Thomas Mulcair, being "Thomas Mulcair"....

Mulcair 1 thread

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captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Re: Stéphane Dion criticizes Thomas Mulcair for East-West strategy

Wrong again.

I've stated time and time again, that the oilsands can be developed in a manner that maintains prosperity in that sector without hampering the manufacturing sector. The reason why this external force isn't as pervasive right now is because we've just begun.

Too bad that you can't articulate this manner of development - I believe the generalized term you use is 'sustainable'.

Get back to me when you can point to something concrete as opposed to these watery, feel-good cliches that are entirely devoid of substance.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Re: Stéphane Dion criticizes Thomas Mulcair for East-West strategy

Wrong again.

I've stated time and time again, that the oilsands can be developed in a manner that maintains prosperity in that sector without hampering the manufacturing sector. The reason why this external force isn't as pervasive right now is because we've just begun.

Now what is Mulcairs plan for this? If he has time to recommend a candidate in NFLD for mayor perhaps he should be spending time on a plan for implementing this.

Of course if it is of value the ruling party always steals the best parts. But all I have seen is rhetoric. No Bun, No Beef, No Plan.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Re: Stéphane Dion criticizes Thomas Mulcair for East-West strategy

Get back to me when you can point to something concrete as opposed to these watery, feel-good cliches that are entirely devoid of substance.

You mean, like not paying billions in waste cleanup which is artificially raising oil profit and affecting the dollar?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Re: Stéphane Dion criticizes Thomas Mulcair for East-West strategy

You mean, like not paying billions in waste cleanup which is artificially raising oil profit and affecting the dollar?

That is a good point. But they have just started to implement faster clean up of the tailings ponds from what i recall.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Re: Stéphane Dion criticizes Thomas Mulcair for East-West strategy

Where are the sites? What types of contamination? How old are they?

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Re: Stéphane Dion criticizes Thomas Mulcair for East-West strategy

You mean, like not paying billions in waste cleanup which is artificially raising oil profit and affecting the dollar?

What do you care how much is being spent on it, it doesn't come out of the taxpayer pocket and employs thousands in those efforts.

You're really stretching on this to the point of me feeling sympathy for you


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Re: Stéphane Dion criticizes Thomas Mulcair for East-West strategy

Wrong again.

I've stated time and time again, that the oilsands can be developed in a manner that maintains prosperity in that sector without hampering the manufacturing sector. The reason why this external force isn't as pervasive right now is because we've just begun.
How many jobless would that make for? Who is going to set up these manufacturing companies? Where will they be set up? What are they supposed to produce?


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Re: Stéphane Dion criticizes Thomas Mulcair for East-West strategy

Guys, don't get a hernia while you raise the pitchforks for this witch hunt.

A good example is the Sydney Tar Ponds.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Re: Stéphane Dion criticizes Thomas Mulcair for East-West strategy

Mulcair’s oil-sands musing risks halting NDP momentum


Globe and Mail Update

Posted on Thursday, May 17, 2012 8:00AM EDT

NDP Leader Tom Mulcair’s thoughts about whether Alberta’s oil sands are causing a “Dutch disease” for the Canadian economy have touched off a lively debate about his political strategy.
Some sense his approach is clever, if diabolical: that he wants to deliberately split the country, rallying Ontarians and Quebeckers to put the NDP over the top by blaming the West’s success for Central Canada’s misfortunes.

I very much doubt this is Mr. Mulcair’s strategy. But if it were his strategy, it would fail badly.
The idea that most Ontarians would rather reverse the economic growth that is happening in the West is ludicrous. True, they might love to return to a day when their province was the most powerful economic engine in the country – but by winning a race to the top, not by failing less badly than others.


Mulcair’s oil-sands musing risks halting NDP momentum - The Globe and Mail


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Re: Stéphane Dion criticizes Thomas Mulcair for East-West strategy

And good on them for that.

But I was just responding to captain morgan's claim that there is no way to quantify the dutch disease.

Even though we have a study confirming 25 out of 80 manufacturing sites are affected and that profit and the dollar becomes inflated when we don't pay for our messes.

And by the way, Loc, there's no actual empirical data in that article - it's just an opinion.
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Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Re: Stéphane Dion criticizes Thomas Mulcair for East-West strategy

How does a 19th century coker compare to todays projects and tight regulations?

The Alberta-based company is spending $700 million to clean up an oil spill from its pipeline on the Kalamazoo River in Michigan in July 2010. An estimated 3.5 million litres of 3.8 million spilled have been recovered to date.

“The last thing you want is to address a major incident,” said Ray Doering, Enbridge’s manager of engineering for Northern Gateway.

“That’s in nobody’s best interests. You want to get it right.”

The Kalamazoo is one river.

However, Enbridge has identified 773 streams — 669 of them bearing fish — that must be crossed if its 1,172-kilometre dual-pipeline project gets the go-ahead between Alberta and Kitimat on B.C.’s north coast.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Re: Stéphane Dion criticizes Thomas Mulcair for East-West strategy

Guys, don't get a hernia while you raise the pitchforks for this witch hunt.

A good example is the Sydney Tar Ponds.

That's it!

We must tax Sydney and put a halt to any/all activities in that province until we can develop a sustainable plan.

People!.. Won't someone please think of the children!