.

What exactly was Mr. Obama’s strategy here? Did he figure with so many people unemployed in this abomination of an economy he should go for the sympathy vote? Like voters could relate to a guy who is just scared pantsless that he is about to lose his job?

In the middle of the blood-letting segment about jobs, Mr. Romney said good-naturedly: “This is fun.��

Almost pleading, Mr. Obama reached out to the moderator for a lifeline: “You may want to move onto another topic.��

When an unexpected noise went off behind him, Mr. Obama wheeled around to look as if to ask, “Time to go?��


Turns out, it was the first honest thing we have heard from Mr. Obama’s campaign: The president really was absolutely terrible on the debate stage.

Maybe the next debate will be on something other than the economy that won’t be so bad for Mr. Obama. Perhaps they could hold a debate on street organizing.

Who knew anyone on the planet could make Mitt Romney look easy, relaxed, smooth and human?

But Mr. Romney was absolutely on fire Wednesday night. He had command of countless specifics from voters and business owners from all across country.

He explained complex issues clearly, concisely and with good humor. He was not angry. But he was direct and pointed.

“I’ve been in business for 25 years. I have no idea what you’re talking about,�� Romney said in the most devastating understatement of the night. “I maybe need to get a new accountant.��

Like a prosecutor in court, Mr. Romney went after Mr. Obama’s record and eviscerated him about the terrible economy and Mr. Obama’s belief in “trickle down government.��

Mr. Romney also came off as genuine by looking Mr. Obama in the eye with every criticism. He also looked moderator Jim Lehrer in the eye when he told him that if he became president he would cut funding to public broadcasting, possibly eliminating his job.

Mr. Obama weakly offered Mr. Lehrer: “You’ve done a great job.��

OK, that’s one vote for Mr. Obama in the sympathy strategy. Just 55 million votes to go


Time Out
Oct 23, 2011
Haha very biased and misleading article from the challenged Teddy, but yes Obama didn't look good.
These "debates" are a joke anyways, both are clowns.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Haha very biased and misleading article from the challenged Teddy, but yes Obama didn't look good.
These "debates" are a joke anyways, both are clowns.
Somehow.....If Obama had won the would be singing a different predictable of progressives everywhere:roll:


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Every election I force myself to watch the Canadian leaders debate, even though I know they are uninformative and never change my mind. American debates are not only uninformative (and it doesn't matter if they change my mind because I can't vote) but much harder to watch than Canadian debates. Nothing is actually said, no real issues are actually discussed, all emphasis is on style and not substance, and media deference is at its most craven. It's basically an hour and a half of nobody enabling a red tie and a blue tie to say nothing about nothing followed by masturbatory ****ysis of who said nothing best.

I managed to stay in it for half an hour. Then I made a cup of tea and picked up my book. That cup of tea, by the way, was more substantive than the debate.

edit: really? a-n-a-lysis is censored?


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
Every election I force myself to watch the Canadian leaders debate, even though I know they are uninformative and never change my mind. American debates are not only uninformative (and it doesn't matter if they change my mind because I can't vote) but much harder to watch than Canadian debates. Nothing is actually said, no real issues are actually discussed, all emphasis is on style and not substance, and media deference is at its most craven. It's basically an hour and a half of nobody enabling a red tie and a blue tie to say nothing about nothing followed by masturbatory ****ysis of who said nothing best.

I managed to stay in it for half an hour. Then I made a cup of tea and picked up my book. That cup of tea, by the way, was more substantive than the debate.

edit: really? a-n-a-lysis is censored?

Agreed. Put a third party candidate in the debate and it'd get a lot more interesting.