Jewish Man Arrested For Bringing Dog To Anti-Israel Al-Quds Rally


Time Out
Jun 1, 2012
St Calixte Quebec Canada
To me Canada stands for freedom of speech and expression.

If you want to go to the corner park and preach fascist BS, that is perfectly fine with me.

Just don't be surprised when the counter-protests appear.

The problem here is not with the Islamo-fascist scum expressing themselves in public (or should I say exposing themselves??), it is with government suppression of the opposition to their views.
Well if a group of fascist or white supremacists go out to spit their hatred message,the cops will and does shut them up faster than Garfield eats his lasagnas.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
The pandering media likes to depict al-Quds day as some sort of anti-semitic pro-holocaust day but the simple truth is that this is a day about supporting Palestine and restisting Israeli occupation.

From Wikipedia:

"Quds Day, officially in Iran known as International Quds Day (روز جهانی قدس), is an annual event that began in Iran in 1979, that is commemorated on the last Friday of Ramadan,[1] expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people and opposing Zionism as well as Israel's control of Jerusalem; Quds is that city's Arabic name."

While I'm not particularly involved in the Israeli/Palestine debate, I do resent the constant barrage of free Speech by the pro-Israel supporters, and their continued attempts to limit all criticism of Israel, by calling it anti-semitic.

People have a right to protest Israel, just as they have a right to protest the USA, the seal hunt, China's treatment of Falun-Gong etc.

The individual in question did not respect that right. He intentionally attempted to provoke the protesters. That was his goal. He did everything possible to get the Arabs to assault him, so that he could claim antisemitism. Wearing a swastika at a pro-Israel rally, may not be illegal, but don't come crying to the police, if someone smacks you around a bit.

Clearly, the goal of Einstoss, was to do whatever he could to make the anti-Israel rally seem like a hatefest against Jews, one in which he, the innocent passerby was assaulted by Jew haters. But, anyone looking at this subjectively should take everything he says with great suspicion.

Islam promotes the extermination of Jews. Read the hadith.

If Islamo-fascist supporters of terrorist hate groups have a right to gather and preach their view of the ME......than Jewish supporters of Israel have every right to show up with their dogs.

He didn't go crying to the police when he was assaulted....the police attacked him when he was assaulted.

That is about what you would expect in Germany in 1934.

Well if a group of fascist or white supremacists go out to spit their hatred message,the cops will and does shut them up faster than Garfield eats his lasagnas.

Well, that is exactly what is wrong.

Funny how Islamists get to preach hate........

The pandering media likes to depict al-Quds day as some sort of anti-semitic pro-holocaust day but the simple truth is that this is a day about supporting Palestine and restisting Israeli occupation.

From Wikipedia:

"Quds Day, officially in Iran known as International Quds Day (روز جهانی قدس), is an annual event that began in Iran in 1979, that is commemorated on the last Friday of Ramadan,[1] expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people and opposing Zionism as well as Israel's control of Jerusalem; Quds is that city's Arabic name."

While I'm not particularly involved in the Israeli/Palestine debate, I do resent the constant barrage of free Speech by the pro-Israel supporters, and their continued attempts to limit all criticism of Israel, by calling it anti-semitic.

People have a right to protest Israel, just as they have a right to protest the USA, the seal hunt, China's treatment of Falun-Gong etc.

The individual in question did not respect that right. He intentionally attempted to provoke the protesters. That was his goal. He did everything possible to get the Arabs to assault him, so that he could claim antisemitism. Wearing a swastika at a pro-Israel rally, may not be illegal, but don't come crying to the police, if someone smacks you around a bit.

Clearly, the goal of Einstoss, was to do whatever he could to make the anti-Israel rally seem like a hatefest against Jews, one in which he, the innocent passerby was assaulted by Jew haters. But, anyone looking at this subjectively should take everything he says with great suspicion.

Oh, and BTW, the day was started in Iran, approved by the ruling elite. You know Iran.....the country that wishes Israel were wiped off the map, the country that supports numerous terror groups world-wide, the country that created, armed, and controls Hezbollah, the group that murders Jews world-wide, the country that has promised Israel will disappear within ten years.

But NOooooooo, the event is not anti-Jew.



Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
If you took any religious document literally, you'd probably wind up in prison here in Canada. that includes the bible.

As far as I know the no group of Muslims has ever attempted to exterminate all Jews. the same can't be said for Christians.. or at least people who claimed they were Christians..


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
If you took any religious document literally, you'd probably wind up in prison here in Canada. that includes the bible.

As far as I know the no group of Muslims has ever attempted to exterminate all Jews. the same can't be said for Christians.. or at least people who claimed they were Christians..

All very true.......

But Muslims DO take the Koran and the hadith literally, and believe there is no other authority.

This is where you fail to understand that Christianity and the Jewish religion have grown and adapted quite well to the civil rules of western civilization....for the most part.

Islam has not, and can not, and still remain Islam.

BTW, the Nazis were never Christian.....they were Pagan.

In the same way that artist should stick to art, physicists should stick to physics.

I would no sooner consult Einstein on political realities than I would consult Sean Penn.....or Sheldon Cooper... :)


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Can a dog be considered a weapon?

Oh yeah...

When I was at college a group of teenagers came to campus with a couple of these dogs and stood out in front of the dining hall asking students for money. lol.


Time Out
Jun 1, 2012
St Calixte Quebec Canada
did it work?
I would guess that EagleSmack made a lot of money that day. :lol: ;-)

All very true.......

But Muslims DO take the Koran and the hadith literally, and believe there is no other authority.

This is where you fail to understand that Christianity and the Jewish religion have grown and adapted quite well to the civil rules of western civilization....for the most part.

Islam has not, and can not, and still remain Islam.

BTW, the Nazis were never Christian.....they were Pagan.
Isn't christianity sort of paganism,worshiping idols [cross statues] which is contradiction to one of the 10 commandments

In the same way that artist should stick to art, physicists should stick to physics.

I would no sooner consult Einstein on political realities than I would consult Sean Penn.....or Sheldon Cooper... :)
i would add lawyers stick to what they know best,screwing people with the crap in their joke book.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I would guess that EagleSmack made a lot of money that day. :lol: ;-)


It wasn't me... it was some guys I know. ;)


No, the campus police were on them pretty quick and hustled them off campus. It was a neat idea though. Robbery without guns.


Electoral Member
Jun 13, 2006
Islam promotes the extermination of Jews. Read the hadith.

Ahhh, so in your opinion, Islam is evil. Therefore everything organized by Muslims or Arabs must also be evil.
As pointed out to you, all religious texts are insane if taken literally. Amazingly, Muslims, just like Christians and Jews have different understandings of the texts. That's why not all Christians blow up abortion clinics, and not all Jews keep two kitchens in their home.

If Islamo-fascist supporters of terrorist hate groups have a right to gather and preach their view of the ME......than Jewish supporters of Israel have every right to show up with their dogs.

I'll ignore the egregious rhetoric. There is no law preventing them from showing up to a rally, and intentionally provoking the protesters, just as there is no law preventing Fred Phelps from showing up at a funeral with his 'glad you homos died' attitude. But do not expect the police to automatically take the side of the ones provoking the other side.

He didn't go crying to the police when he was assaulted....the police attacked him when he was assaulted.
That is about what you would expect in Germany in 1934.

Your clear Islamaphobic biases make it hard to converse with you.
The police did not see the alleged attack on the Jewish guy. They did see the Jewish guy assaulting the Arab.
Similarly, a referee calls a penalty for the penalty that he saw, even though the recipient of said penalty, may claim it was retaliatory.
This is not a product of Nazi Germany, this is a product of not having omnipotent powers of observation.

Funny how Islamists get to preach hate........

You mean show support of Palestine, and denounce occupation?
Amazingly, not all criticism of Israel is hate, although I am sure Frank Dimant would have you believe it

The JDL (a known terrorist organization and supporter of murderers ) was present - (not that you would mind this.)
Their stated goal was to record and capture the hate. And yet, they came up with nothing.
The only reported incidents, were one idiot with a dog, and one unidentified individual saying that he would like to kill 100% of the Muslims in the world.
So, hate flows both ways, and at this event, it seems the Jews were far more hateful than the Muslims.

"Oh, and BTW, the day was started in Iran, approved by the ruling elite. You know Iran.....the country that wishes Israel were wiped off the map, the country that supports numerous terror groups world-wide, the country that created, armed, and controls Hezbollah, the group that murders Jews world-wide, the country that has promised Israel will disappear within ten years."

Oh, let's label everything that came from Iran as evil then. How juvenile. You don't think the US has supported terror groups across the world? Wanting Israel removed, is not the same as wanting to kill all the Jews. If Quebec forms a nation, and we want it to be folded back into Canada, will that make us guilty of genocide?

"But NOooooooo, the event is not anti-Jew."
You've really got your Islamaphobic blinders on for this one. Looks like B'Nai Brith is doing a great job of leading the sheep.



Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
The pandering media likes to depict al-Quds day as some sort of anti-semitic pro-holocaust day but the simple truth is that this is a day about supporting Palestine and restisting Israeli occupation.

From Wikipedia:

"Quds Day, officially in Iran known as International Quds Day (روز جهانی قدس), is an annual event that began in Iran in 1979, that is commemorated on the last Friday of Ramadan,[1] expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people and opposing Zionism as well as Israel's control of Jerusalem; Quds is that city's Arabic name."

While I'm not particularly involved in the Israeli/Palestine debate, I do resent the constant barrage of free Speech by the pro-Israel supporters, and their continued attempts to limit all criticism of Israel, by calling it anti-semitic.

People have a right to protest Israel, just as they have a right to protest the USA, the seal hunt, China's treatment of Falun-Gong etc.

The individual in question did not respect that right. He intentionally attempted to provoke the protesters. That was his goal. He did everything possible to get the Arabs to assault him, so that he could claim antisemitism. Wearing a swastika at a pro-Israel rally, may not be illegal, but don't come crying to the police, if someone smacks you around a bit.

Clearly, the goal of Einstoss, was to do whatever he could to make the anti-Israel rally seem like a hatefest against Jews, one in which he, the innocent passerby was assaulted by Jew haters. But, anyone looking at this subjectively should take everything he says with great suspicion.

Really- Anti Smitic - Jewish rants - Hezbollag flags - and what is Hezbollah's mandate???- Just being subjective ya know.


Time Out
Jun 1, 2012
St Calixte Quebec Canada
I'll ignore the egregious rhetoric. There is no law preventing them from showing up to a rally, and intentionally provoking the protesters, just as there is no law preventing Fred Phelps from showing up at a funeral with his 'glad you homos died' attitude. But do not expect the police to automatically take the side of the ones provoking the other side.
I would so like to hear or see that Fred Phelps and is lunatic group go protesting at a muslim funeral,how long before he/they fell the wrath of Allah?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
If this guy was walking around with a hockey stick while rallying against the rally, he'd probably still be arrested and his weapon seized even though hockey/shinny is sometimes played in parks.

The ony possible reason to bring a dog to a protest for this guy was protection (a weapon) or to intimidate (a weapon).

The "I was leisurely walking my dog when a protest broke out" excuse doesn't fly.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
If this guy was walking around with a hockey stick while rallying against the rally, he'd probably still be arrested and his weapon seized even though hockey/shinny is sometimes played in parks.

The ony possible reason to bring a dog to a protest for this guy was protection (a weapon) or to intimidate (a weapon).

The "I was leisurely walking my dog when a protest broke out" excuse doesn't fly.

Protesting a White power group is fine- protesting Al Quds which in the past has had hate hate speech, support of Terror groups is not.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Protesting a White power group is fine- protesting Al Quds which in the past has had hate hate speech, support of Terror groups is not.
Content is irrelevant, this is an actions thing. It's simple. Don't bring a potential weapon to a protest and you won't get arrested.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
As pointed out to you, all religious texts are insane if taken literally. Amazingly, Muslims, just like Christians and Jews have different understandings of the texts. That's why not all Christians blow up abortion clinics, and not all Jews keep two kitchens in their home.

Muslims take the Koran literally, or they are not Muslims.

That is why not many Christians blow up abortion clinics, but you can hardly go a day without some whacko Mohammedian blowing up a bunch of innocents.......

The New Testament does not call for jihad and genocide.

The Koran and the hadith do.

That is why relativism is completely brain-dead, dangerous, and simply wrong.

I'll ignore the egregious rhetoric. There is no law preventing them from showing up to a rally, and intentionally provoking the protesters, just as there is no law preventing Fred Phelps from showing up at a funeral with his 'glad you homos died' attitude. But do not expect the police to automatically take the side of the ones provoking the other side.

I don't expect the police to take either side; I expect them to uphold the law, and when a man is assaulted, I expect them to arrest his attacker, not the victim.