The American Dream Does Not Include Vacations


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
How do you really measure that? There is vacation pay and there is a sheet where
you choose your preferred holiday period so what is the problem? I for one hated the
annual vacation, I was in radio and I hated being away from the job. Hobbies what
were those? Now I am farming and the same holds true, there is too much to do to
go taking vacations. I hate the beach, and camping, I don't like going on tours, and
I hate these specialty camps where everyone is going to have a great time. Visiting
relations that is different.
Vacations are there for those who want them but most either can't afford to go anywhere
or they are too busy doing what they do to actually take the time off. What are you
suggesting that every dream has a mandatory vacation in it ?

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
How do you really measure that? There is vacation pay and there is a sheet where
you choose your preferred holiday period so what is the problem? I for one hated the
annual vacation, I was in radio and I hated being away from the job. Hobbies what
were those? Now I am farming and the same holds true, there is too much to do to
go taking vacations. I hate the beach, and camping, I don't like going on tours, and
I hate these specialty camps where everyone is going to have a great time. Visiting
relations that is different.
Vacations are there for those who want them but most either can't afford to go anywhere
or they are too busy doing what they do to actually take the time off. What are you
suggesting that every dream has a mandatory vacation in it ?

Choosing not to accept your annual vacation is one thing; being denied one altogether is quite different. The article merely points out that Americans and Canadians lag behind the rest of the world in terms of vacation days. The fact that you do not enjoy the usual vacation activities is quite irrelevant.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
Indeed. It'd be nice to have the option for those that need them. Personally I've never had a job that I enjoyed. I need time off to prevent myself from going insane. Though, I am young so hopefully that may change. Life would be completely awful working a full time job you hated without the possibility of having more than a day or two off at a time for years on end.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Indeed. It'd be nice to have the option for those that need them. Personally I've never had a job that I enjoyed. I need time off to prevent myself from going insane. Though, I am young so hopefully that may change. Life would be completely awful working a full time job you hated without the possibility of having more than a day or two off at a time for years on end.
The trick is to find out what you enjoy and then work in the field. If you are going to work at a job you don't like, you may as well shoot yourself now and get it over with.

BTW: "They call it the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe in it." - George Carlin


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
You just have to figure out who the civilization is for.

If it's for everyone, then you're a damn communist (presuming you've been conditioned to feel that "communism" is anti-survival, even though it's what Amish, Hutterites, Jewish Kibutz, Nuns, and Jesuit/Benedictine/Franciscan monks do... let's bet on who will be the first to confuse communism with Marxism/Leninism/Boulshevism).

If it's for those strong enough to fight for shareholder control of everything, using government as the shield and mass-media as the brain-washing tool to keep one thinking that voting will change things when in fact all it's doing is changing the way authority hits, and if you're one of those on the "I'm-King-of-the-Castle" dreaming-on-chanting side, then yeah... it's a dream come true... "Only in America" they say.

But what if we really *do* make it a dream-come-true... for those.

The US Army (I didn't say Navy nor Airforce nor Marines) has been sponsoring experiments yielding results on cure for battle-fatigue.

Battle-fatigue is also called shell-shock, and is also called Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Lots of drugs and therapies have been tried, but turns out - believe it or not - the best way found so-far is to stick them in an isolation tank and feed them replays of the experience, over and over again, until they get used to it enough to not freak out anymore.

If we adapt that technology onto the level of taking the economic-business-freak kids who get wired-up on the idea of becoming emporers via manipulation of economic rules through government (which they would have inherited as a tendancy from the homo-erganomaster days of how one had to hate and want to kill members of other tribes during that particular ice-age in order to get the food, when women stayed back taking care of kids while wondered if they would be sleeping with a different guy that night because the last one got killed) and stick them in isolation tanks that feed them a life-time of experience to make them feel like they've achieved their goals, and then find out how they are and what they're like after they feel like they've taken over the world.

In the mean time, we can have a more-stable economy without tankings like in 2007.

I got an idea.

The psychological twelve-year-old genetic-throwbacks to Homo-Erganomaster, allowed to get power and tank economies through idiots like Reagan because we have become so kind we can't believe beings like that are still alive because back in the ice-ages when food was precious and cooperation was necessary they would have been killed before the age of twelve for being such brats... now still just want to feel like "I'm King of the Castle, you're a Dirty Rascal".

They don't know what to do with those trillions of dollars of bailout money which they were supposed to spend back to keep the economy rolling.

Let's get them to spend it on figuring out the technology to freeze them into hybernation to be put on a ship to be blast to one of those planets we've discovered, for them to take over and become King there?

In order to save face they will say, "Bwahahaha that was our plan", but they don't know anything about where they are going.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
If I take a job in Switzerland working for the multinational corporation I currently work for, I would immediately get an extra three weeks of paid vacation a year! As it is now, I get three.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
When I was in the trade unions we did not have vacation time. We COULD take a week off but it was without pay.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
If I take a job in Switzerland working for the multinational corporation I currently work for, I would immediately get an extra three weeks of paid vacation a year! As it is now, I get three.

3 weeks for me as well.

I think that should be the standard for most jobs, but let's not forget the American dream is having the freedom to say I did myself!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
When I was in the trade unions we did not have vacation time. We COULD take a week off but it was without pay.

I often wonder if that isn't how it should be. It has the potential for higher pay and bigger choice of vacation time! :smile:


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
I get 4 as its offered by my employers to employees of a certain standing. I believe in Ontario legal minimum is 2. In Saskatchewan it was 3 when I lived there. Not sure if it was changed subsequently.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
are there all in one vaccinations? how much do they cost?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I'm sure the poor in the US are sick and tired of their vacation and would just like to work. priorities I say.

Well, the "poor" in Massachusetts have been using their EBT (welfare) debit cards in as far away places as Florida, Las Vegas, and yes even Hawaii. They can also using them at beauty salons and tattoo parlors. Not bad getting your nails done on the tax payers dime.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Just because a few people abuse the system is no reason to punish everyone. Better would be to punish just the abusers.
When I was in the trade unions we did not have vacation time. We COULD take a week off but it was without pay.
Sounds like my situation. I'm a contractor. I come in, do a job, and then get out. While I'm working I'm well paid. If I'm not working, I don't get paid. That would be my vacation time. I was a salaried employee for most of my career, but since I went independent, I make more money and only work about 30 weeks a year. The other 20 or so are an unpaid vacation. My work takes me to Europe, Japan and Australia. We are overworked here in North America. Americans are even more overworked than Canadians. Less vacation time does not make someone more productive, especially if they hate their job. In general, most North Americans don't have enough time to look after our families (children and parents) and as a result our quality of life sucks compared to Europe and Australia. I work so I have a life. I don't live for my work. I enjoy my work, but given a choice, I'd rather be on vacation. However i have to pay the bills... so i work.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
No one in North America is being denied a vacation.

I realize that you live in Cloud La La Land where everyone is so well paid they can take time off anytime and say to hell with the money they might have earned by staying on the job. But sadly that is not the case for the millions of Americans and Canadians who are part of what is called the working poor. For these people giving up a day's pay means going without.

The point (which as usual you have missed by a league) is that the so called American Dream doesn't really stack up very well if it means that you have to spend most of your life working your backside off. However, I am eagerly awaiting your explanation as to why the wealthiest nation on earth treats its citizens so poorly.

BTW just in case you need a geography lesson, North America consists of over 20 sovereign nations and excluding Canada, at least one of them (Costa Rica) guarantees more days of paid vacation than the USA.