Whites are Racist Month


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Without fakebook......Cliffy would have nothing to say!

Here is an article describing the blatant anti white and anti Christian values that have taken over in all schools and all govt offices. With some comments of my own in brackets):

University 'religious diversity' memo warns against Santa, red and green decorations — suggests 'winter celebration' parties

From Associated Press. Published: December 27, 2017. Updated: December 27, 2017 2:40 PM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ World

MINNEAPOLIS — A memo from the University of Minnesota that listed Santa Claus and Hanukkah symbols as inappropriate holiday decorations has sparked criticism.

The Star Tribune reports the Dec. 6 memo initially circulated among students and staff at the university’s agricultural college. It warned against using decorations, music and food at campus holiday parties that were “specific to any one religion.”

It also listed the colours red and green, and other Christmas symbols as inappropriate.

The memo was later shared online and triggered pushback on the university’s Facebook page.

University spokesman Evan Lapiska says the backlash inaccurately portrayed the memo as official university policy. He says it was only shared during a lunch-hour discussion for students, faculty and staff at the university’s agricultural college.

(Having senior staff specifically labelling something as “inappropriate” and issuing memos to students is NOT an invite to discuss! It has the appearance of being an order- with students and junior staff under threat to comply or else!)

Lapiska says “it was a well-intentioned but ill-advised attempt to spark a dialogue.”

(Oh my- LIE-berals DO LIE so smoothly and so often when they are confronted by angry citizens! Such shameless hypocrisy is doing them and their anti white pals no good at all! LIE-berals are constantly hitting at and trying to DISTORT the boundaries of commons sense, logic, good taste and public civil rights- FOR THEIR SELFISH BENEFIT!)

(I do suspect they were trying to spark a ‘dialogue” of sorts. A dialogue they were hoping to dominate in order identify and intimidate opponents into silence in order to push their poisoned agenda even further! Its the same sort of dialogue that Ottawa LIE-berals engaged in when they set up their M 103 Islamophobia Motion- the one that caused huge outrage in Canada- so much so that although LIE-berals are seeking ways to turn it into law- they are hedging their bets and stalling on such a troubling confrontation- as our election is approaching! Look for LIE-berals to stall making choices about Islamophobia and pipelines till AFTER the next election! If they win they will go full on BULLY MODE!)

(LIE-berals are engaged in wearing us down- constantly pushing at us in search of weak spots! When they find a weakly defended traditional value they kill it. When they are strongly confronted by outraged citizens they turn hypocrite and issue weasel words about wanting discussion and dialogue! But WHO is it who wants these discussions? LIE-berals are engaged in the destruction of what Pierre Trudeau referred to as “Cdn Imperialism” - which apparently means he wanted to humiliate and emasculate the white race- and his idiot Boy Justin- that trust fund holding silver spoon socialist- is carrying on that racist anti white, anti democratic and anti capitalist fight!)

(LIE-berals keep telling us they “want to grow the economy” but this is a LIE! What LIE-berals really want to grow is their CONTROL of the economy- and with they want to greatly expand the number of govt workers and others dependent on a govt pay cheque! It will be a case of “vote for us LIE-berals- or STARVE”! This is not democracy- this is a creeping political coup that will turn us into a LIE-beral dictatorship! Dictators around the world have traditionally made a habit of handing out the best jobs to their pals- with that obvious condition attached- support me or SUFFER!)

(LIE-berals and their allies in education are quite literally holding our kids to ransom- and the price is ramming their heads full of socialist dogma- WITHOUT the bother of teaching them much about reading, writing or arithmetic!)

(And of course LIE-berals are well aware of the rising anger of the silent majority who does not usually vote in elections- and so they are engaged in BUYING ethnic votes and inflaming radical views for their benefit! Black Lives Matter shares the same political ground with Idle No More and LIE-berals are quite busy trying to start race wars with black and native bigots fighting whites! LIE-berals seem to think that Cdn Imperialism can be destroyed by discriminating against whites so that LIE-berals can cling to power at any price!)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Clearly, LIEberals have NO ANSWER to sound and logical criticism of their MANY FAILED policies! They have no answers, no solutions and certainly NO way to repair the damage they have done. They offer up only MORE debt and more erosion of our standard of living and assorted actions that ERODE our national security and piss off our allies- its all just more LIE-beral delusional excuses. While civil service Hogs grow fat as LIE-berals BUY their votes so LIE-berals can cling to power! The LIE-beral legacy is one of shame and failure! And what has foolish LIE-berals in a tizzy? This: Here is an example of the twisted logic of LIE-berals and the article illustrates how dangerous LIE-beral policy is to our country. With some comments of my own in brackets): Tory MPs talking Khadr on American media is a cheap stunt. (Anything that embarrasses a LIE-beral is ALWAYS dismissed as a “cheap stunt”. The truth is that LIE-berals are mortified by Cdn reaction to their despicable Khadr Krap so they are seeking desperately for ways of diminishing the anger! In addition Cdns are worried that the vaunted Charter of Rights and Freedoms- written by the vile Pierre Trudope may have some HUGE legal holes in it since it apparently can be used to justify the Khadr Krap according to the muddled thinking of Our idiot Boy Justin!) By Jim Warren, Postmedia Network. First posted: Saturday, July 22, 2017 06:50 PM EDT | Updated: Saturday, July 22, 2017 07:04 PM EDT MP Michelle Rempel appears on Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News on July 17, 2017 to discuss Canada's settlement with Omar Khadr. (Twitter/Fox News) Conservative MPs Michelle Rempel and Peter Kent last week attacked Justin Trudeau in the United States media in a pathetic, partisan attempt to score cheap political points in the next election. Regrettably, their actions will only serve to injure their own constituents as the Government of Canada is set to re-negotiate the single most important and biggest trade agreement that impacts the Canadian economy. (How sad that hypocrite Warren does not wish to admit that the REASON we are facing this NAFTA mess is because of LIE-beral refusal to take national security and Muslim terror issues seriously! If we want the border open as in the past then we MUST start spending more on our military. LIE-berals have just reduced our military spending- which was already less than half of our promised NATO commitment- down to a new record low- never have we been so defenseless- not even in the Dirty Thirties did we spend such a small proportion of GDP- even as North Korea sets up missiles that will hit North America with atomic bombs! Even worse, Our idiot Boy Justin is allowing thousands of strangers to walk across our borders and set up here without the slightest worry about security checks! Trump is justified in his worries about terror cells operating in Canada against Yankee targets!) Rempel and Kent are airing our dirty laundry south of the border at a time that can only undermine our relationship with the United States and President Donald Trump, without any possible benefit to their own constituents or the people of Canada. The public and many Canadian media have been roasting the Trudeau Liberals for the $10.5 million payment to Omar Khadr. (Cdns agree that Khadr was a child soldier whose mind was poisoned by his father and mother. Cdns also know that the Khadrs WOULD NOT be Cdn citizens if LIE-beral prime minister Chretien had not suffered some sort of brain cramp and INVITED convicted bomber Khadr to Canada! Cdns do not agree that we are responsible for what happened to the Khadrs- we blame bad parents, insane LIE-beral immigration policy and the Khadr stupidity in going to a foreign country to attack a foreign army. We say: if Omar Khadr feels he deserves money then let him sue Yankee military who captured him and let him sue Taliban and Al Quaida commanders whom he and his vile family served and leave us out of his KRAP! And we also recognize that LIE-berals are engaged in BUYING Muslim votes so they can cling to power; even as they outrage and offend our closest neighbour and biggest trading partner. LIE-berals are trying to put lipstick on a pig with this attack on Conservatives who have simply made it known to Yankees that we despise the Khadr Krap and stand with Yankees in their worry about Muslim terror-too bad LIE-berals cannot say the same! Muslim terror is an international problem!) Conservatives were quick to condemn the payment and won the communications battle to frame the issue against Trudeau. The Conservatives had their first big political win underway with their new leader, Andrew Scheer. (Its EASY to win such a battle if the majority of people think you are RIGHT!) But then the former foreign affairs correspondent and former Conservative cabinet minister, Peter Kent, wrote an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal attacking the payment to Khadr. Michelle Rempel went on the Fox Network’s Tucker Carlson show. Michelle Rempel: "Most Canadians are absolutely outraged about this." https://t.co/2g1B3OC97t #Tucker pic.twitter.com/sJhWMOx8IX — Fox News (@FoxNews) July 18, 2017 Before that, the U.S. media had largely ignored the Khadr issue. (Oh but Trump was NOT ignoring the LIE-beral/Muslim bias of our govt- hence his choice to ramp up NAFTA talks with a Cdn LIE-beral govt seen as HOSTILE to Yankee concerns and Trump terror worries are paramount in Yankee eyes!) What possible benefit to the people of Canada could come of their actions? Kent and Rempel could have organized protests and rallies in their ridings of Thornhill and Calgary Nose Hill respectively. (And how does some small noise in Thornhill persuade the Yankee president that the great majority of Cdns are on his side of the Khadr Krap? Especially when LIE-berals will make maximum effort to drown out Conservative voices trying to reassure Yankees? And we all know how little coverage Cdn news gets in United States- so a local noise is USELESS! Only a Cdn face on Yankee tv can offer real assurances we Cdns are not all Taliban supporters!) They could have held news conferences in Ottawa demanding the return of Parliament to debate the Khadr payment. (Oh right- and with a current LIE-beral majority such a move would be mighty USELESS! Warren spouts this garbage because he is worried for his job as a LIE-beral strategist now that so many LIE-beral policies are exposed a total failure! How is Warren to save his job if LIE-berals are mauled in future elections? Polls are currently noting black clouds forming over LIE-beral “sunny ways” as Our idiot Boy breaks every promise he ever made on any subject! And Our idiot Boy is seeking out new trouble by insulting the Yankees who are currently helping our economy grow-Yankee economic resurgence helps US Cdns too as they are our biggest trading partner! Insulting them as LIE-berals do is NOT a good idea!) Instead they took their attacks to Main Street USA in an effort to upset Trump Republicans and inflame the most unpredictable politician in the world – who, if upset, can only do bad things to our country. (HEY! CLUELESS LIE-beral- Trump is ALREADY upset at our status as NATO slacker, and at our status as haven for all manner of people that TRUMP wanted to deport from United States! Conservatives are acting properly to calm and reassure Trump that we are Not all crazy LIE-berals deserving of a nation wide kick in the pants!) Kent is a former journalist who lived in the United States and is a former minister of state for foreign affairs, responsible for the Americas. He knew the real impact of his actions and yet he wrote the op-ed piece anyway. (And we THOUGHTFUL Cdns THANK HIM for his efforts on behalf of our jobs, national security and public sanity!) Justin Trudeau hands millions to Omar Khadr, whose victims may not be able to collect, writes@KentThornhillMP https://t.co/rkb5wIfn1Y — WSJ Editorial Page (@WSJopinion) July 18, 2017 Either he doesn’t care, or he was taking direction from his new leader, when he knows better. In either case it is pitiful. It's only purpose was to undermine the prime minister. But he will pay the price. (OH such a price to pay for saying publicly what 71 percent of Cdns AGREE WITH!) I have spent my career working with politicians of all political stripes. (And you have learned NOTHING in that time about public thoughts! YOU will pay the price when that Cdn silent majority rears up and punishes LIE-berals for the Khadr Krap!) A job at City Hall means you have to work with Liberals, Conservatives and the NDP alike. You quickly learn that for all the political wars and conflict, 99% of all people involved in politics have more in common than they have differences. (What absolute drivel! Our idiot Boy and his current colleagues have NOTHING in common with Conservatives nor even much in line with NDP policy! Mulcair wanted nothing to do with the Afghanistan mission and NDP has scorned the LIE-beral Khadr Krap! LIE-berals are all the way out and very much alone on a very skinny branch on this Krap! Nor has it escape the notice of many cdns that Our idiot Boy has a solution to trhe economy that is identical to the crap handed out by NDP doofus Bob (Boob!( Rae when he tried to make Ontari-owe rich with borrowed money- and that gave us Rae days when civil servants were sent home for UNPAID days off!) They all want to do what is best for their country, province or city. While they may disagree on how to get there – everyone has their constituents’ best interests at heart. Up until this past week there was a spirit of cooperation on Parliament Hill when it came to trade negotiations with the US. If Team Trudeau fails, then we will all lose. (COOPERATION? Between Conservatives and the LIE-berals who have told more lies about prime minster Harper than any Communist ever did while raging at Ronald Reagan as the Soviet Union went bankrupt? HAHAHAHAHA!) The threat of a potential trade war with Trump and the United States is real and interim Conservative Leader Rona Ambrose had struck the right tone, holding Trudeau to account in Canada, while keeping our nation’s best interests at the forefront abroad. (The ONLY reason the threat of a trade war/NAFTA MESS is growing is due to LIE-beral intransigence on Muslim immigration and national security- alter LIE-beral stupidity and watch Trump back off.....but LIE-beral EGO will not permit such a public retreat! So we will be kept in ignorance while LIE-berals publicly defy Yankees and privately grovel and beg for mercy. With the added bonus that Our idiot Boy may read the tea leaves and decide he is a one term prime minister and that he might as well go out in a blaze of defiance that will rip our economy to tatters as he decides not to compromise and instead thumbs his nose at Trump! After all, Our idiot Boy can always survive nicely on his trust fund even if the rest of us starve!) Scheer needs to rein in his attack dogs, lest he wins the short term political battle while the people he is elected to serve lose the war. (Oh yes- LETS rein in the Conservatives currently defending Cdn values and Cdn economy so that Warren can KEEP HIS JOB as a LIE-beral “strategist” and general blowhard!) Jim Warren is a Liberal political strategist and media commentator. He worked for former Toronto mayor Mel Lastman and former Ontario premier Dalton McGuinty


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
by Chris Black

The reaction from the South African government was prompt: they denounced Trump’s claim with regard to the large scale killing of farmers in South Africa, which by the way is completely true. The ANC, South Africa’s ruling party, is currently working on legislation which would allow the government to legally steal white-owned land via a Constitutional amendment or modification or whatever. The land would be further distributed to South Africa’s black citizens, or at least that’s the theory, because “muh Apartheid” and “muh reasons”. See, only white folk can be racist.

I would suggest the whole article is a hit piece tan demonized the Blacks and holds the Whites as being somewhat like 'saints'. He goes on to sat that Whites are 20% of the population and they own 73% of the farmland, the land the Govt owns is useless as far as farmland goes. He goes on to sat they have 'pwned the land' since 1700. You can bet the way the land was gotten was no different when Jews moved into Palestine after UN181 was signed in Nov. 1947. The locals were killed would seem to be the reason the White farmers would have to 'import black slaves' as their 'servants' (posted a day ago)
That he denies the IDF is supplying weapons and training to the farmers pretty much show it is Jews who were behind 'events against the blacks for at least the last 100 years and probably goes back right to 1700.

Another point to the author being racist and a troll for Jews is the mentions the murders and confiscation but leaves oit it is 140 farms that will see the size of their farm down to a max of 12,000 hectors which is about 46 sq mi. I'm pretty sure that would rival DeMonte and their company farms in Central America that saw the people on the land killed or made into slaves. Want to know which group own the company (and many more) That would be the closest relatives of the same ones that own the World Bank and they are Jews if you didn't already know that.

Perhaps it is time to start education thread here on CC. Worth doing just to show how racist (and controlled) most posters here are. (personally I think most are lost and they will stay that way till they die)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
This whole issue of white privilege crap is a FINE example of why we should be VERY CAREFUL who we let immigrate to Canada!!!!!!!!!! We already have a fine supply of anti white LIE-beral BIGOTS!!!!!!!!!!! ================================================================================================================================================================================================= The idea that we should excuse black gang bangers in Jane/Finch because of crap that happens in a third world pest hole like South Africa is NONSENSE! The idea that we should excuse radical Muslims like the DANFORTH SHOOTER because of events in Syria is INSANE! =========================================================================================================================================================================== It is true that Putin is a white mane but he is NO FRIEND of Canada! Putin arms and encourages murderous Syrian dictator Assad over the protests of the west! =================================================================================================================================================== Using the crazy events in third world countries to justify massive changes to Cdn society that will only benefit a very privileged and entirely bigoted few will not work here- not for long anyway!!!!!!!!!! LIE-berals are in deep into the process of being kicked out of office for their bigotry! ======================================================================================================================================== Muslims and other bigots are going to have to do as others who came to Canada- Irish, Scots and English- and put aside the old ways because this is a NEW COUNTRY and the angry old ways of your PAST ARE NOT WANTED HERE!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Here is an older article illustrating my point that NDPers are the less intelligent cousins of LIE-berals! With some comments of my own in brackets): NDP seeking to muzzle opposing journalists. By Lorne Gunter , Edmonton Sun. First posted: Monday, February 15, 2016 08:33 PM EST | Updated: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 02:46 PM EST Ezra Levant and his Rebel media colleagues are locked in a journalistic battle with Alberta's NDP. (POSTMEDIA NETWORK/File) Related Stories You want to silence ME? Free speech advocate Ezra Levant fights off libel suit ===================================================================== Outrageous is an overused word in politics, but this is truly outrageous. Former Sun Media columnist and Sun News Network host Ezra Levant’s new online news site, The Rebel (therebel.media), has become one of Albertans’ top Internet sources of reporting and commentary in just its first year in operation. So how come Rachel Notley’s NDP government is doing its best to censor Levant and his reporters? ======================================================================= (Our society has been polarized to a truly vicious extent by socialists buying votes! We are being turned against each other by these gravy train riding Pigs! Our economy has been so debauched by debt and job killing taxes that getting a govt job is like winning the lottery- and people will fight dirty to get such a job now!) If I hadn’t read for myself the letters back and forth between the Rebel’s lawyer and the government, I wouldn’t have believed even the NDP were capable of such anti-free speech behaviour. ================================================================== Back in late January when it was announcing the results of its royalty review, the NDP held a closed-door technical briefing (a “lock-up”) where government experts explained the details to journalists. When Rebel contributor Sheila Gunn Reid showed up for the briefing, she was turned away. The event was for “accredited media only.” Now Reid never went to journalism school. Neither did Lorne Gunter. And she has never worked in a formal newsroom. But she used to be part of the Corus radio network’s Hockey Moms panel that regularly debated government involvement in family issues and her new book was the #1 bestseller on Amazon.ca most of last week. It’s now sold out. If that doesn’t make Reid a journalist, I’m not sure what does. ==================================================================== (Yeah- it’s a neat trick- refuse to recognize real life publishing and on air experience and use that excuse to refuse to cooperate with people you don’t like! But then LIE-berals are attempting to limit our free speech by labelling “Islamophobes” as criminal promoters of hate speech- without LIE-berals being able to define Islamophobia- other than to say it is any set of political or social beliefs they don’t like! The LIE-beral war on Islamophobia is a creeping political coup worthy of a third world country with a self appointed “president for life”! But isnt it odd that LIE-berals will happily condemn Conservatives for complaining about bigoted journalists who hate Conservatives! The Toronto Sun is a popular news paper -that our socialist Hog teachers will NOT ALLOW INTO THEIR CLASS ROOMS! Two faced socialist hypocrisy is the order of the day! ) ==================================================================== The NDP government doesn’t question the legitimacy (nor should it) of online lefty journalists such as David Climenhaga of the NDP-friendly rabble.ca or Dave Cournoyer, a communications advisor for the United Nurses of Alberta, whose daveberta.ca blog is a must-read on Edmonton and Alberta politics. So why single out Reid? It couldn’t be, could it, that Reid’s bestseller is entitled The Destroyers: Rachel Notley and the NDP's War on Alberta, or that Reid and her boss (Levant) were among the first journalists to out the radical, out-of-province pasts of many senior political staffers in the NDP government? But it gets worse. ================================================================== When an NDP staffer learned that Reid’s Rebel colleague, Holly Nicholas, was already in the royalty briefing, the staffer entered the lock-up and kicked Nicholas out. (Uh huh.....and surely nobody is surprised at this Soviet style regulating of truth? The only difference between a socialist and a Communist is the communist is in a hurry! The communist takes people out and shoots them- and sends the bill for the bullet to the family! The socialist simply makes it impossible for people they don’t like to make a living- the socialist simply leaves you to starve in a ditch on your own time!) ================================================================== Later that day, Marcella Munro, the premier’s “outreach” director in Calgary (and a former campaign aide to anti-pipeline Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson and anti-pipeline NDP leader Adrian Dix), kicked Reid and Nicholas out of the common area of a downtown Calgary hotel where they were waiting to interview an oil industry spokesperson. =================================================================== (Oh NICE! Not content to block Rebel media reporters from govt briefings- they are even using political influence to interfere with their efforts to interview business leaders who are private citizens; but NDP Commissars are throwing journalists they don’t like off other peoples private property!) The next week, the NDP placed The Rebel on a “no-go” list and had the mild-mannered, very polite Reid escorted out of the legislature by a sheriff to prevent her from attending a news conference given by Notley and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. She was not making a fuss; she was simply trying to check in at the security office. =================================================================== (LIE-berals and their less intelligent NDP cousins raged at and smeared Conservative Harper because he refused to answer questions from leftie media trying deliberately to twist his words and provoke him- and he sometimes cut short media scrums once the lunatics began shouting- and now we have NDPers going much further and refusing to let selected journalists operate in any capacity at all! Ignoring stupid and provocative questions and simply handing out prepared statements of position as Harper often did is sensible- and ensures that all interested parties get the govt line without a lot of useless grand standing! But deliberately attacking and interfering with reporters you don’t like as NDP commissars are doing is deliberate damage to democracy!) ==================================================== When Levant hired highly respected Edmonton media lawyer Fred Kozak to have the Rebel bans lifted, the NDP had Justice department lawyer, Jason Fung, provide a curt, one-sentence response: “Our client’s position remains that your client and those who identify as being connected to your client are not journalists and are not entitled to access media lock-ups or other such events.” Levant has been a journalist for more than 20 years for Alberta Report, the National Post and the Suns. (In other words the socialists THINK THEY have the whip hand and intend to use it just like Stalin and Mao! Its their way or the GULAG!) =================================================================== It is very dangerous in a free society to give politicians, bureaucrats or government lawyers the power to determine who is and isn’t a journalist. That could lead to censorship, or at least to holding accreditation over the heads of reporters who are critical of the government. (In truth we did not give NDP such power- they have taken it without our consent and must be made aware of majority public disgust at such antics! But then LIE-berals and their NDP cousins are hoping that the influx of illegals and Muslim refugees- whose support is up for sale- can compensate for much Cdn public revulsion at their antics!) =================================================================== Prior to the Premier-PM news conference, legislature press gallery president, Darcy Henton of Postmedia, recognized Reid’s legitimacy to attend. That should be more than good enough for the Notley government. Imagine the news you’ll get if Notley and her staff may decide who can and can’t do the reporting. ==================================================================== (It is for reasons such as this that so many people are turning to the internet for their news! But LIE-berals are correct to be worried about the amount of Fake News on the internet- its just to bad that LIE-berals and NDPers are the authors of so much of the fakery! So LIE-beral efforts to censor the internet- where Rebel media usually presents itself, should be viewed with HUGE suspicion! And main stream Cdn media should be ashamed for so often presenting a deliberately slanted and LIE-beral friendly version of truth!) =======================================================


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
One death a week is way less that the deaths in Gaza in a day. So where does all the condemnation come from if not from the same PR machine that condemns Hamas but lifts the IDF to almost superman status.
"News"week on Africa White Culling - 12160 Social Network

Donald Trump's recent tweet on the expropriation of land belonging to white farmers in South Africa has prompted a heated debate. Speaking to Sputnik, Ruth Hall, a leading expert on land issues in South Africa and a professor at the University of the Western Cape, explained the ongoing land reform in the country.

Sputnik: What do you make of President Trump's statement against South Africa's attempts to take land from white farmers? Is this comment useful to having this issue highlighted and finally sorted out?
Ruth Hall: Well I think that his comments were ill-informed, inaccurate and misleading. It shows that he is essentially relying on very biased news sources, I would even say "fake news." You know, the situation with land reform in South Africa is that currently it is an essential element of overcoming the legacy of apartheid, which removed the vast majority of black people from land ownership in both rural and urban areas.
And so we have a very clear constitutional framework, which says that the government can and must embark on a land reform process to give black people access to land. It currently already says that the state can expropriate land, but needs to pay just and equitable compensation, which need not to be at market price. President [Cyril] Ramaphosa has made it clear that the state will only expropriate without compensation in particular cases where it is just and equitable to do so. For instance, where land is held for purely speculative purposes, is vacant or underused or unused. And so, he is not proposing that farms will be ceased. President Trump's comments are very damaging to South Africa, to the South African economy and this shows that he has been listening to Fox News instead of to our president.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I'm white and I've got FIVE tiki torches. Where can I join in the celebration?
Get a solar powered yard light and put that in the holder so you don't have a 'mishap' when you fall over because you are sooo drunk. Bring cash as the girls don't take cheques.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Is a butch cut required too?


Pity the poor LIE-berals who have NO answers to satisfy anybody about any subject!!!!!!!!!!!!

And pity the poor Muslim Hypocrites who were DELIGHTED to have Britain save them from being slaves to the Ottoman Empire- and are NOW OUTRAGED that as the price of rescue Britain United Nations INSIST that Muslims MUST SHARE some land with Jews!!!!!!!!!

What an INSULT to Islam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They want it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At their price!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And TOTALLY on their terms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Agry anbd selfish Muslims have spent the last SEVENT YEARS committing an endless series of atrocities!!!!!!!!

Blowing up airplanes!!!!!!!!!!

Planting bombs in market places!!!!!!!!!!!!

Running people over with vehicles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Firing heavy calibre anti tank rockets at a school bus full of kids in Maa`lot!!!!!!!!!!!

When Israeli commandos rescued Jewish hostages in Entebbe Uganda- one woman- Dora Bloch was left behind- the old woman had suffered a heart attack in the tropical heat of the aircraft hanger where the hostages had been held and she had been taken to hospital to be treated as a dead hostage is useless!!!!!!!!

After the Israeli raid- Palestinian "fighters" went to the hopsital and grabbed the old woman and took her out into the jungle and blew her brains out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When Palestinian "fighters" hijacked the Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro the Italian govt was too slow to surrender to PLO demands so an "example|" was needed!!!!!!!!

The old Jew Leon Klinghoffer was dragged out of the passenger group and in full view of media cameras, PLO fighters blasted him out of his WHEELCHAIR! And threw the body into the sea!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or maybe we should talk about the Munich Massacre when Palestinian "fighters" with machine guns and hand grenades chose to attack unarmed Jewish athletes!!!!!!!!!!!!

Muslim terrorists have LOST so many fights with cops and security people they are now apparently only comfortable attacking soft civilian targets who cannot fight back!!!!!!!!!!

And Muslims find it hard to understand WHY there is so much local opposition to them coming to live among us!!!!!!!!!!!!


And it is just as absurd that LIE-berals cannot figure out how ALL their policies are FAILING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!