NDP membership climbs by over 50 per cent since race began


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Yet another example of union greed that killed the goose that laid the golden egg. Very hard to export a product when it can be produced in another country for half the price. This has nothing to do with NAFTA but simple economics.

I'd wager most Canadians don't want to be a competitive job market with a place where workers make so little...could you have paid for your mortgage with Chinese factory wages?


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Yet another example of union greed that killed the goose that laid the golden egg. Very hard to export a product when it can be produced in another country for half the price. This has nothing to do with NAFTA but simple economics.

No it's not greed.. it common sense. The greed is on behalf of the corporations.

The multinational companies ship the crude off to the USA to be refine, then ship it back here to Canada to sell it to us.

Do you see any saving at the pump, WELL DO YOU!!!!

No all that "savings" goes into the pockets of greedy CEO's that could give a dam about the middle class.

Unions protect the "middle class" so a husband can support his family and the mother can actually spend time at home and raise the kids.

In today's society it takes both parents to go out and work to cover the bills at far reduced wages from 50 years ago.

You see, 50 years ago a CEO would make maybe 20 times the average employee salary, and the employee had a better standard of living.

I don't agree with Unions 100%, but when I watch the erosion of the middle class, family unit being broken up because both parents have to work to support a family.. sad. just sad.

Income inequality in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CEO pay in US soared 23 percent in 2010

CEO Pay Soars, While Middle Class Struggles

The NDP might have been the new "liberals" if Layton hadn't passed away as he was able to keep the loonies in check, the NDP will return to its activist past soon enough, look at the the crop of contenders for the leadership, lacking is about all I have to say.

That interesting, this is what I was saying about Harper, keeping his loonies in check, like Vic Toews.

Now people get to see what the "NEW" Conservative party really is.. the Reform Party and then Canadian Alliance Party.

Harper needs to put the leash back on his dogs.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
No it's not greed.. it common sense. The greed is on behalf of the corporations.

The multinational companies ship the crude off to the USA to be refine, then ship it back here to Canada to sell it to us.

Do you see any saving at the pump, WELL DO YOU!!!!

No all that "savings" goes into the pockets of greedy CEO's that could give a dam about the middle class.

Unions protect the "middle class" so a husband can support his family and the mother can actually spend time at home and raise the kids.

In today's society it takes both parents to go out and work to cover the bills at far reduced wages from 50 years ago.

You see, 50 years ago a CEO would make maybe 20 times the average employee salary, and the employee had a better standard of living.

I don't agree with Unions 100%, but when I watch the erosion of the middle class, family unit being broken up because both parents have to work to support a family.. sad. just sad.

Income inequality in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CEO pay in US soared 23 percent in 2010

CEO Pay Soars, While Middle Class Struggles

That interesting, this is what I was saying about Harper, keeping his loonies in check, like Vic Toews.

Now people get to see what the "NEW" Conservative party really is.. the Reform Party and then Canadian Alliance Party.

Harper needs to put the leash back on his dogs.

These are the Evil Corporations YOU benefit from as a stock owner. Regardless of who is current management team of the Corporation of Canada who is the stockholder on your behalf. YOU are still a BIG part of the Evil Corporation.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
How quick some people forget politics is a living thing and what appears to be today
disappears tomorrow. how can one say the NDP will be the biggest loser in the next
election? The Tories could implode, the Liberals could come back and the new leader
of the New Democrats may be much more popular with the public that we think.

Remember when Layton was an obscure voice in the distance? Something happened
and he became the flavour of the month. It can go that way with almost anything.
Harper, for example, is in trouble, he doesn't know it yet and it may be that he works
his way back into the political scene. Why in trouble? He has strayed from the steady
hand image into pension territory, and a change in medicare policy. You do not touch
the sacred cows if you want to survive in the blood sport of politics.

The fact that the NDP has grown rapidly in the event of a leadership race should not
surprise anyone, it would be surprising if it didn't. Quebec was a surprise and the fact
they don't have that many members is not surprising. What I find surprising about the
Quebec membership is that it is around 9 percent. It used to be around four percent.

The problem I have with the NDP is that they have taken too bloody long to get a leader.
There are too many variables however to declare anyone a winner or loser in the Canadian
system this early in the game.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
This explains it

I thought they were extinct. Like the NDP soon will be.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
How much refined product do we import?

Canadian GDP by industry and Canadian imports and exports

Seems we export 25% and import 10% refined back...

But I am sure there are better and more accurate stats out there. :glasses7:


These are the Evil Corporations YOU benefit from as a stock owner. Regardless of who is current management team of the Corporation of Canada who is the stockholder on your behalf. YOU are still a BIG part of the Evil Corporation.

LOL That's funny, the same stocks that most people sunk their retirements into and lost about half their value last year.. O.K. :roll:


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Yup the same ones Union pensions invested in. NDP will need to ramp up those Evil Corporations to float the overall penions boat the same way Liberals did and Harper is doing.

What will change?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
No it's not greed.. it common sense. The greed is on behalf of the corporations.

The multinational companies ship the crude off to the USA to be refine, then ship it back here to Canada to sell it to us.

Do you see any saving at the pump, WELL DO YOU!!!!

No all that "savings" goes into the pockets of greedy CEO's that could give a dam about the middle class.

Unions protect the "middle class" so a husband can support his family and the mother can actually spend time at home and raise the kids.

In today's society it takes both parents to go out and work to cover the bills at far reduced wages from 50 years ago.

You see, 50 years ago a CEO would make maybe 20 times the average employee salary, and the employee had a better standard of living.

I don't agree with Unions 100%, but when I watch the erosion of the middle class, family unit being broken up because both parents have to work to support a family.. sad. just sad.

Income inequality in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CEO pay in US soared 23 percent in 2010

CEO Pay Soars, While Middle Class Struggles

That interesting, this is what I was saying about Harper, keeping his loonies in check, like Vic Toews.

Now people get to see what the "NEW" Conservative party really is.. the Reform Party and then Canadian Alliance Party.

Harper needs to put the leash back on his dogs.
How about you try to get the necessary permits to build a refinery anywhere in B.C. and see how long it takes and how expensive. Or open a new mine.
As I explained in another thread we have a perfect storm that is destroying manufacturing in Canada. There is no difference between a sawmill in BC and a car plant in Ontario. Greedy unions, multiple levels of government and quasi government agencies with taxing authority and out of control bureaucracies demanding endless reams of useless information and piles of expensive permits for everything you can possibly think of and some you can't have killed the goose that laid the golden egg. No one is going to run a company that does not make a profit, so while we can still have some good paying jobs in resource extraction any manufacturer that has to compete in the world market will send muscle jobs to wherever muscle is cheap.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
In the history of the Canada US Free Trade Agreement which pre-dates NAFTA, ( NAFTA is an extension of the FTA to include Mexico), Canadian interests tended to lose out because American operations were larger and could afford the representation in the adjudication procedures of the FTA. Canadian businesses tend to be small privately owned business but the US tends to have much larger companies and the Americans are not interested in a level playing field, it's only level to an American if it's sloped to their favour. There are cases were the Canadian businesses did shell out for the legal representation and in those cases, the Canadians would win but the cost of litigation pretty much meant the end for those businesses. Canada is the mouse in bed with the elephant but in the case of the US, the elephant isn't afraid of squashing the mouse.

The FTA also created a significant brain drain since educated professionals could get higher paying jobs in the US hence Canada's education system basically provided skilled labour for the States forcing Canada to import skilled labour from China.

Free Trade itself is an ideal but the benefits of free trade isn't mutual until all the inequalities have been leveled out and there are significant social differences between the two countries that would take generations to level out. The US is only now attempting to have a national medical program. The US population is more strongly polarized between the haves and the have nots. The US banking system is largely unregulated by Canadian standards. The US education system is still debating creationalism and evolution. The US still disfigures their young by circumcising males at birth. The US has the highest infant mortality rate in the developed world and the shortest life span. Studies have shown that you are more likely to succeed in Canada and the UK because there is a social safety net so you can recover from your losses but in the US, the American dream is usually a one shot affair. Canada subsidizes University education and far more of the population are University educated with community colleges almost unheard of, in the US, community college education is considered elite in itself with University education even more rare. At American Universities, I would be approached by students arguing that they deserved a better grade simply because of the tuition that they paid, that their inability to do well on the tests were inconsequential to whether or not they should get the grade. You have to remember that the US was where a woman was murdered over their daughter's cheerleading, and where a family sued the high school for not letting their girl graduate because she never took any academic classes. Ultimately, free trade should be good but in the interim, Canada is on the losing end of it and not just economically, US society has a lot of undesirable traits and it will take time for them to change.

When Mexico was negotiated into the Free Trade agreement, various Canadian companies tried to take advantage of the cheap labour in Mexico by relocating their factories there. But Canadian factories are established ones often using equipment and procedures dating back to the 19th century. One light bulb manufacturer had such antiquated equipment originally from the UK that the Mexicans couldn't figure out how to operate them, and due to the age of the equipment, there was very little documentation on them let alone documentation in Spanish. That company ended up, relocating back to Canada and rehiring the employees they had laid off but at a premium. The expertise is in the people, you can't always outsource for cheaper labour without addressing where your intellectual capital resides.

Source: http://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20101015124603AAlsXs0


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
lol People forget so easily. BCers apparently can't remember the cost of electing Dipper gov'ts. And apparently ON has forgotten Boob Rae

How can you add it all up? We know about how much they cost the taxpayers but how do you put a price on the businesses they destroyed or moved their head office to Alberta. Before the NDP came in I employed anywhere from 8-15 people. By the time we got rid of them there was 2 of us left and I shut it down and went back to carrying a lunch box.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
You'd be happier with an "Assembled In Canada" sticker on your a RCA HD assembled in Moose Jaw from Chinese parts with Filipino immigrant labour?


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
You'd be happier with an "Assembled In Canada" sticker on your a RCA HD assembled in Moose Jaw from Chinese parts with Filipino immigrant labour?


Made in Canada - Home Page

Christ!! I have lived more years outside Canada than in and I still have more pride.

I prefer Made in Canada over anything else. I take pride in what Canada used to be.. #1 since dropped.

Canada,The World's Best Country To Live In



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
So you just come back for the free medical or what?

FREE?? What?? I pay $160/mo (Blue Cross Medical & Med Life Dental) in the USA or $100/mo in Canada here and I get medical.. where's the Free Medical.. Do I need to earn less than $100,000 year or something like that?

My Family is in Canada, ex-military and very proud (cough Liberal) Canadians.. I am the only one with a wondering heart.

I own land in Texas, I love Texas.. but I also Love Canada..

Back to topic of Free Trade vs Fair Trade.. there are many smart people that see the jobs running to China and Central America.

The USA just gets ALL our resources here in Canada (Oil, Gas) refines and and ships it to China, and most of the Corporations working the Alberta Oil Fields are foreign corporations.
