This summer may see first ice-free North Pole


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
So Ton said Goose Lake is 600 kliks from the SK border. According to the map, it looks like Goose Lake is about 600 kliks from either the SK border or Cambridge Bay.
Looks to me like you can't understand English. And you did say 600 miles south to the camp in the first place.

He said that but I didnt,maybe you have a comprehension problem?
Go back and read the posts before I even bother to respond to you if you cant read bud.
It's pretty clear.
Maybe your a Tonn fanboi though so I'm wasting my time with facts?
You sure as hell never lived in Rankin or you would know where Cambridge bay was.

So Ton said Goose Lake is 600 kliks from the SK border. According to the map, it looks like Goose Lake is about 600 kliks from either the SK border or Cambridge Bay.
Looks to me like you can't understand English. And you did say 600 miles south to the camp in the first place.
Remeber this post you made?
I guess you can't tell the diff between miles and kliks
Goose lake is a 6 hour flight from YK ,Cambridge bay is another 6 hour fly from Goose or sometimes 8.
Goose is in the arctic,far far away from sk.

Boggles my mind how Tonn thinks it's close to SK.
Maybe he has been lieing all this time about living in all these communities he has claimed to live in? I tested him the other day asking who the main expediter in Rankin inlet was and he could not respond!

Carry on!
He says he lived there and I'll call B.S. on that one for sure.

Your map show's my distances are very accurate.


You fly up there for 4 years and it's pretty well a no brainer for distance which in the arctic is time.

Thanks for coming out though Tonnington.You made my day there young fella! lol!

Let me know next time you need a geography lesson ok bud?
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
There's a pretty big difference between 600 kilometers and 600 miles.
In the Arctic when I say south of Cambridge bay that's about 600 miles south,I thought you said you lived in the north?

Back to the melting ice, record number 9 for this melt season, a new low in Arctic sea ice volume:
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Electoral Member
Jan 27, 2006
British Columbia
Gee now Harper can convince his pals in Washington to free up a little cheap gasoline for the lawn mower we'll need to keep America's golf greens trimmed up around the pole!

Just to update to more resent history: Today is August 31, 2012-still summer by the calendar. This morning the temperature in Dawson Creek, BC is -1 degree C.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Just to update to more resent history: Today is August 31, 2012-still summer by the calendar. This morning the temperature in Dawson Creek, BC is -1 degree C.
Still got AGW down here in the GTA; going up to 86 today.


Electoral Member
Jun 11, 2012
Pretty cool in the Peace country this morning. But then it always is, even when it's hot like it has been all summer long. I know there are some out there who think global warming will mean Canada will be warm enough that we will live in bliss but they might realize that the relative warmth is going to be one of the lesser concerns associated with agw.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Since 1979....

For those 32 years of age and younger that's like forever, dude.

So take a look at older records, how about these?
1870-2003: A changing Arctic seasonal ice zone: Observations from 1870–2003 and possible oceanographic consequences

1870-1998: An Informed Guide to Climate Data Sets: Walsh Sea Ice Concentrations

And here's proxy data going back ~1500 years:

Old enough? :lol:


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
So take a look at older records, how about these?
I have cores that have shown far far far worse things dating back a mere 1.65Billion years. Footie prints are nothing. They come and go. When there are carbon fingerprints I'll jump on board the AGW bandwagon.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
So maybe you could look at the response from the last time you asked your question. Or barring that you might research the level of agriculture achieved by the Vikings in Greenland
When are they returning?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Green enough to be called Greenland. Really green pastures to raise cattle. hay crops wheat, barley and flax.

Erik the Red had it pretty good.



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Greenland exported agricultural products during that global warm period. Nobody mentioned CO2 no carbon tax was collected and the climate changed back to cool despite a total ignorance of the science and nonexistent remediation. Why do we have to pay to adjust the sun?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006

what does this neat picture mean?, I found it on the interweb, I like the colours, it said kitchen wall paper

As promised, here's the full dataset. Makes a huge difference when you include the first 50 years in the record:

A fine example of cherry picking by a fake sceptic. The actual trend for Nuuk is 1.41°C per century, which is significantly higher than the long term trend for the globe in the NASA GISS dataset.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
He said that but I didnt,maybe you have a comprehension problem?
Go back and read the posts before I even bother to respond to you if you cant read bud.
It's pretty clear.
Yes it is and anyone can scroll back to see exactly what your said. You originally said it was 600 miles from C Bay to Goose L and then you switched to 600 kliks.
Maybe your a Tonn fanboi though so I'm wasting my time with facts?
Wasn't it you who blabbed about never insulting people?
You sure as hell never lived in Rankin or you would know where Cambridge bay was.
Ah, so only people that have been to Rankin know where Cambridge Bay is. Everyone else doesn't have a clue. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight :rolleyes:
Keep the grin. It makes you look about as bright as Howdy Doody. Suits you.

Goose lake is a 6 hour flight from YK ,Cambridge bay is another 6 hour fly from Goose or sometimes 8.
Goose is in the arctic,far far away from sk.
Jee whiz, that makes sense. Kinda fits with what I said, that Goose L is about halfway between Cambridge Bay and the SK border.

Boggles my mind how Tonn thinks it's close to SK.
Maybe he has been lieing all this time about living in all these communities he has claimed to live in? I tested him the other day asking who the main expediter in Rankin inlet was and he could not respond!

Carry on!
He says he lived there and I'll call B.S. on that one for sure.

Your map show's my distances are very accurate.
I think you'd better stick to measuring distances in flight hours and never mind talking about niles or kliks, you can't seem to tell the diff between them.

You're welcome.

Still want to know when the Vikings can farm Greenland again.
There are farms in Greenland already. Where you been. There will be more in the not too distant future.