Thomas Mulcair, being "Thomas Mulcair"....

Mulcair 1 thread

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captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Re: Thomas Mulcair disease: Canada’s would-be PM slips on the oilsands

We get to lived in the aftermath of Harper's "progress", who's going to end up paying for the massive cleaning bill for the oil sands project?

The oil companies will , and are presently paying.

Get over it already.

Don't buy into the Conservative's greenwashing on the oil sands, it's the largest engineering project in human history and puts massive amounts of pollutants into the environment by any standards. It also uses massive amounts of water in a region that can experience some pretty severe water shortages if the weather doesn't co-operate. Some "experts" around here talk about developing the oil sands for the next 70 years like it's impact free. The process is water intensive and as the glaciers are rapidly melting in the Rockies which is the main source of water for the Athabaska region then what happens when rivers start to go dry? There's already been serious fights over water rights in this province for years, are they going to start piping water from other areas to supply the oil sands if the watershed starts drying up in summer months?

Blah, blah blah.. Life's hard - time to move on.

Mulcair is making some good points that other politicians are dodging due to lack of backbone. Tell us what's really going on, Canadians can take, I know Albertans can. We live in one of the most dynamic and creative societies on the planet, why the hell are we allowing the fear/greed mongerers to set the agenda?

Mulciar is making a horse's ass of himself.. Let him have his 15 minutes of fame; come the next election, the NDP will reside in the 'where are they now' file


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Re: Please spare us from the multitude of mulcair threads

I would prefer to see more threads on issues, we see threads of Harper and Mulcair,
of course these are the two leading figures on the political scene.
The problem is no one can paint a believable picture of either of them, they are both
Canadians, they are both top grade politicians and if they spent more time debating
issues, without trying to destroy each other we would all be better off.


Time Out
Feb 19, 2012
London, Ontario
re: Thomas Mulcair, being "Thomas Mulcair"....

Not all stupid people are conservative, and not all conservatives are stupid people.

It's dissappointing seeing the little Junior Achievement Grads and University Econ 101 experts decry the NDP, and though they are not perfect, this Federal party is the only one who can make the claim "We didn't put Canada $800Bn into debt."

The export of oil is driving up the price of the Canadian $$$. To suggest otherwise, suggests a lack of integrity.

That is all.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
re: Thomas Mulcair, being "Thomas Mulcair"....

Not all stupid people are conservative, and not all conservatives are stupid people.

It's dissappointing seeing the little Junior Achievement Grads and University Econ 101 experts decry the NDP, and though they are not perfect, this Federal party is the only one who can make the claim "We didn't put Canada $800Bn into debt."

The export of oil is driving up the price of the Canadian $$$. To suggest otherwise, suggests a lack of integrity.

That is all.

Great, another apologist that prays at the altar of the Dippers.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
re: Thomas Mulcair, being "Thomas Mulcair"....

Not all stupid people are conservative, and not all conservatives are stupid people.

I beg to differ...........................I think anyone who aligns him/herself with any political party and becomes beholden to them is very stupid! :lol:


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
re: Thomas Mulcair, being "Thomas Mulcair"....

I beg to differ...........................I think anyone who aligns him/herself with any political party and becomes beholden to them is very stupid! :lol:
I love you even more.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
re: Thomas Mulcair, being "Thomas Mulcair"....

This thread should have focused on the issue at hand and not Thomas Mulcair if that was the intention.

There should be another thread where we can discuss the dutch disease and this one can remain as some all encompassing thread about Mulcair.

I guess this is the thread for people who like the Sun and hate Mulcair, so here's this little gem:

Mulcair agrees to oilsands visit
Last edited:


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
re: Thomas Mulcair, being "Thomas Mulcair"....

What choice does he have to visit the Oil Sands now, it's call damage control.. lol

Typical Quebec politician, doesn't give a **** about Canada, just the interests of the east, and in particular Quebec.. which sucks money out of Canada, unlike Alberta which supports the dam east..



Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
re: Thomas Mulcair, being "Thomas Mulcair"....

We haven't had a PM with a beard since Mackenzie Bowell in1896 and Canadians won't vote for a beardo anytime soon. Everyone knows that people with beards are hiding something; maybe even a "hidden agenda".


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
re: Thomas Mulcair, being "Thomas Mulcair"....

Rob Ford attends gay pride event.

It's their duty after they act the asshole. So what.

Well they're definitely both gestures of good will so propz to both of them.



Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
re: Thomas Mulcair, being "Thomas Mulcair"....

We haven't had a PM with a beard since Mackenzie Bowell in1896 and Canadians won't vote for a beardo anytime soon. Everyone knows that people with beards are hiding something; maybe even a "hidden agenda".

A Socialist Agenda

Rob Ford attends gay pride event.

That's just Rob Ford's comming out parade.