The excluded, second-class citizen athiest


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Atheist Ashu Solo threatens human rights complaint after Saskatoon councillor’s dinner blessing

SASKATOON — A Christian prayer by a city councillor at a City of Saskatoon volunteer appreciation dinner discriminated against non-Christians, says a volunteer who intends to complain to the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission.

Ashu Solo, a member of the city’s cultural diversity and race relations committee, was among the guests at the dinner Wednesday, where Coun. Randy Donauer said a blessing over the food in which he mentioned Jesus and ended with “amen.”

“It made me feel like a second-class citizen. It makes you feel excluded,” said Solo, who is an atheist.
“It’s ironic that I’ve now become a victim of religious bigotry and discrimination at this banquet that was supposed to be an appreciation banquet for the service of volunteers like me.”

more lunacy

Saskatoon atheist Ashu Solo threatens human rights complaint after city councillor's dinner prayer | Holy Post | National Post



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
atheist ashu solo threatens human rights complaint after saskatoon councillor’s dinner blessing

saskatoon — a christian prayer by a city councillor at a city of saskatoon volunteer appreciation dinner discriminated against non-christians, says a volunteer who intends to complain to the saskatchewan human rights commission.

Ashu solo, a member of the city’s cultural diversity and race relations committee, was among the guests at the dinner wednesday, where coun. Randy donauer said a blessing over the food in which he mentioned jesus and ended with “amen.”

“it made me feel like a second-class citizen. It makes you feel excluded,” said solo, who is an atheist.
“it’s ironic that i’ve now become a victim of religious bigotry and discrimination at this banquet that was supposed to be an appreciation banquet for the service of volunteers like me.”

more lunacy

saskatoon atheist ashu solo threatens human rights complaint after city councillor's dinner prayer | holy post | national post

what a dick!


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm
They pray at council meeting too and that is a violation of the law separating church and state. If this person had the nuts to just go with that and fight them then he would earn some respect. The sucky baby 'Human Rights' approach really discredits his cause from the get go.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Re: The excluded, second-class citizen atheist

They pray at council meeting too and that is a violation of the law separating church and state. If this person had the nuts to just go with that and fight them then he would earn some respect. The sucky baby 'Human Rights' approach really discredits his cause from the get go.

Myself i wonder about the hoopla. Does it matter one way or the other- Ask him his opinion on others that gave speeches and how many were Bshxt. Not gonna get an answer

Throw a prayer in and everything goes to hell in his mind.
What a loser.


Council Member
Jan 19, 2012
Van Isle
Just another attention wh*re playing with lawfare. The HRC has turned into a very selective big stick. If some whiner lays a complaint against you, you pay for your own defense and even if you are found innocent you are out of pocket. The complainant pays nothing and if the kangaroo court finds you guilty they assess a fine against you that goes to the complainant.
When found not guilty the complainant should pay all your costs. That would level the playing field, particularly since the complainant, under the current system has nothing to lose and YOU do.

Here is the classic lawfare guy:roll:

Richard Warman has sued me -- and other conservative bloggers - Ezra Levant


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
They pray at council meeting too and that is a violation of the law separating church and state. If this person had the nuts to just go with that and fight them then he would earn some respect. The sucky baby 'Human Rights' approach really discredits his cause from the get go.

There is no actual law separating church and state in Canada sadly.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
They pray at council meeting too and that is a violation of the law separating church and state. If this person had the nuts to just go with that and fight them then he would earn some respect. The sucky baby 'Human Rights' approach really discredits his cause from the get go.


Good Lord!!

(Oh, it appears WLBD beat me to it....)

Ironic. There is in the USA.
Guess we 'just do it' cuz we're smart.

No, there is not.

the ONLY reference to church and state is in the first amendment, and it merely prevents the Congress from establishing a State church, as the Church of England is in Great Britain.

All the rest has been the construction of activist judges, acting outside their parameters of responsibility.


Council Member
Nov 12, 2006
Ok here we go again! What about Freedoms and Rights? They have just as much freedom and right to say a pray and those who do not want to pray 'just don't listen or participate' and stop whining.

Sorry but that is my opinion.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Re: The excluded, second-class citizen atheist

Ok here we go again! What about Freedoms and Rights? They have just as much freedom and right to say a pray and those who do not want to pray 'just don't listen or participate' and stop whining.

Sorry but that is my opinion.

People get upset about nothing. Say a friend passes - they hold the funereal at a church. Do these people hold their principles so dear that they refuse to attend the Church funereal. I mean really -


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
The guy does sound like a whiner but, I would think that there were people there of various religious practices, so one has to wonder why a Christian prayer was given precedent. Out of respect for others, at least a universal type blessing would have been more appropriate.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
Re: The excluded, second-class citizen atheist

People get upset about nothing. Say a friend passes - they hold the funereal at a church. Do these people hold their principles so dear that they refuse to attend the Church funereal. I mean really -

I personally dont go to funerals not because they tend to be in churches but because they are too damn depressing. That and I prefer to deal with death on my own.

I'm more of an Irish wake type of person.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Yes you are dealing with nonsense. Keeping that in mind the councillor should have
used his head. If you are having an appreciation dinner for immigrants who are
volunteers, it might be incumbent to determine where they came from and whether
they were Christians or a large number were made up of other faiths.
Use a generic prayer and offend on one. If it were a mainstream event then a
christian prayer is not so bad, but if you are hosting people who are not Christians
you are asking for trouble


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
Prayers don't bother me. I have never been bothered by a prayer, incantation, chant, hex, or charm. But, what relevance they have in Saskatoon council chambers is somewhat bewildering.

Yes you are dealing with nonsense. Keeping that in mind the councillor should have
used his head. If you are having an appreciation dinner for immigrants who are
volunteers, it might be incumbent to determine where they came from and whether
they were Christians or a large number were made up of other faiths.
Use a generic prayer and offend on one. If it were a mainstream event then a
christian prayer is not so bad, but if you are hosting people who are not Christians
you are asking for trouble

You are making far too much sense!

The goal of giving thanks at a meal should be to promore fellowship and community. if it divides, it fails its primary purpose.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I wonder what the dip**** would do if one of my native cousins blessed the meal with a sage smudge over the meal? I'm fairly sure a visible minority can't be charged with discrimination.