U.S. soldier kills up to 16 Afghan civilians


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
These are open to the pubic - the other thread is for places like yourself and i to have a mature exchange. Now puttin conditions on it that you know cannot be met - well that says loads about you. I am sure you can figure out what type of load I am referring to as you are such a well educated man.

Following the board rules means it can stay here....what exactly is it you want from this "other" thread? What do you "hope" to accomplish? To show the rest of the board what kind of a person I am? They already know, stupid.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I protested the Iraq war and wrote against it on the internet. My conscience isn't clear, because I could have protested and written more.

I support going after everyone responsible for 9/11. I still do. I'm just not so certain as I used to be that OBL had anything to do with it. At the time I was fooled into supporting an Afghan invasion because I believed at the time, that the Taliban were hiding/supporting OBL and the other people responsible. Since then I educated myself on Pashtun culture. I now realize that these people have a cultural obligation to protect their "guests" even if they don't like them. They also have a similar obligation to help us bring those responsible for 9/11 to justice. All we had to do was prove to them who was responsible for 9/11. As far as I know, that's never been done. I am not convinced that the official belief system regarding 9/11 is correct. I say belief system, because I've never seen any evidence linking OBL to 9/11. I'm certain OBL believed the US got what they deserved and were happy about it, but that's not the same as guilt and morally not that different than people who support Israeli assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists.

So yes my hands are bloody too. But unlike Goober, I'm pushing in the direction of least harm. I want to know the truth and and I want justice. Our leaders and the people who control the MSM aren't interested in the truth or justice. They are motivated by profit and power. Powerful people use the MSM to manipulate gullible people to support their agendas which include controlling Middle East oil, increased military/industrial corporate profits, continued Zionist ethnic cleansing (wiping Palestine off the map) and other goals which have little to do with freedom, justice or the truth.

OK Buckey - You only use information sources that agree with your limitied opinion. And if it is against Jews well you are sure to use it.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
OK Buckey - You only use information sources that agree with your limitied opinion. And if it is against Jews well you are sure to use it.

again, numbnuts, prove what he says about the timeline between 9/11 and the invasion wrong. You can't, and therefore, like the tiny minded little man you are, you yell squirrel.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Following the board rules means it can stay here....what exactly is it you want from this "other" thread? What do you "hope" to accomplish? To show the rest of the board what kind of a person I am? They already know, stupid.

Just made an offer Buckey - Again thank you for such a well written reply. And so polite. Why Miss Manners would be proud of you, yes she would, now don't get all embarrased about that. It is a fine quality being so polite and all.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Why is it always US soldiers who commit such terrible crimes? I can never remember a British soldier doing something like this in Afghanistan.

Either British soldiers are better able to mentally cope with fighting in a war than American soldiers are and so are less prone to flipping, or the British Army is better at teaching its soldiers what is right and what is wrong when fighting a war.

Canadian soldiers have committed war crimes abroad too.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
He was convicted on the testimony of a Cpl the Capt. wanted to transfer and an Afghan Terp who was given landed imiigrant status. Guess he had a reason to be helpful.
The Warrant Officers testimony was disregarded.

It was directed at those who only look south and ignore what their own are doing. Pretending that they are so loved over there and are acting as angels of mercy as opposed to the Big Bad Americans.

Everyone's hands are bloody.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Does Canada plan on staying there?

Hypocrisy at its peak...

BBC News - Canadian soldier sacked for shooting wounded Afghan

..."The Afghan that Semrau was accused of shooting had allegedly taken part in an ambush on Semrau's unit and was already near death after a helicopter attack.".... suspected Afghan Taliban fighter lay disarmed and severely wounded, with one witness testifying he was "98% dead". Prosecutors said Semrau fired two shots at the prone fighter in a "mercy killing".

Are you equating that Canadian soldier's "mercy killing" of a dying Afghan militant to end his pain and suffering with an American soldier's murderous rampage against innocent civilians?

Shooting a wounded soldier who is clearly in agony and about to die may be harsh, but it was motivated by this soldier's perception of compassion. What this Canadian soldier did was illegal and a war crime, but its hardly the same as breaking into the homes of innocent civilians and murdering all the occupants, including women and children.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Canadian soldiers have committed war crimes abroad too.

I already responded to the resident Brit knucklehead. The Brits have been so deep in these killings from the outset. From the famed Coldsteam Guards to their Royal Marines. Nobody is innocent.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
It was directed at those who only look south and ignore what their own are doing. Pretending that they are so loved over there and are acting as angels of mercy as opposed to the Big Bad Americans.

Everyone's hands are bloody.

ES - I know that - was not sure if you were aware how he was hung out to dry.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
..."The Afghan that Semrau was accused of shooting had allegedly taken part in an ambush on Semrau's unit and was already near death after a helicopter attack.".... suspected Afghan Taliban fighter lay disarmed and severely wounded, with one witness testifying he was "98% dead". Prosecutors said Semrau fired two shots at the prone fighter in a "mercy killing".

Are you equating that Canadian soldier's "mercy killing" of a dying Afghan militant to end his pain and suffering with an American soldier's murderous rampage against innocent civilians?

Shooting a wounded soldier who is clearly in agony and about to die may be harsh, but it was motivated by this soldier's perception of compassion. What this Canadian soldier did was illegal and a war crime, but its hardly the same as breaking into the homes of innocent civilians and murdering all the occupants, including women and children.

LMAO! Mercy Killing he says! Mercy Killing!

Is that what you're trying to float around up there? 98% Dead... Good grief! What percentage "dead" are you?

Mercy Killing my azz!

Welcome to the Bloody Hands Club!


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Canada's record in Afghanistan isn't spotless, but its pretty good
The good, the bad and the ugly of Canada

LMAO! Mercy Killing he says! Mercy Killing!

Is that what you're trying to float around up there? 98% Dead... Good grief! What percentage "dead" are you?

Mercy Killing my azz!

Welcome to the Bloody Hands Club!
That would be 98% closer to death than the American butcher's victims who were sleeping in their beds and 100% healthy when they were gunned down and set on fire. I doubt that American was motivated by compassion for his victims. This Canadian soldier believed his actions were humane.

If you think the American soldier was motivated by compassion when he killed all these innocent civilians, then please make your case.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Canada's record in Afghanistan isn't spotless, but its pretty good
The good, the bad and the ugly of Canada

Nice Puff Piece. Do some more digging and you'll see. This wasn't the only incident.

That would be 98% closer to death than the American butcher's victims who were sleeping in their beds and 100% healthy when they were gunned down and set on fire. I doubt that American was motivated by compassion for his victims.This Canadian soldier believed his actions were humane.

Oh I am sure he said he was motivated by compassion...but he was convicted wasn't he?

Such hypocrisy.

Welcome oh Welcome to the Bloody Hands Club!

If you think the American soldier was motivated by compassion when he killed all these innocent civilians, then please make your case.

Now where did I say that?



Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Canada's record in Afghanistan isn't spotless, but its pretty good
The good, the bad and the ugly of Canada

That would be 98% closer to death than the American butcher's victims who were sleeping in their beds and 100% healthy when they were gunned down and set on fire. I doubt that American was motivated by compassion for his victims. This Canadian soldier believed his actions were humane.

If you think the American soldier was motivated by compassion when he killed all these innocent civilians, then please make your case.

So how much blood on my hands compared to yours?


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
The judge, Lieutenant-Colonel Jean-Guy Perron, told the 36-year-old captain that he had failed in his role as a military leader and as an “ambassador of Canadian values.” The Forces code of conduct says soldiers must offer aid to wounded enemies that do not pose a threat.
“How can we expect our soldiers to follow the laws of war if their officers do not? How can we expect the Afghan National Army to follow the laws of war if the officers mentoring them do not?” Lt.-Col. Perron said.
Capt. Semrau managed to avoid jail time or the more severe sentence of “dismissal with disgrace.”
Testimony heard during trial suggested the close-range “double-tap” shooting was an effort to end the suffering of a gravely injured man. But Capt. Semrau was acquitted of second-degree murder and attempted murder in July after the prosecution, which could not produce a body from the war zone, failed to substantiate either charge. He was instead found guilty this summer of shooting the insurgent – and convicted of disgraceful conduct under the National Defence Act.
Semrau’s sentence criticized for ‘ambiguous’ message - The Globe and Mail

Capt. Semrau got about the same punishment as most of the American marines who participated in the Haditha massacre. In that case, those marines went from house to house shooting unarmed civilians including women, children and a mother with a baby in her arms. Are you saying these crimes are equal?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Capt. Semrau got about the same punishment as most of the American marines who participated in the Haditha massacre. In that case, those marines went from house to house shooting unarmed civilians including women, children and a mother with a baby in her arms. Are you saying these crimes are equal?

Apparently you would hope for me to swallow the Haditha Propaganda and the compassionate "mercy killing" at the same time?

Lets not get started on Libya and the indiscriminate and deliberate bombing of civilians that the Canadian General and his staff chose to target.

Since we're opening everything up here.

Filthy Bloody hands for all... INCLUDING YOU!


Electoral Member
Jul 5, 2011
We had better not get all caught up in who has committed worse deeds in military history as ONE lawless death is one too many and puts you in the same category as any murderer. Let's not go into stuff like why we no longer have the Van Doo's regiment.

Bad stuff happens during conflicts and will continue to happen regardless if everyone sits down and reads their chosen prayer book before embarking on a mission so why not just drop the useless attempts at comparing apples and cumquats.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
The judge, Lieutenant-Colonel Jean-Guy Perron, told the 36-year-old captain that he had failed in his role as a military leader and as an “ambassador of Canadian values.” The Forces code of conduct says soldiers must offer aid to wounded enemies that do not pose a threat.
“How can we expect our soldiers to follow the laws of war if their officers do not? How can we expect the Afghan National Army to follow the laws of war if the officers mentoring them do not?” Lt.-Col. Perron said.
Capt. Semrau managed to avoid jail time or the more severe sentence of “dismissal with disgrace.”
Testimony heard during trial suggested the close-range “double-tap” shooting was an effort to end the suffering of a gravely injured man. But Capt. Semrau was acquitted of second-degree murder and attempted murder in July after the prosecution, which could not produce a body from the war zone, failed to substantiate either charge. He was instead found guilty this summer of shooting the insurgent – and convicted of disgraceful conduct under the National Defence Act.
Semrau’s sentence criticized for ‘ambiguous’ message - The Globe and Mail

Capt. Semrau got about the same punishment as most of the American marines who participated in the Haditha massacre. In that case, those marines went from house to house shooting unarmed civilians including women, children and a mother with a baby in her arms. Are you saying these crimes are equal?

The testimony that convicted him was from a Cpl who the Capt wanted punted from the Unit - An Afghan Terp who recieved Landed Immigrant Staus for testifying. The Warrant Officers testimony was diregarded -
The testimony from the Cpl was hearsay - he saw nothing - He was only relating what he was supposedly told - Others disputed the Cply account as well.
In a civilian court - that would equate to reasonable doubt.

So how much blood on your hands compared to mine? After all you have stated time and again I am a warmonger.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
We had better not get all caught up in who has committed worse deeds in military history as ONE lawless death is one too many and puts you in the same category as any murderer. Let's not go into stuff like why we no longer have the Van Doo's regiment.

Bad stuff happens during conflicts and will continue to happen regardless if everyone sits down and reads their chosen prayer book before embarking on a mission so why not just drop the useless attempts at comparing apples and cumquats.

Exactly. I haven't even brought up the Somali Scandal.

I'm just pointing out the utter and unabashed hypocrisy that some folks in this forum have. Pointing out the neighbors faults while completely ignoring or making excuses for their own misdeeds.... actions or inactions (see Rwanda).