CBC demands more money


Council Member
Nov 29, 2009
Nova Scotia
Wait a tic,what CBC channel are you guys watching,all the ones I get have commercials.
I must admit,while I would defend CBC in general,I listen to far more CBC radio,the radio at work,in the truck,and in the shop are all on CBC ,except for the odd Saturday,when the tape deck gets the cobwebs blown out.
Yes tape deck,I put one in the 4x too,I'm not re-buying stuff every time some greedhead changes their mind.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
I was unaware that in some regions the CBC really is the only game in town, but then in that case would it not be possible for the sake of cost savings to have the CBC specialize in those locations where there is nothing else. In those exceptional case3s, it might be worth funding it, but there is no need for CBC Ottawa for example when we have access to so many other options in the city.

In other words, let's have the CBC specialize in isolated communities only.
Satellite is everywhere; cut the cord.

In B.C. we have literally hundreds of small isolated communties (possibly comprising 10% of the population) where the only reception is C.B.C.
Satellite is everywhere; cut the cord.

Competitiveness means trying to undermine the competition.
It means being better than the competition; the CBC is now doing the undermining competing in the market with a massive guvmint subsidy.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Satellite is everywhere; cut the cord.

Satellite is everywhere; cut the cord.

It means being better than the competition; the CBC is now doing the undermining competing in the market with a massive guvmint subsidy.

For those who can afford it, or actually want it.