This summer may see first ice-free North Pole


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Maybe he has been lieing all this time about living in all these communities he has claimed to live in?
Oh, you mean like your lies?

Here's the proof, from people who actually live there...

Representatives from Nunavut Tunngavik, Kitikmeot Inuit Association, Kivalliq Inuit
Association, Qikiqtani Inuit Association, Inuit Tapirasat of Canada, Nunavut Planning
Commission, Nunavut Impact Review Board, Department of Indian and Northern Development
and Government of Nunavut also participated in the conference.

· Winters are getting shorter, summers are getting longer.

· We are losing the ice in our glaciers and fiords. Permafrost is melting. We see
vegetation growing where ice used to be.

· The sun’s rays are increasing, Inuit need stronger suntan lotion.

· We now see birds and wildlife that we have never seen here before. Ravens are
everywhere, Snow Geese are too numerous.

· Heavier winds can be dangerous, be cautious. Because of Global Warming we could
become subject to catastrophes like hurricanes.

· Caribou meat tastes different now and there are concerns about contaminants and
diseases. We send samples out to labs but never get results back. Caribou hides are

· More Inuit are dying from cancers, including skin cancers. We have to find out if this is
from mining or contaminants or from climate change.

· Fall ice forms later and may not be safe to travel on until Christmas

· If trends continue, Hudson Bay (and other areas) may never freeze over. The impact on
wildlife will be tremendous.

· Inuit have to be prepared for the impacts of Global Warming.

· Water levels are getting lower

· Isostatic rebounding

· The floe edge is receding faster

· More ships are traveling through the Northwest Passage, due to the lower ice coverage in
recent years.

From the 'peeps' that live there...

I tested him the other day asking who the main expediter in Rankin inlet was and he could not respond!
You mean like how I tested you on one of the key logistics guys in the north?

Oh ya, you failed that test.
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Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Yes it is and anyone can scroll back to see exactly what your said. You originally said it was 600 miles from C Bay to Goose L and then you switched to 600 kliks.
Wasn't it you who blabbed about never insulting people?
Ah, so only people that have been to Rankin know where Cambridge Bay is. Everyone else doesn't have a clue. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight :rolleyes:
Keep the grin. It makes you look about as bright as Howdy Doody. Suits you.

Jee whiz, that makes sense. Kinda fits with what I said, that Goose L is about halfway between Cambridge Bay and the SK border.

I think you'd better stick to measuring distances in flight hours and never mind talking about niles or kliks, you can't seem to tell the diff between them.

You're welcome.

There are farms in Greenland already. Where you been. There will be more in the not too distant future.

Wow,I could say the earth was flat and you would argue about it,so sorry you have no idea where goose lake is compared to sk(long ways off) but I'll cut you some slack because with no roads up there mileage means nothing as do kilometers.

Here's another clue,it is northeast of YK.
Here's another clue and why miles or kilometers mean nothing in the arctic but how many days away from home you are.
Seems some need pics to comprehend things.


No roads there, that's straight over the tundra or as the dog sled team flys.
Tonn. should know this as he claims to have lived in the area.
No one up there discusses distance in miles or kliks.
Cambridge bay is a day away,Repulse bay is a day away,Winnipeg is 2 days away,get the picture yet?
I have yet to hear an airline passenger ask an airline or a pilot how many miles it is to somewhere yet.Hours yes,miles no,they are moot.

Too funny,the ignorance that is,carry on.
Awesome entertainment and my buds that work and live up there are getting a real laugh out of the ignorance of some southerners so please don't stop.
I explain to my Inuk friends that these are the same peeps that think the polar bears are drowning.

Here's Meadowbank,eastern arctic.Hope the pic helps a lil bit better for you to understand the north.Cambridge would be a day away from here also,northwest of meadowbank.
Remember,it's not how many miles to (any arctic village here)but how long to fly there.

Yes it is and anyone can scroll back to see exactly what your said. You originally said it was 600 miles from C Bay to Goose L and then you switched to 600 kliks.
Wasn't it you who blabbed about never insulting people?
Ah, so only people that have been to Rankin know where Cambridge Bay is. Everyone else doesn't have a clue. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight :rolleyes:
Keep the grin. It makes you look about as bright as Howdy Doody. Suits you.

Jee whiz, that makes sense. Kinda fits with what I said, that Goose L is about halfway between Cambridge Bay and the SK border.

I think you'd better stick to measuring distances in flight hours and never mind talking about niles or kliks, you can't seem to tell the diff between them.

You're welcome.

There are farms in Greenland already. Where you been. There will be more in the not too distant future.

Niles,heh heh! Maybe you should learn to spell first before attempting to "school" me on miles or kliks.
They are totally irrelevant but it was good for a laugh.
I think you'd better stick to measuring distances in flight hours and never mind talking about niles or kliks, you can't seem to tell the diff between them.

Now that's funny!
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Greenland exported agricultural products during that global warm period. Nobody mentioned CO2 no carbon tax was collected and the climate changed back to cool despite a total ignorance of the science and nonexistent remediation. Why do we have to pay to adjust the sun?
It was the crusades and they had to tithe the church which left them short and they left Greenland. Today we'll have to tithe to the dirt worshipping heathens.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Wow,I could say the earth was flat and you would argue about it...
Of course he/we would argue about that.

The earth is round.

Can you not get anything right?

Seems some need pics to comprehend things.
How true...

This is the earth.

It's not flat.

I explain to my Inuk friends that these are the same peeps that think the polar bears are drowning.
Here's some Inuit peeps, that say you're wrong...

Representatives from Nunavut Tunngavik, Kitikmeot Inuit Association, Kivalliq Inuit
Association, Qikiqtani Inuit Association, Inuit Tapirasat of Canada, Nunavut Planning
Commission, Nunavut Impact Review Board, Department of Indian and Northern Development
and Government of Nunavut also participated in the conference.

· Winters are getting shorter, summers are getting longer.

· We are losing the ice in our glaciers and fiords. Permafrost is melting. We see
vegetation growing where ice used to be.

· The sun’s rays are increasing, Inuit need stronger suntan lotion.

· We now see birds and wildlife that we have never seen here before. Ravens are
everywhere, Snow Geese are too numerous.

· Heavier winds can be dangerous, be cautious. Because of Global Warming we could
become subject to catastrophes like hurricanes.

· Caribou meat tastes different now and there are concerns about contaminants and
diseases. We send samples out to labs but never get results back. Caribou hides are

· More Inuit are dying from cancers, including skin cancers. We have to find out if this is
from mining or contaminants or from climate change.

· Fall ice forms later and may not be safe to travel on until Christmas

· If trends continue, Hudson Bay (and other areas) may never freeze over. The impact on
wildlife will be tremendous.

· Inuit have to be prepared for the impacts of Global Warming.

· Water levels are getting lower

· Isostatic rebounding

· The floe edge is receding faster

· More ships are traveling through the Northwest Passage, due to the lower ice coverage in
recent years.

From the 'peeps' that live there...

Now that's funny!
Not nearly as funny as you saying the earth is flat and the peeps in the Arctic tell you things.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
When they were alive my elders (peeps) would talk about how the climate changed 78 years ago..... and how it changed back..


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
When they were alive my elders (peeps) would talk about how the climate changed 78 years ago..... and how it changed back..
That's all well and good, but that isn't the point is it?

Koko continuously states that the peeps in the Arctic say nothing is changing.

There's more than ample evidence to disprove that idiotic claim. Including the testimony of the Native Elders of that area. Peeps he has stated that he has great respect for, and lived with for many years.

Now suddenly, according to Koko, they're thieves and frauds.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
There will always be change. That is a given but they are specific in ways it is varying. I'm not trying to stick up for krakto. He saw the corner long before opening the can of paint.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
How could he miss it?
We're talking about a troll that fully believes an Onondaga would/should know/understand Inuit language and culture, or they aren't really First Nations.

The corner could have been on a Euclid covered in Christmas lights, and he still would have missed its impending arrival.


Electoral Member
Jun 11, 2012
CBC News - Arctic sea ice levels hit record low

"The amount of sea ice in the Arctic is at an all-time low, suggesting that climate change is leading to a dramatic shift in the north, according to a new report."

"In an analysis released this week, the US based National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) Said that Arctic Sea ice cver has melted to a record low, breaking the previous record set in 2007."

By 70,000 square kilometres. Apparently the six lowest ice levels on record have happened in the last six years. The European Space Agency said earlier that the thinning of the Arctic ice is happening 50% faster than was previously predicted.


Electoral Member
Jun 11, 2012

USS Skate surfaced at the North Pole in 1957 and found open water.
CBC is sooooo full of ****!
USS SKATE (SSN-578) Deployments & History

In 1958, "On 30 July, Skate steamed to the Arctic where she operated under the ice for 10 days. During this time, she surfaced nine times through the ice, navigated over 2,400 miles under it, and became the second ship to reach the North Pole. "

"In early March 1959, she again headed for the Arctic to pioneer operations during the period of extreme cold and maximum ice thickness. The submarine steamed 3,900 miles under pack ice while surfacing through it 10 times. On 17 March, she surfaced at the North Pole to commit the ashes of the famed explorer Sir Hubert Wilkins to the Arctic waste."

I think you should check your sources. The **** smell seems to be emanating from somewhere else.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
How much did sea levels rise this year? Has St Johns been submerged under sea water? You,re just a freshly recruited carbon tax payer eager to fix the unproblem with cash, or maybe you,ll adopt a polar bear.The cbc is full of **** regardless of the particular story.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006

USS Skate surfaced at the North Pole in 1957 and found open water.

CBC is sooooo full of ****!

Beaver is full of it! Some bogus beaver linkage. The Skate surfaced at the North Pole in 1959, and the picture depicting an ice free pole is false. Below are the pictures of the Skate surfacing at the North Pole. Note the ceremony they had while standing on the ice, scattering the ashes of Sir George Hubert Wilkins. There was no open water when the Skate surfaced at the North Pole in March of 1959.

Afterwards, Under the North Pole: the Voyage of the Nautilus


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Beaver is full of it! Some bogus beaver linkage. The Skate surfaced at the North Pole in 1959, and the picture depicting an ice free pole is false. Below are the pictures of the Skate surfacing at the North Pole. Note the ceremony they had while standing on the ice, scattering the ashes of Sir George Hubert Wilkins. There was no open water when the Skate surfaced at the North Pole in March of 1959.

Afterwards, Under the North Pole: the Voyage of the Nautilus

You,re not a scientist and you don,t know about faked photos. First year students should be abel to pick out the fakes. I bet you can,t do the math. How do really heavy clouds stay up in the air? The ice on the hull in your pic is about eight inches thick, there might as well be none.