Thomas Mulcair, being "Thomas Mulcair"....

Mulcair 1 thread

  • Total voters


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Re: Please spare us from the multitude of mulcair threads

Crap. This is gonna mean no more individual Obama threads.

"Keep 'em all buried in the Quit Picking on Obama thread" they'll say.

Aww man!!!!! :lol:


Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
Re: Thomas Mulcair disease: Canada’s would-be PM slips on the oilsands

The only folks buying into this nonsense are the usual suspects... They have their anti-energy, ant-progress and anti-Harper agenda and anything that happens to fit into that mold becomes the new cause du jour.

If it weren't so pathetic, it would actually be pretty funny

We get to lived in the aftermath of Harper's "progress", who's going to end up paying for the massive cleaning bill for the oil sands project?

Don't buy into the Conservative's greenwashing on the oil sands, it's the largest engineering project in human history and puts massive amounts of pollutants into the environment by any standards. It also uses massive amounts of water in a region that can experience some pretty severe water shortages if the weather doesn't co-operate. Some "experts" around here talk about developing the oil sands for the next 70 years like it's impact free. The process is water intensive and as the glaciers are rapidly melting in the Rockies which is the main source of water for the Athabaska region then what happens when rivers start to go dry? There's already been serious fights over water rights in this province for years, are they going to start piping water from other areas to supply the oil sands if the watershed starts drying up in summer months?

Mulcair is making some good points that other politicians are dodging due to lack of backbone. Tell us what's really going on, Canadians can take, I know Albertans can. We live in one of the most dynamic and creative societies on the planet, why the hell are we allowing the fear/greed mongerers to set the agenda?
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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Re: Please spare us from the multitude of mulcair threads

Crap. This is gonna mean no more individual Obama threads.

"Keep 'em all buried in the Quit Picking on Obama thread" they'll say.

Aww man!!!!! :lol:

No Luc - Unknown to you so I will let the cat out of the bag.
You have anonymous benefactor's. No - Do not ask who.

Of course other cool cats will go

with envy


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
We need more Muclair Threads

He is just so multifaceted that one thread would't suffice.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Is Muclair not channelling Jack?

Maybe he isn't.

Has Muclair been to a Rub & Tug?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Is Muclair chanelling Jack?

I think he is.

He has a cookie-duster just like jack.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Re: Thomas Mulcair disease: Canada’s would-be PM slips on the oilsands

Don't buy into the Conservative's greenwashing on the oil sands, it's the largest engineering project in human history and puts massive amounts of pollutants into the environment by any standards.

Since actually replying to you, is an exercise in futility...

Don't buy into the ideologues bswashing on the oil sands, it is not the largest engineering project in human history. It isn't even in the top 12...

Engineering the History: 12 projects that changed the world

Hell, it isn't even the largest petroleum engineering project in human history...

Khurais Crude Increment Program - YouTube!

We live in one of the most dynamic and creative societies on the planet, why the hell are we allowing the fear/greed mongerers to set the agenda?
I'm not letting you set the agenda.


Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
re: Thomas Muclair, being "Thomas Mulcair"....

He must be getting traction with Canadian voters for the Conservatives to begin the same kind of personal attacks that they did on the last opposition leaders. Not that I feel bad for the Liberals, just that it's the job of the opposition to criticize the sitting government, not the other way around.

I guess when you're unable to actually respond to the genuine needs of your electorate the next best approach(in a purely political sense) is to endlessly attack your opponents and confuse the voters as much as you can.

so going by this logic, the more the Conservatives attack Mulcair the better he's doing.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
re: Thomas Muclair, being "Thomas Mulcair"....

He must be getting traction with Canadian voters for the Conservatives to begin the same kind of personal attacks that they did on the last opposition leaders. Not that I feel bad for the Liberals, just that it's the job of the opposition to criticize the sitting government, not the other way around.

I guess when you're unable to actually respond to the genuine needs of your electorate the next best approach(in a purely political sense) is to endlessly attack your opponents and confuse the voters as much as you can.

so going by this logic, the more the Conservatives attack Mulcair the better he's doing.

The Cons have not even started - When they do it will be and I quote from a new article - Like a Rototiller at a Poodle Party.


Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
Re: Thomas Mulcair disease: Canada’s would-be PM slips on the oilsands

Since actually replying to you, is an exercise in futility...

Don't buy into the ideologues bswashing on the oil sands, it is not the largest engineering project in human history. It isn't even in the top 12...

Engineering the History: 12 projects that changed the world

Hell, it isn't even the largest petroleum engineering project in human history...

Khurais Crude Increment Program - YouTube!

I'm not letting you set the agenda.

The oil sands cover thousands of square kms, the process to remove the bitumen is closer to mining than conventional oil production and the processing of the bitumen into synthetic crude produces massive amounts of toxic waste which needs to be dumped somewhere. Even the Great Wall of China is limited in overall scale when compared to the oil sands. Millions of tons of material are removed from the substrate and processed every year, it's not the Mickey Mouse operation you seem to believe it is and it definitely isn't Disney Land(unless you're an synthetic oil exec).

There's nothing ideological in this, it's simple facts, to get the neccessary amount of "oil" out of the Athabaska, you need to remove and process massive amounts of bitumen and it all has an ecological impact. I guess if don't actualy live in this region and couldn't give a crap about what Alberta eventually becomes then it's going to be full speed ahead on the oil sands.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Re: Thomas Mulcair disease: Canada’s would-be PM slips on the oilsands

It's a no-brainer that if your currency is trading at or above that of your largest trading partener then export is going to suffer, the only question is by how much.

When the Canadian dollar was at 80 cents or lower US then a lot of stuff that wouldn't have been competitive with US produced ggods suddenly had an advantage. When the Canadian dollar goes to par or above that disappears. And sure Canadian manufacturers can compensate, that doesn't mean they can regain the trade advantage that a weaker loonie gives.

We lived off a low dollar for exports for decades- OK for exporters - Bad for consumers- The low dollar stopped companies from becoming more efficient. Why would they spend money when a low end dollar guaranteed them a price advantage.

What are you going to say when they turf the egg and milk marketing boards.