You could never prove me wrong. You have a demonstrated incapacity for thought.
Would it hurt your head to admit your outrageous claims keep getting pwnd?Would it hurt your head to read the whole report from your source.
Uh huh. Along with all it's monumental failures.You will find that he discusses the benefits of carbon taxes and the way they should be implemented.
What happened to success?Carbon taxes have been effective throughout Europe.
From your ridiculous claims on British pride, to your silly claims about the use of time allocation.You could never prove me wrong.
Virtually every developed country outside North America has some form of carbon tax. They have proved to be successful.
And yet I still manage to punch huge holes in your claims.You have a demonstrated incapacity for thought.
This Cabbage is just another one with illusions of adequacy:roll:
Baird is jostling for his place as chief misrepresenter of the CPC. NRTEE is not political. It conducts assessments and assesses research information. It dies not push`` for a carbon tax. What it did is advise that the weight of expert opinion favours a carbon tax. As it does. Overwhelmingly.
Virtually every developed country outside North America has some form of carbon tax. They have proved to be successful. The first - I forget, offhand, just which European country introduced it - has been in effect since 1991.
Baird is a vile bullying liar. He is answering, presumably, because Peter Kent is not strong enough or bullying enough for the task.
Maybe that's Cabbageheads idea of successful.WE have had a carbon tax for several years now. So far i can't see where it has done anything except raise the price of gas and create a few more government jobs.And make it harder for school boards to balance their budgets.
You are a fool, Bear. You have been bested in every part of all those disputes. You think that by parading your ego you can convince others. Everything I posted is proved.
And I am beginning to get a little annoyed with your lies. I said nothing about anyone's spelling.
You are a fool, Bear. You have been bested in every part of all those disputes. You think that by parading your ego you can convince others. Everything I posted is proved.
And I am beginning to get a little annoyed with your lies. I said nothing about anyone's spelling.
I will respond to any particular claim that you make but I am not going to deal with every point in a delusional denier`s fantasy.
Now practise spelling bad again.
Interesting how ever since I first started coming to CC, people have been repeatedly stating that canadian democracy is under attack and crumbling beneath our feet, and yet, we all still have the vote and live in a free country and feel safe in our homes.Huh????
You are a fool, Bear. You have been bested in every part of all those disputes. You think that by parading your ego you can convince others. Everything I posted is proved.
And I am beginning to get a little annoyed with your lies. I said nothing about anyone's spelling.
And despite that, I've proven you wrong and a liar, continuously.You are a fool, Bear.
No need to parade my ego. They figured you out on their own. The bulk of the membership here is pretty sharp.You think that by parading your ego you can convince others.
Fixed that for you.Everything I posted is proved wrong.
Oh oh... DaS just proved that to be another lie from old Cabbage liar.And I am beginning to get a little annoyed with your lies. I said nothing about anyone's spelling.
This one is fun though DaS.Huh????
That's been my point all along. Just because Harper is far more efficient at it, doesn't change a thing.The sky is falling never gets old. Personally, I can't see where Harper can really do any worse than they who have wiped their feet on our backs before him
While I don't always totally agree with Bear, I don't see him getting "bested" in too many discussions, there Cabbage Head, if I were you I'd get my SENSIBLE post count up a little before judging others' ability. :lol:
If I'm forced to take him seriously, I'd actually have to put some effort into proving him wrong.He should also learn to quote "posts" and "sources" for his unverifiable statesments, if he wants to be taken seriously and not the a pompous, condescending koolaid drinking ideologue ....that he probably is:lol:
If I'm forced to take him seriously, I'd actually have to put some effort into proving him wrong.
Not that I don't love a good challenge, but he's more fun the way he is.
Actually, the wiz has a documented mental condition. I always feel bad after going at him. Which is why I take it easy on him now.Along with that other idiot................the one who hates every cop and every judge in Canada...............and every one of them "screwed" him.
Actually, the wiz has a documented mental condition. I always feel bad after going at him. Which is why I take it easy on him now.
Cabbagehead on the other hand, is just your average run of the mill ideological troll.