You're only saying that because you never got into a discussion with Japanese saying that it's natural to be racist.
She (Japanese female) could not figure out why westerners stressed about evaluating people according to their type, whereupon I got into explaining to her how the issue was not race, rather how beta-brains would use race as an excuse to justify economic disparagement when there was not manufacturing available to give humans the middle-class standards of living they like best.
I went on to talk about treatment of Chinese by Japanese before the US entered WW-II, and she brushed it off as just one of those things that happens.
The point is, humans like a standard of living more than what nature and our abilities naturally provide, and by standard-of-living I am talking middle-class, with hot-and-cold running water, flushable toilettes (sanitation), soap, refrigerators, frozen vegetables, non tuberculous-infected milk, stove, microwaves, and electricity to have cheep lights after dark, with electronic entertainment.
In the days of Rome it took 600 slaves to produce that standard of living.
Therefore it's easy to see how industrialization with efficiency is not bad... finally we all get to live middle-class (did you know that the standard of living experienced by the Tudor Kings and Queens was exactly what we would call middle-class today?)
Therefore it's a mystery how humans enjoying a middle-class standard of living could be conned into pissing it away by a bunch of money-changers on Wall Street.
Me thinks it might be a combination of nobody teaching kids economics in junior high (middle school) because that's when they would be old enough to have learned enough arithmetic to see how the US Federal Reserve manages money.
Anyway, getting back to how whites are "racist", as if white French never got nervous around white Spanish...
Bet you don't know about how when Brits pushed Irish into slavery, red hair became something to cover up, and how some of the idiotic British nobility justified their use of cheep labor on the basis of calling freckles the mark of Cain.
She (Japanese female) could not figure out why westerners stressed about evaluating people according to their type, whereupon I got into explaining to her how the issue was not race, rather how beta-brains would use race as an excuse to justify economic disparagement when there was not manufacturing available to give humans the middle-class standards of living they like best.
I went on to talk about treatment of Chinese by Japanese before the US entered WW-II, and she brushed it off as just one of those things that happens.
The point is, humans like a standard of living more than what nature and our abilities naturally provide, and by standard-of-living I am talking middle-class, with hot-and-cold running water, flushable toilettes (sanitation), soap, refrigerators, frozen vegetables, non tuberculous-infected milk, stove, microwaves, and electricity to have cheep lights after dark, with electronic entertainment.
In the days of Rome it took 600 slaves to produce that standard of living.
Therefore it's easy to see how industrialization with efficiency is not bad... finally we all get to live middle-class (did you know that the standard of living experienced by the Tudor Kings and Queens was exactly what we would call middle-class today?)
Therefore it's a mystery how humans enjoying a middle-class standard of living could be conned into pissing it away by a bunch of money-changers on Wall Street.
Me thinks it might be a combination of nobody teaching kids economics in junior high (middle school) because that's when they would be old enough to have learned enough arithmetic to see how the US Federal Reserve manages money.
Anyway, getting back to how whites are "racist", as if white French never got nervous around white Spanish...
Bet you don't know about how when Brits pushed Irish into slavery, red hair became something to cover up, and how some of the idiotic British nobility justified their use of cheep labor on the basis of calling freckles the mark of Cain.
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