Ralph Klein to finally get Order of Canada


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Another exaggeration. He did not finger the entire populace.

on a train trip through Salmon Arm, British Columbia, he "gave the finger" to a group of protesters through the carriage window – less widely remembered is that the protesters were shouting anti-French slogans at the train.\

But really.... why post the truth, lies are so much more tantalizing.

He fingered Salmon Arm,last time I looked that was in Canada.
Finger one,finger all,nice try at uniting the country,steal the wests oil for the east and **** anyone east of ontario.

Pierre never thought of westerners as Canadians except when it came to cash for the east.
Nice try Gerry,your hero was a waste of skin in the west.

That's also probably why Albertans embraced Ralph,he had balls and would'nt take any ****e,Albertans were looking for someone who could stand up to the next Trudeau.
Ralph had the balls.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
He fingered Salmon Arm,last time I looked that was in Canada.
Finger one,finger all,nice try at uniting the country,steal the wests oil for the east and **** anyone east of ontario.

Pierre never thought of westerners as Canadians except when it came to cash for the east.
Nice try Gerry,your hero was a waste of skin in the west.

That's also probably why Albertans embraced Ralph,he had balls and would'nt take any ****e,Albertans were looking for someone who could stand up to the next Trudeau.
Ralph had the balls.

I guess when it comes to people like Pierre and Ralph, they are both very polarized subjects, personally I think Ralph was worth ten of the other a$$hole and you probably think similar, but we have to allow others to have their opinions as wrong as they are! :lol:


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
I guess when it comes to people like Pierre and Ralph, they are both very polarized subjects, personally I think Ralph was worth ten of the other a$$hole and you probably think similar, but we have to allow others to have their opinions as wrong as they are! :lol:

The Trudeau salute was the downfall of any support he had in the west.He was very well liked here in Alberta back in the pre finger day,the lions club even put on a huge bbq for him when he flew in on the chopper to our little town back in the 70's.

Then we got the NEP,another finger to the west.

Major rapeage of everything we had accomplished as far as exploration.
The guy was an asshole,he should have stayed with his buddy Castro in cuba.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
That's how it was reported at the time. At least in Regina, SK. Perception is everything in politics. Maybe you Albertans being closer to the finger have a different perspective.

A finger to one Canadian is a finger to all,Were a huge country,best learn how to get along.
The finger just showed the contempt he had for the west.

Now the west is the economic engine driving the country.

Karma can be a bitch sometimes


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Why do you love Ralph? Why do you hate Trudeau?

Now I KNOW you're not going to see it.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Has Canada ever had a great prime minister?

PM John Diefenbaker...



Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Is Wikipedia not reliable? For the info I've gleaned from it I thought it was! :smile:
If you want to have a discussion on the Dief. Pick out what you think is pertinent and factual from wikiality and post it. Simply just throwing a wikiality link in a post and expecting us to counter the whole link, is rather weak. It's tantamount to Gish Gallop.

I see you have the posse following you also,just ignore them,it pisses them off and they will spend many hours going through your posts since you joined the forum.While you sleep,they will be on skype sharing your posts with each other.


Welcome to the club

Ya,dont you have something to go smoke ger?

A pole mayhaps?
Since you obviously missed this, I'll post it again for you, so you can attempt to not make the same mistakes again...

Ron in Regina said:
Oh for Christ Sakes already!!! Guys....I'm tied up running
through the other three Trolling Threads, and their
combined 581 posts, try'n to weed out the 500 or
so Bull**** Trolling nonsense postings....so can
you'all play nice for a bit, as I'm tired, & really
not in a playfull or understanding mood at
this point?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
If you want to have a discussion on the Dief. Pick out what you think is pertinent and factual from wikiality and post it. Simply just throwing a wikiality link in a post and expecting us to counter the whole link, is rather weak. It's tantamount to Gish Gallop.

Since you obviously missed this, I'll post it again for you, so you can attempt to not make the same mistakes again...

Not sure who you are replying to here, you brought up Wikipedia when I used it in a discussion of John A. MacDonald with Corduroy, I just used it to show to her there was a whole lot more to John A. than the two alleged failings she cited.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Not sure who you are replying to here, you brought up Wikipedia when I used it in a discussion of John A. MacDonald with Corduroy, I just used it to show to her there was a whole lot more to John A. than the two alleged failings she cited.
My bad, I had the Deif in my mind when I replied. But I was replying to you.

Even using it to show there's more to whomever, is rather weak.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
That's OK I mix up sh*t myself!

I think trying to suggest a truly good leader to anyone is a rather difficult task. What makes that leader good, to you, may not make them good to another.

I think Pearson was tops. He's always been my top pick as best PM. But that's because he accomplished things that I think he did for the betterment of Canada and the globe as a whole, throughout his political career.

Other completely disagree.

While my opinion of him as leader is based on the whole of his political career. Others feel that's an incorrect way of coming to my conclusions.

The whole process is subjective.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I think trying to suggest a truly good leader to anyone is a rather difficult task. What makes that leader good, to you, may not make them good to another.

I think Pearson was tops. He's always been my top pick as best PM. But that's because he accomplished things that I think he did for the betterment of Canada and the globe as a whole, throughout his political career.

Other completely disagree.

While my opinion of him as leader is based on the whole of his political career. Others feel that's an incorrect way of coming to my conclusions.

The whole process is subjective.

Well, that's just it. I think Pearson was a great diplomat, highly regarded on the world scene, but I don't recall him ruffling many feathers, so I didn't see him as a leader in the sense of Diefenbaker or Churchill. On the other hand, my impression is just another opinion as at that time of my life I was more into drinking beer and watching women more than the political scene. :lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
A finger to one Canadian is a finger to all,Were a huge country,best learn how to get along.
The finger just showed the contempt he had for the west.

Now the west is the economic engine driving the country.

Karma can be a bitch sometimes

Okay, if the finger to one is a finger to all, what does that say about the anti french protesters? Obviously, they were protesting against ALL Canadians, not just french.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Well, that's just it. I think Pearson was a great diplomat, highly regarded on the world scene, but I don't recall him ruffling many feathers, so I didn't see him as a leader in the sense of Diefenbaker or Churchill.
I think the fact that he brought bills to reality, without all that feather ruffling, was a testament to his statesmanship, and diplomacy.

On the other hand, my impression is just another opinion as at that time of my life I was more into drinking beer and watching women more than the political scene. :lol:
Ahhh, the follies of youth. As I grow older, the old adage "Youth is wasted on the young" holds more and more truth, lol.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Klein deserves the OC. He was a positive influence nationally and kept Alberta on the straight nd narrow.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Yes indeed, Walter. I'd like to offer a heartfelt apology to King Ralph. Sorry to hear of his illness.

Until today I only suspected he wasn't playing with a full deck. Now we know for sure.

Horrible news. Just horrible