Whites are Racist Month


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
Inbetween your hateful posts have you had a chance to read the article on the OP.

I did. Now don't you go ask some black people what the month means to them instead of Conservative men making assumptions of how the left uses it for some phony political purposes?

Double dose of prayer sent to Jesus on your behalf Durka! Done and done. :)

umm, thanks I guess.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
I did. Now don't you go ask some black people what the month means to them instead of Conservative men making assumptions of how the left uses it for some phony political purposes?
The writer of the article is black.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Even though this article is from the US it is relevant here in the Great White North.

"Allow me to address this "equal playing field" trap. Folks, nothing in life is equal or totally fair. I am sorry, but some folks are born thin and beautiful. In some cases, they may have an advantage. But in regards to minorities not having opportunity, there is not enough racism in America today to stop anyone from achieving anything. To blacks who "want" to believe that America is systematically keeping them down, I say stop whining and making excuses, get up off your butt, and go for your dreams."

Walter, my dear..........if you mean 'relevant' in Canada as it may apply to the above statement, then I would agree with you only in that it applies to anyone who uses the race card, or any other 'card' to make excuses for why they haven't the gumption to get off their backsides and do something with their lives.



Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC

Walter, my dear..........if you mean 'relevant' in Canada as it may apply to the above statement, then I would agree with you only in that it applies to anyone who uses the race card, or any other 'card' to make excuses for why they haven't the gumption to get off their backsides and do something with their lives.

And doing something with one's life does not necessarily mean going for the cash and material goods.