Whites are Racist Month


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
You're only saying that because you never got into a discussion with Japanese saying that it's natural to be racist.

She (Japanese female) could not figure out why westerners stressed about evaluating people according to their type, whereupon I got into explaining to her how the issue was not race, rather how beta-brains would use race as an excuse to justify economic disparagement when there was not manufacturing available to give humans the middle-class standards of living they like best.

I went on to talk about treatment of Chinese by Japanese before the US entered WW-II, and she brushed it off as just one of those things that happens.

The point is, humans like a standard of living more than what nature and our abilities naturally provide, and by standard-of-living I am talking middle-class, with hot-and-cold running water, flushable toilettes (sanitation), soap, refrigerators, frozen vegetables, non tuberculous-infected milk, stove, microwaves, and electricity to have cheep lights after dark, with electronic entertainment.

In the days of Rome it took 600 slaves to produce that standard of living.

Therefore it's easy to see how industrialization with efficiency is not bad... finally we all get to live middle-class (did you know that the standard of living experienced by the Tudor Kings and Queens was exactly what we would call middle-class today?)

Therefore it's a mystery how humans enjoying a middle-class standard of living could be conned into pissing it away by a bunch of money-changers on Wall Street.

Me thinks it might be a combination of nobody teaching kids economics in junior high (middle school) because that's when they would be old enough to have learned enough arithmetic to see how the US Federal Reserve manages money.

Anyway, getting back to how whites are "racist", as if white French never got nervous around white Spanish...

Bet you don't know about how when Brits pushed Irish into slavery, red hair became something to cover up, and how some of the idiotic British nobility justified their use of cheep labor on the basis of calling freckles the mark of Cain.
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Council Member
Nov 26, 2008
Mountain Veiw County
I never understood the phenomenon of the far right being mostly Christians. Jesus' teaching were definitely left wing socialist. Perhaps, the right have air tight compartmentalized brains and never the twain shall meet.

Because it is a "made up" phenomenon. The so called religious right is just a handle put to them much the same way Stalin labelled the NAZI regime "extreme right", and we all believed him as we would any other equal opportunity despot. In reality, extreme left is total control of the populace either by government or the church, extreme right is anarchy. The so called religious right are no more interested in individual personal freedom than the likes of Kim Jong Un or Mahmud Ahmadinijad, (or however you spell his name today). In one case the state religion is communism, the other is a theocracy, they are both lefties.

The left and right labels are tossed around only to deflect criticism and obfuscate the reality of individuals' or groups' real leanings.

Jesus' teachings were not socialist because you are left, so to speak, with the choice of following, or not. Socialists and religious fanatics want that choice taken from you, by force if necessary, because they think they know best, doesn't get any left'er than that.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Because it is a "made up" phenomenon. The so called religious right is just a handle put to them much the same way Stalin labelled the NAZI regime "extreme right", and we all believed him as we would any other equal opportunity despot. In reality, extreme left is total control of the populace either by government or the church, extreme right is anarchy. The so called religious right are no more interested in individual personal freedom than the likes of Kim Jong Un or Mahmud Ahmadinijad, (or however you spell his name today). In one case the state religion is communism, the other is a theocracy, they are both lefties.

The left and right labels are tossed around only to deflect criticism and obfuscate the reality of individuals' or groups' real leanings.

Jesus' teachings were not socialist because you are left, so to speak, with the choice of following, or not. Socialists and religious fanatics want that choice taken from you, by force if necessary, because they think they know best, doesn't get any left'er than that.

Now that you have completely muddied those waters, I will have to rewrite what I said: I never understood the phenomenon of the fundamentalist conservative/republicans being mostly Christians. Jesus' teaching were definitely liberal. Perhaps, the con/repubs have air tight compartmentalized brains and never the twain shall meet.

Is that better or are you going to say the conservatives are actually liberal in their views about taking care of the poor and ill?


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
It seems once a year somebody posts the political compass which dispels the myth that either the right or the left are more prone to totalitarianism. The reality is both Newt Gingrich and David Suzuki want to run people's lives...just for different reasons.


Council Member
Nov 26, 2008
Mountain Veiw County
Now that you have completely muddied those waters, I will have to rewrite what I said: I never understood the phenomenon of the fundamentalist conservative/republicans being mostly Christians. Jesus' teaching were definitely liberal. Perhaps, the con/repubs have air tight compartmentalized brains and never the twain shall meet.

Is that better or are you going to say the conservatives are actually liberal in their views about taking care of the poor and ill?

Ahh, that is better, but fundamentalist conservatives are not all Christians, just look eastward my friend. Just like not all Muslims are terrorists. Labeling and pigeon holing liberals and cons, Christians and fundamentalists into neat little packages only serves to be divisive. Yes, Jesus’ teachings were and are liberal, but not in the sense of today’s liberals. Nor are today’s conservatives, (at least the CPC) anti liberal, in the classical sense. Remember, the Liberal Party of Canada was originally the Reform Party in Sir John A.’s day. It was a movement out to limit the power the Conservative government had over people’s lives.

Today’s liberals want to “out nice” Gandhi or the Dali Lama, which is okay, but the problem is that they want everyone else to do it too, by force if necessary. If you won’t give to the poor, we’ll take your stuff, sell it, and give it to the poor because you won’t do it yourself. Liberal icons like Bono even shamed then PM Paul Martin publicly for not doing just so. Is this a liberal ideology? This is not something Jesus would sanction, in fact, he would condemn it.

The “cons/repubs” are no better, or worse for that matter, depending on which side you sit. Remember SJP/Sir Rupert’s signature line, “patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels”, (quoted form a fictional character no less, but I digress). But scoundrels will take refuge in otherwise mainstream places because they do have to hide. With a two party system in the Excited States, scoundrels only have two choices, and belive me, there are scoundrels on both sides, and neither party is right wing, they just serve different allegiances.

Names of parties, movements, ideologies, whatever, are meant to entice useful idiots to do their deeds. Just think, the DPRK, which North Korea wishes to be referred to, is neither democratic or a republic, nor does it belong to the people.

Jesus was liberal in the fact that you should not be compelled to what he taught, but he was also morally conservative. I could kill a whole bunch of electrons explaining the differences, but its getting late out here, and I’m tired. I’ll put it this way; I am liberal in that I think we have a moral responsibility to help those less fortunate, and conservative in that we shouldn’t reward bad behavior, (keep on helping those who will not help themselves), but still liberal in that it is none of my business whether or not you help them. In fact, your business is none of my business, and mine is none of yours, that is liberalism. But of course I only speak for myself.


One is never too old to learn! Two, I'm not so sure...

I'm trying, спокойной ночи.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Chris Rock says that the most racist bunch are old black men. And conservative/republican types think that hatred of Arabic and Muslim type people is not racism but legitimate criticism.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
I'm trying, спокойной ночи.

A may you have a peaceful night, too, Bob!
On the seventh day, the Good Gawds should have created human intelligence, instead of their going fishing. A good dose of it, spinkled worldwide would have benefited us all, instead our having to listen to these Talibaners of all religious stripes spouting irrelevant nonsense.



Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm
So, what about all the wiggers? I know what you're thinking, 'what a friggin conundrum has Mr eh1eh dredged up?'. Hmmm? I don't even know myself but really it's all racist. You know' right?The human race. Humans hate all the other races like the canine race and the primate race and... oh wait, we only hate members of our own race, the human race. Right! So it isn't really racism, only self hatred.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
So, what about all the wiggers? I know what you're thinking, 'what a friggin conundrum has Mr eh1eh dredged up?'. Hmmm? I don't even know myself but really it's all racist. You know' right?The human race. Humans hate all the other races like the canine race and the primate race and... oh wait, we only hate members of our own race, the human race. Right! So it isn't really racism, only self hatred.

That's far too deep for a Friday night. ;)


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
Have you noticed there isn't a single amusing thread to entertain on a Friday? I tried with the Woodchuck post, but failed miserably. This is the closest to a fun topic I could find on CC tonight. Any ideas?

Even my "Japanese are shrinking" was taken seriously.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Have you noticed there isn't a single amusing thread to entertain on a Friday? I tried with the Woodchuck post, but failed miserably. This is the closest to a fun topic I could find on CC tonight. Any ideas?

When all else fails break out the tequila????

Honestly, I don't know.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Double dose of prayer sent to Jesus on your behalf Durka! Done and done. :)

Here is an article illustrating the scale and scope of the mess being made by LIE-berals as they invite all manner of illegals to come here without the slightest regard for how they will survive once here. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Winter is coming: Liberals consider buying heated trailers for asylum seekers


Related Stories:
Dedicated team to decide asylum claims from Quebec border crossers.

(That`s nice- Quebec govt clearly has more clout than Manitoba! Quebec gets a “dedicated team” and Manitoba- with the same problem- gets ignored-as does Ontari-owe!)

(And now here we are a year later and Quebec is fed up and LIE-beral are now organizing convoys of illegals to be shipped to suck province Ontario-owe- from Quebec!)

Montreal’s Olympic Stadium to be used as shelter following 'unprecedented' spike in asylum seekers

PQ leader maintains Justin Trudeau responsible for influx of refugees.

(Well DUH! If you invite the world to a FREE PARTY- there will be guests showing up! And getting into Canada from some third world pest hole sounds like the party of a life time!)

Asylum seekers jump to more than 3,800 in August so far: RCMP
500 asylum seekers at Quebec border to live in tent city.

OTTAWA — The Liberal government is thinking about buying trailers to keep asylum seekers currently living in tents at the U.S. border safe from the cold winter.

“These tents do have heaters, but we also have a very, very cold winter in this country and so we are, as a precautionary measure, looking at the possibility of trailers,” Transport Minister Marc Garneau said Friday after meeting the federal-provincial task force charged with managing an unprecedented flow of asylum seekers.

(That`s nice- LIE-berals are prepared to destroy our economy with their Carbon crap and trade scam but they are heating TENTS- one has to wonder how much insulation such a structure has? And how well insulated will be these trailers they wish to buy so we can judge their carbon footprint? All in the name of aiding people who to often lack the skills needed to function effectively in grossly indebted Canada! And of course there are NO real security checks being done! The majority of the Syrians brought here by LIE-berals were checked over by HAMAS- the terror group that has just persuaded the Lebanese prime minister to flee for his life or be assassinated because he is not hard line enough against Israel! So we can be comforted that LIE-berals are accepting the word of proven terrorists that we are safe! All this crap so LIE-berals can BUY VOTES and cling to power!)

“We’re just doing our homework so that we are, if necessary, prepared for things that could develop over the coming months.”

(They are apparently telling us the flow of illegals will not be stopped or even reduced any time soon!)

More than 6,000 people have crossed illegally into Quebec from New York since July, the vast majority of them Haitians.

Many are staying in tents at the border in Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle, Que., as they await processing, but the federal government has issued a tender notice seeking suppliers who would be able to provide winterized trailers — on six weeks’ notice — to accommodate 200 people.

Garneau, who is chair of the ad hoc intergovernmental task force on irregular migration, said the federal government is also increasing resources aimed at speeding up the processing, including opening an additional facility in Montreal and looking into ways to help claimants get temporary work permits faster

“We know, from our experience, people want to work, are able to work,” said Quebec Immigration Minister Kathleen Weil.

(That`s nice but there are a WHOLE LOT of parents who want those entry level jobs for their own kids so they can save for university- and not for LIE-beral sponsored trespassers! And as a British news source has told us- radicalization is easier if immigrants are stuck in low paying dead end jobs- the only kind that too many illegals are barely capable of doing thanks to language problems! )

Many of the asylum seekers are believed to be coming to Canada because the U.S. government announced it is thinking about lifting the temporary protected status given to Haitian nationals after the deadly 2010 earthquake, meaning thousands of people could be deported.

The Haitians are not the only group dealing with that change in policy, as there is no guarantee the U.S. will renew temporary protected status for citizens from nine other countries that is also set to expire in the coming months.

(LIE-berals insist that we need lots of immigrants to maintain our standard of living because our birth rate is too low and we need more young tax payers to keep our economy moving and pay down massive LIE-beral debts as well! This is typical LIE-beral half truth. We certainly do need more young tax payers- but WAY TOO MANY of the people LIE-berals are bringing in are unskilled, poorly educated, have language issues and bring with them religious values that make them into long term security risks. With the added bonus that too many LIE-beral immigrants want to drastically CHANGE our society! These people are NOT an aid to us- they are a drain on our already scarce resources due to their multiple needs!)

(Cdns generally think it is a good thing to aid refugees but LIE-berals have not asked us- probably because they know the answers- if we want to REBUILD our entire national moral and social fabric to suit Muslims. Have not asked us if we want to mortgage our kids futures so LIE-berals can buy support from illegals so LIE-berals can cling to power at any price. Have not asked if we want to have Sharia Law forced on us. Have not asked us if we are comfortable with LIE-berals sending foeign aid to terror group Hamas- which they resumed doing immediately after the 2015 election! Have not asked us if we are comfortable living next door to people who think that a woman should not be allowed out of the house without first getting permission from hubby. Have not asked if it would bother us to hear that woman being beaten for going out just like any Cdn woman!Have not asked us if it is a good idea to fire all female teachers and send them back to their kitchens where they belong! Have not asked us if we want to see all women dressed up in full length potato sacks while in public. Have not aksed Cdn female voters if they really are entitled tob hold drivers licenses! Have not asked us if we think female genital mutilation is a quaint and harmless old religious ceremony. Have not asked us if we are comfortable dumping our long term alliances with Britain and United States- at the urging of our new Muslim neighbours and instead giving our allegiance to Iran and other states that seek to drive the Jews into the Mediterranean Sea.)

(This is STANDARD LIE-beral behaviour. Start with a logical and acceptable proposition-that we should aid suffering refugees- and then blow it all out of proportion so their TRUE and not so SECRET agenda can be implemented behind a massive smoke screen! Pierre Trudope- the father of Our idiot Boy Justin once told reporters that if he became prime minister he would take Canada from the past into the future via the route of radical socialism! He also told us that he wanted to destroy what he called “Cdn Imperialism”! Our idiot Boy has absorbed his fathers vile values and has told us that bloody handed Cuban dictator Castro was a close and valued family friend and Our idiot Boy also told us he “admires the way that Communist Chinese leaders get things done”! Brother Sacha Trudope has told us that Castro was the greatest South American leader- well beyond leaders who were merely elected! LIE-berals are NOT people we should turn to for a defense of democracy or freedom! LIE-beral values are vile values!)