Thomas Mulcair, being "Thomas Mulcair"....

Mulcair 1 thread

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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Re: Stéphane Dion criticizes Thomas Mulcair for East-West strategy

Nope. I'm wondering how it went from disastrous to mild in a matter of a week? What's next? An oooopsie?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Re: Stéphane Dion criticizes Thomas Mulcair for East-West strategy

The Dutch disease debate

Two weeks after he made a diagnosis of Dutch disease, Thomas Mulcair is dismissing the premiers of Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia and Alison Redford is tweeting her disappointment in Mr. Mulcair. As to the central economic question, the Institute for Research on Public Policy has a new report.
The results are more nuanced than conventional wisdom would suggest. Only 25 of the 80 industries (accounting for about one-quarter of total manufacturing output) show a significant negative relationship between the US-Canada exchange rate and output. The effects are most pronounced in small labour-intensive industries such as textiles and apparel. Larger industry groups such as food products, metals and machinery are much less adversely affected by the strong dollar, and these minor problems have generally been offset by strong growth in demand. Interestingly, automotive industries do not show symptoms of the Dutch disease; their weakness stems from cyclical changes in demand and lagging productivity growth.

On balance, the evidence indicates that Canada suffers from a mild case of the Dutch disease, which warrants a commensurate policy response. It is difficult to implement national policies to directly counteract the rising exchange rate (policies such as investing resource revenues in foreign assets, as Norway does), because resource revenues are under provincial jurisdiction. However, Ottawa can use additional federal tax revenues stemming from natural resource booms to invest in infrastructural and other activities that bolster the competitiveness of the manufacturing sector as a whole.

The Dutch disease debate - Beyond The Commons, Capital Read -

Western premiers fume as Mulcair sticks to ‘Dutch disease’ guns - The Globe and Mail

However, Mr. Mulcair’s analysis of what ails Canada’s economy is contradicted by a new independent study produced by the Institute for Research on Public Policy and the latest Statistics Canada report on manufacturing output.

The IRPP study concludes that Canada is suffering a “mild case” of Dutch disease, with only about one-quarter of manufacturing output suffering due to the high dollar.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Thomas Mulcair disease: Canada’s would-be PM slips on the oilsands

Prime-minister-in-waiting Thomas Mulcair is sounding downright paranoid in defending his theory the oilsands are inflating the Canadian dollar and hollowing out the country’s manufacturing sector.

Never mind that Jason Myers, president of the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters Association, disagreed with this argument back when Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty first made it in February.

“Frankly, the big problem over the last three or four years has not been the high dollar because companies can adjust to (it),” Myers told the Globe and Mail. “The big problem has been the collapse of demand in the United States, which is our major market.”

Alberta Premier Alison Redford was diplomatic, but noted anyone who aspires to be PM, as does the federal NDP leader, needs to appreciate the importance of the oilsands to Canada’s economy.

B.C. Premier Christy Clark told the CBC Mulcair’s ideas were “goofy,” adding “the NDP talk their gobbledygook, but really … they want less economic development. We all know it’s a recipe for disaster.”

Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall called Mulcair’s comments “facile” and “divisive,” adding his “economics are wrong” and display a “lack of recognition … that the resource strength (of) Western Canada is a strength for the whole country.”

Former Liberal leader Stephane Dion also criticized Mulcair for being divisive, noting he rejected political advice to adapt a similar strategy on the oilsands when he ran for PM.

A new study by the Institute for Research on Public Policy titled Dutch Disease or Failure to Compete? also disagrees with Mulcair. (The NDP leader called the oilsands Canada’s version of “Dutch Disease,” referring to a downturn in the Netherlands’ manufacturing sector after the discovery of large natural gas reserves in 1959).

Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney told the CBC’s Evan Solomon he doesn’t subscribe to Dutch Disease theory. The major problem, Carney said, is that, “We’ve been focused on slow-growing markets. That’s not just the U.S. … 85% of our exports go to slow-growth advanced economies. Only 8% … are targeted at the fast-growing emerging markets. That’s something that needs to change …”

The Conservatives piled on, with Finance Minister Jim Flaherty arguing Mulcair’s “logic is off and doesn’t make sense,” but that was predictable since they don’t take kindly to criticism. Ever.

What’s more interesting is Mulcair’s response. On Tuesday, he told Postmedia News the premiers of Alberta, B.C. and Saskatchewan (and presumably everybody else, including that notorious Stephen Harper sycophant, Stephane Dion) are merely acting as Harper’s “messengers,” that he (Mulcair) is right, they’re wrong, and he won’t respond to mere premiers since his fight is with Harper.

That prompted Paul Wells of to humourously observe the idea of premiers Wall, Clark and especially Redford waiting by the “Harperphone” for instructions could only come from Mulcair, who believes anyone who disagrees with him must be part of a conspiracy. (If Mulcair starts twirling ball bearings and musing about who stole his quart of strawberries, run!)

I like Mulcair’s ideas about refining more oil here instead of shipping it to the U.S. But not his strategy of pitting western Canada’s natural resources against eastern Canada’s manufacturing base, because he sees more potential NDP votes in Ontario and the party’s new stronghold in Quebec.

A prime minister needs a bigger vision of Canada than that.



Lower our dollar he says so we can Americans can buy our products.. ya fukking Libtard, the US economy has failed, they can't buy the TP to wipe their asses with..

PLEASE!! Please someone put a bullet in this A-Hole!!

Typical French, will never be happy until the rest of Canada is as miserable as Quebec.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Re: Thomas Mulcair disease: Canada’s would-be PM slips on the oilsands

Geeze, most of us have been saying this about the NDP in general, for years.

Mulcair just takes the fun out of it though.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Re: Thomas Mulcair disease: Canada’s would-be PM slips on the oilsands

Going down........

The NDP leader insists that statistics on manufacturing job losses are “irrefutable” and that “everyone” agrees more than half of those losses are the direct result of the artificially high Canadian dollar created by booming energy exports, particularly from Alberta’s oil sands.
The phenomenon is known as Dutch disease, in reference to the manufacturing decline that occurred in the Netherlands after a boom in natural gas exports in the 1970s.

Heh Heh Heh Yeah right......

However, Mulcair’s analysis of what ails Canada’s economy is contradicted by a new independent study produced by the Institute for Research on Public Policy and the latest Statistics Canada report on manufacturing output.
The IRPP study concludes that Canada is suffering a “mild case” of Dutch disease, with only about one-quarter of manufacturing output suffering due to the high dollar.
StatsCan, meanwhile, reports that manufacturing output rose in March by 1.9% — the biggest gain since last September — with future indicators suggesting more robust growth to come.
Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall, who has led the charge against Mulcair’s Dutch disease thesis, pounced on the StatsCan report Wednesday as proof that Mulcair and the NDP “have their facts wrong.”
“The stats out today put a lie to some of these theories that Mr. Mulcair has been espousing, I think, or certainly stand in stark contradiction to them because we see in Canada, where there is a strong resource sector and an attendant strong dollar, manufacturing is moving in the right direction,” Wall told reporters.
“We have one more message for Mr. Mulcair and that is that his facts are wrong and what he’s doing is very divisive for the country.”

Thomas Mulcair sticks by oil sands criticism despite conflicting evidence | News | National Post


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Re: Thomas Mulcair disease: Canada’s would-be PM slips on the oilsands

Geeze, most of us have been saying this about the NDP in general, for years.

Mulcair just takes the fun out of it though.

I support a lot of their social justice issues..........but....................they gotta LEARN!! put their brain in gear before they put their mouth in motion. Mulclair and the NDP aren't the only ones with this problem.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Re: Thomas Mulcair disease: Canada’s would-be PM slips on the oilsands

“The big problem has been the collapse of demand in the United States, which is our major market.”
Possibly because the US economy is fukked.. so attack what makes Canada's economy #3 in the world, the oil sands. :roll:

Well it was nice to see the NDP make history as the official opposition.. to bad it's going to be just a foot note in history.. I think Mulclair just sunk the NDP..



Council Member
Apr 24, 2012
Re: Thomas Mulcair disease: Canada’s would-be PM slips on the oilsands

Canada has not adjusted to the higher dollar. That is pure nonsense. And. it cannot. There are several economic studies that show the correlation of manufacturing loss to the dollar and to the price of oil. Mulcair is correct. Because a few CPC supporters and the Alberta Premier take exception is no reason to gloat. We can hope that Mulcair sticks to his guns.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Re: Thomas Mulcair disease: Canada’s would-be PM slips on the oilsands

Canada has not adjusted to the higher dollar. That is pure nonsense. And. it cannot. There are several economic studies that show the correlation of manufacturing loss to the dollar and to the price of oil. Mulcair is correct. Because a few CPC supporters and the Alberta Premier take exception is no reason to gloat. We can hope that Mulcair sticks to his guns.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Re: Thomas Mulcair disease: Canada’s would-be PM slips on the oilsands

This neckbeard failboat is the best thing to happen to common sense in the country for a long time. The right thanks him. :lol:



Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Re: Thomas Mulcair disease: Canada’s would-be PM slips on the oilsands

Canada has not adjusted to the higher dollar. That is pure nonsense. And. it cannot. There are several economic studies that show the correlation of manufacturing loss to the dollar and to the price of oil. Mulcair is correct. Because a few CPC supporters and the Alberta Premier take exception is no reason to gloat. We can hope that Mulcair sticks to his guns.

Alrighty then... just can't help yourself eh. Dion, the former leader of the LIBERAL PARTY OF CANADA, is a CPC supporter? By the way, you do realize that federally there is no "CPC", right? You do know that they died when the Reform Party basically took them over and renamed themselves the Conservative Party of Canada, right?

Really, if you can't get something as simple as the name of the governing party right, how can you be expected to be taken seriously on any other political discussion?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Re: Thomas Mulcair disease: Canada’s would-be PM slips on the oilsands

Canada has not adjusted to the higher dollar. That is pure nonsense. And. it cannot. There are several economic studies that show the correlation of manufacturing loss to the dollar and to the price of oil. Mulcair is correct. Because a few CPC supporters and the Alberta Premier take exception is no reason to gloat. We can hope that Mulcair sticks to his guns.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Re: Thomas Mulcair disease: Canada’s would-be PM slips on the oilsands

Best I can tell the only areas that are having trouble with manufacturing are under the thumb of the CAW. Oh wait those and government employees make up the majority of the NDP support. Could there be a connection?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Re: Stéphane Dion criticizes Thomas Mulcair for East-West strategy

He is having problems in coping with decentralization of industry.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Re: Stéphane Dion criticizes Thomas Mulcair for East-West strategy

Now you admit it exists? :lol:

And you admit it is not to the extent as stated by Mulcair? Guess as I mentioned a host of other factors were overlooked. Except by some. Are you part of the some?