CBC demands more money


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
OTTAWA - CBC wants more money from Canadians to pay for local services but isn't willing to say exactly what that money will buy.

Last week CBC appeared before the CRTC, Canada's broadcast regulator, arguing in favour of keeping a pool of money called the Local Programming Improvement Fund available to television station owners. The fund was set up a few years ago to offset the loss in ad revenue caused by the worldwide economic collapse in 2008.

Facing hard times, broadcasters turned to their MPs and pushed for a new source of money, which led to the creation of the fund. CBC's slice of the pie, paid for by a levy on Canadian cable and satellite companies, is $40 million.

But while the state broadcaster says it needs more money from hard working Canadians to keep local operations going, it is also working hard to keep details of local operations secret.

A request for details on the cost of their new studios in Hamilton, Ont., including the acquisition, renovation and furnishing of a decrepit old building in the city's downtown core, was granted -- with plenty of information removed.

CBC cited security concerns, competitive issues and privacy in refusing to release what they are spending taxpayers money on.

more nonsense

CBC demands more money while refusing to release key information | Canada | News | Toronto Sun


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Yeah sure it does.

The last good CBC program was The Forest Rangers. Multicultural and everything.

Oh, and Celebrity Cooks. ;-)


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Now that "The Friendly Giant" is gone we should cut the umbilical cord completely.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
OTTAWA - CBC wants more money from Canadians to pay for local services but isn't willing to say exactly what that money will buy.

Last week CBC appeared before the CRTC, Canada's broadcast regulator, arguing in favour of keeping a pool of money called the Local Programming Improvement Fund available to television station owners. The fund was set up a few years ago to offset the loss in ad revenue caused by the worldwide economic collapse in 2008.

Facing hard times, broadcasters turned to their MPs and pushed for a new source of money, which led to the creation of the fund. CBC's slice of the pie, paid for by a levy on Canadian cable and satellite companies, is $40 million.

But while the state broadcaster says it needs more money from hard working Canadians to keep local operations going, it is also working hard to keep details of local operations secret.

A request for details on the cost of their new studios in Hamilton, Ont., including the acquisition, renovation and furnishing of a decrepit old building in the city's downtown core, was granted -- with plenty of information removed.

CBC cited security concerns, competitive issues and privacy in refusing to release what they are spending taxpayers money on.

more nonsense

CBC demands more money while refusing to release key information | Canada | News | Toronto Sun

Money spent on C.B.C. is a lot more worthwhile than what goes into the troughs in Ottawa. If they shortened each trough by 1' there would be lots of money for C.B.C. and 300 fat cats would be a lot healthier! :lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Money spent on C.B.C. is a lot more worthwhile than what goes into the troughs in Ottawa. If they shortened each trough by 1' there would be lots of money for C.B.C. and 300 fat cats would be a lot healthier! :lol:

It's definitely money better spent than anything given to Harper and his collection of #$@!suckers who call themselves MPs. They make Mulroney's gang look ethical. I wonder how anyone with a functioning brain can support that collection of excrement eating Cons.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
CBC has the best Canadian programming that identifies the Canadian culture

If you identify as a torontoian perhaps. Certainly not the culture of real Canadians.
They need the money for executive bonus's and lavish parties for the faithful. AKA those that can't find a real job.

It's definitely money better spent than anything given to Harper and his collection of #$@!suckers who call themselves MPs. They make Mulroney's gang look ethical. I wonder how anyone with a functioning brain can support that collection of excrement eating Cons.

SImple. We just compare them to Cretian and Turdeau. Makes Harpers gang look like choir boys.

I didn't want it come to this, but Liberalman "You are retarded."

You are so polite.
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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
It's definitely money better spent than anything given to Harper and his collection of coksuckers who call themselves MPs. They make Mulroney's gang look ethical. I wonder how anyone with a functioning brain can support that collection of excrement eating Cons.
Wow, someone has a real hate on.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
This is really rich when you think about it. The private broadcasters, turned to their MP
and asked for money from, from, from the CBC. Yes, the CBC which is funded by of all
things the public which means they are looking to public funding for private broadcasting.
The problem isn't that they should not get assistance from government in some manner,
the problem I have is that the past behaviour of private broadcasting industry should not
be rewarded.
Over the years private broadcasters did what ever they pleased the public be damned.
They took the money and used employees, well lets say not the best, and the owners
had their little piece of turf. Then came the world of computers and satellites and networks.
Now these arrogant prince's of the airwaves are learning the hard way you can't have what
you want all the time. CBC on the other hand had their silly little rules that prevent some
very good people from getting on the air with the public broadcaster. They had their own
arrogant behaviour and it demonstrated itself on the airwaves.
I know a little of which I speak having been a broadcaster for decades. Oh I am not complaining
I am just putting things into perspective. Government should not be giving public broadcast
funding to private broadcasters. Private industry needs to produce good programing and
make radio fun again, and television more balanced and interesting that will enhance the
And no right now they should not be handing out money to the CBC either they all have to live
within their means


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
CBC has the best Canadian programming that identifies the Canadian culture

The Best??

Arctic Air.. maybe because in am in pilot school..

Rick Mercer.. I think he personifies what a Proud Canadian looks like and acts.. (I wish I had his Canadian Pride... I don't)

For many years I believed in a United North America.. I am slowly just getting Canadian Pride.

I only like 2 programs on CBC.. the rest.. well. DirecTV has those.


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
CBC has the best Canadian identity programming now the private broadcasters offer made in Canada shows but they hardly identify Canada just another American town or a generic program that does not identify any country it is set in so it is easier to sell to the international market.

Global network did have a show set in Canada about the Canadian Coast Guard called The Guard.

Because of Conservative governments past and present cut backs CBC had to bring in more foreign programming and show more commercials.

Canada is starting to define itself on the world stage and the world wants to know more of the Canadian identity experience and most of the private broadcasters are pushing American values and only the CBC is working on more Canadian value shows.