Feds to cut up to 68,000 jobs


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
The Feds will never get it right. They are going job slashing again and that will not
be good for Canadians. Not because they are cutting jobs but how governments
cut jobs. We demand the wrong things from government. We demand they cut
without stipulating what and how we want them to cut.
Governments cut out people in the middle and less experienced employees and
those without seniority In the end we have supervisors who know little about the
day to day operation because they have been supervising and not doing the job
hands on. The new people that do survive don't have the experience to handle
the complex problems that arise. The people in the middle who do have the over
all experience end up with a work load that creates a massive back log and we
the people who need services suffer delays or just give up.
EI is a prime example, they were subjected to great change and disruption to the
way the services were provided. They didn't have the human resources to do the
job and the back logs are still there. The Minister foolishly stood up in the House
and said they were working to rule, which was not true. In that department the
senior bureaucrats are trying to do damage control but its a little late. The
Minister accused them of working to rule when in fact many of them are in fact no
longer there as they were transferred to other departments or let go.
Cutting is not the answer strategic cutting is.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Double post - I thought it was a bad stutter. MF had a touch of that the other day. I get it at times as well.And I even stutter from time to time.

Wow, can't believe you caught that as I ran to the basement to fix it.

I initially posted on my 3DS but then couldn't edit the post (for whatever reason).. so I figured I would quote myself, change up the quote and remove the quote tags.. I still had both posts.. so I had to run to my lap top to actually edit the post..


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Wow, can't believe you caught that as I ran to the basement to fix it.

I initially posted on my 3DS but then couldn't edit the post (for whatever reason).. so I figured I would quote myself, change up the quote and remove the quote tags.. I still had both posts.. so I had to run to my lap top to actually edit the post..

Yeah I catch things on ocassion. Makes 2 this decade. I am on a roll. Yesirree a roll.
6 days till toes in the water, ass in the sand. And a bunch of stuff to get done before then.
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Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Walter they are talking about cutting employees not political hacks of the Tories and ex
Liberals. The Senate should be abolished completely but you could hardly call the
senators employees because the bugg**s don't work.
I am talking about the government being incompetent in laying off people. They don't
lay people off because they are not needed. They simply lay people off to make it look
like they themselves are doing something positive. That creates more problems as the
people laid off usually are the ones who know how to do the job. When that happens
the people who have less experience in day to day working of the system, can't keep
up and service lines grow. In the end the government hires the people they laid off to
come back and the system up to former service levels.
The result is, those laid off come back as contractors and they move on to other contract
positions and the people who were employed full time are still there as well so in the end
the system ends up with more people being hired than before.
It is also not good to have people with no employment allegiance, on contract as the only
ones who know how the day to day work gets done. But of course the government has
not figured that out yet. Sixty eight thousand will likely be over a few years, attrition and
layoffs and transfers will take place. If an employee moves from Employment but takes
a job in Pensions or Revenue its still classed as a layoff from Employment. It is a shill
game at best.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Well, I can assure you all that nobody's pulling names out of a hat, that's never how it's worked. What usually happens is that instructions are issued to all agencies to cut a specified percentage off their budgets, which will always involve both people and programs, then there follows an internal process of review, assisted by consultants, that requires the agencies themselves to decide who and what gets cut, the government itself is not actually much involved in the details. All it wants to see is the bottom line, how many dollars and how many positions. I'm sure you can imagine the kind of bureaucratic infighting that creates. And the result is always going to be less than optimal, as the process favours the ruthless empire builders, people who are highly competent but not good at playing the internal political games lose, and those two characteristics tend to be connected. One immediate consequence is that the personnel losses fall proportionately more heavily on positions outside of Ottawa, which has obvious deleterious effects on service delivery, because not much of the service to the public really takes place in Ottawa, and Ottawa itself is so bloody insular that almost nobody there has any idea of what goes on outside of Ottawa, they've never been anywhere else. Cuts to the public service almost never involve any policy ideas about what services should and should not be provided, they're based on who is the meanest SOB in the valley.

Moreover, the federal public service has been crippled badly over at least the last 15 years, probably more, by the way official bilingualism has been implemented. Being bilingual has become almost the sole qualification for most of the higher level jobs, and my impression of the quality of leadership that's resulted (I spent a decade building and running networks and telecom systems for the feds, and still have contacts there) is lamentably poor. Bluntly, they're blithering incompetents, but perfectly bilingual. The government knows that, it doesn't trust the public service, so it hires a lot of consultants to do the real work--there are dozens of consultants heavily involved in this round of cuts, for instance--and consultants have a way of telling the bosses what they want to hear, so they'll continue to get contracts, and some of them are pretty good at generating more work for themselves that way. A lot of them are former public servants too, there's a lot more money in consulting than a public service salary except at the very highest levels, so the public service tends to lose its best people to other employers who can outbid it on salary.

And finally, in a round of public service cuts like this, the government usually sweetens the pot for certain groups. The magic numbers for retirement are 55 years old with 30 years of service, if you retire with less than that you take a penalty on the pension, so a common sweetener would be something like waiving the penalty for anyone over 50 with 25 years service. And that of course encourages the longest serving, most experienced employees to leave, without proper succession planning, and they take the corporate knowledge and memory with them.

The net effect of it all is severe damage to the quality of the public service itself, and a decline in the quality of the services it can provide. That's what happened in the mid-90s with the Liberal cuts, I was there for them and saw it all, and it's what'll happen again.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
I liked what I was reading in the OP until I reached the last paragraph about CSIS? CSIS!? We're cutting everywhere but expanding CSIS?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I liked what I was reading in the OP until I reached the last paragraph about CSIS? CSIS!? We're cutting everywhere but expanding CSIS?

The new world of teror threats. Do you realize how easy it would be to take a laptop - open it - place a bomb inside and leave no residue for the boimb sniffers to pick up. Not that hard.
We have spent billions on screening passengers at airports and ports - yet cargo can have something that goes boom slipped inside and easily done. Pay off a gang, tell them it is drugs, on it goes. So I have no problem with CSIS.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
The new world of teror threats. Do you realize how easy it would be to take a laptop - open it - place a bomb inside and leave no residue for the boimb sniffers to pick up. Not that hard.
We have spent billions on screening passengers at airports and ports - yet cargo can have something that goes boom slipped inside and easily done. Pay off a gang, tell them it is drugs, on it goes. So I have no problem with CSIS.

OMG! You must **** your pants every time you see a laptop.

We can spend trillion's and still they will find ways to kills us if we continue bombing and killing them.

Best plan is to treat them the way we would like them to treat us.
My plan cost 0$
problem solved.

Apparently you can make a bomb out of anything today. And there is no way
To prevent that even if you bankrupt yourself. Look at the USA

I guess we should have thought of that before we started bombing the **** out of Others. Doh!!!
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lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
The new world of teror threats. Do you realize how easy it would be to take a laptop - open it - place a bomb inside and leave no residue for the boimb sniffers to pick up. Not that hard.
We have spent billions on screening passengers at airports and ports - yet cargo can have something that goes boom slipped inside and easily done. Pay off a gang, tell them it is drugs, on it goes. So I have no problem with CSIS.
It's easy enough to fill the box with modelling clay apparently

Future Shop hit by iPad returns scam with modelling clay used to duplicate weight


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
I'm not saying toss out every clause of every act and the criminal code but there is a lot of stuff that costs a boatload to administer that we could be responsible for ourselves and deal with any issues civilly.

Do you have a microbiology lab to test your food?


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Government likes to have it both ways, they want to cut jobs that they don't really
cut they hide them, and they have to keep people working so they can steal from
the Unemployment Insurance fund.
They don't really cut jobs as I said before, they lay people off and hire them back
as contractors after paying for them to leave. In addition they use attrition to cut
just don't replace them. Then the system can't run on too lean a system so they
start hiring again.
Besides the me generation is not in the interest of government. Governments in
a modern civilized world, have to balance the individual with the good of society.
The two do not always reconcile. Besides there are people out there we should
simply pay to stay home it costs more to retrain and retrain them than it does to
spend money on people who will be productive.
Me I still work farming, but I am sixty five and damn right I am collecting my pension
I earned it. There are a lot of people and I know several over the years that did
in fact denounce the things governments got involved in, only to discover their
situation changed and they needed some of those services. The biggest complaint
was the Government didn't do enough for them. There are others who never need
government services, and that is great, but in an open society and a democratic
modern society we do look after those who can no longer look after themselves.
Someone said except for education and medicare. Unfortunately we have neither
anymore. education is a shadow of its former self and Medicare is not Medicare,
they are really Managed Illness centers. If we were talking medicare we would be
emphasizing prevention not treatment after the fact.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Sorry MF, but I'm gonna have to report a copyright violation here:

"Boondoggle" has been specifically earmarked for reference to the Liberal's wasteful practices in the HRDC.

You can read about it here:
Police arrest six more in HRDC boondoggle probe | CTV News

When the dippers were busy destroying B.C. we changed it slightly to GLENDOGGLE in honor? of the head dipper. Same clown once bragged to the media that they were shoveling money off the back of a truck. In reality they weren't, they just raised the box and dumped it out because they are all far to lazy to raise a shovel.

Now recall that some of that legislation protects you from harm.

But none of it protects us from harm inflicted by government.


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
68000 down, 200000 to go.

Then start on the provincial and municipal level and perhaps taxpayers stand a chance of getting out of debt.

You're only saying that because you think debt is caused by keeping people alive.

That means you're on the side of those who thing 90% of the world needs to be starved out before we can get back to having a stable economy.

It means you don't know anything about what happens when idiots get in charge... idiots incapable of doing anything other than killing... and it means you know jack-**** about how much the Chinese would like to have an opportunity to blast all over this solar system to colonize it, leaving dumb-f-ck puppets of Wall Street and Moscow behind, instead of doing Armageddon, which they are just as capable of foreseeing as anyone in the west smart enough to be Daniel or John (Chinese look and think the same, so they don't know how whites can be so idiotically different from each other as their hair color).

You guys are all a bunch of morons, yet I can offer guards exactly the life they want for their wife and kids, as long as their wife and kids are happy, and as long as their kids go to school, and as long as their kids pay attention to real teachers.

Lemme guess...

You were not taught how the reason UEL's moved here resulting in the split of New Brunswick from Nova Scotia and the split of Ontario from Quebec was because you didn't know those ancestors could forsee a situation where the very people taking down the global economy could demand bailout in order to go for another round.

What if we set up a zoo for demons?

You guys are insane.

I set up Lucifer in a zoo, and he takes everyone down.

Watch me pray...

Heavenly Father, very few up to and including the IQ of your Cardinals get it.

If you want true good spirits to join our brain in heaven, each as a cell unto a brain, such that you will be all me and I will be all you...

If I kill that evil, how do you know it was not just me on a bad day versus spiritual antibody?
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
But none of it protects us from harm inflicted by government.

That just sounds paranoid...as far as harm goes you have more to worry about from producers of the products you consume, and the water you drink.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You're only saying that because you think debt is caused by keeping people alive.

That means you're on the side of those who thing 90% of the world needs to be starved out before we can get back to having a stable economy.

It means you don't know anything about what happens when idiots get in charge... idiots incapable of doing anything other than killing... and it means you know jack-**** about how much the Chinese would like to have an opportunity to blast all over this solar system to colonize it, leaving dumb-f-ck puppets of Wall Street and Moscow behind, instead of doing Armageddon, which they are just as capable of foreseeing as anyone in the west smart enough to be Daniel or John (Chinese look and think the same, so they don't know how whites can be so idiotically different from each other as their hair color).

You guys are all a bunch of morons, yet I can offer guards exactly the life they want for their wife and kids, as long as their wife and kids are happy, and as long as their kids go to school, and as long as their kids pay attention to real teachers.

Lemme guess...

You were not taught how the reason UEL's moved here resulting in the split of New Brunswick from Nova Scotia and the split of Ontario from Quebec was because you didn't know those ancestors could forsee a situation where the very people taking down the global economy could demand bailout in order to go for another round.

What if we set up a zoo for demons?

You guys are insane.

I set up Lucifer in a zoo, and he takes everyone down.

Watch me pray...

Heavenly Father, very few up to and including the IQ of your Cardinals get it.

If you want true good spirits to join our brain in heaven, each as a cell unto a brain, such that you will be all me and I will be all you...

If I kill that evil, how do you know it was not just me on a bad day versus spiritual antibody?

Have you got your certification yet?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
The new world of teror threats. Do you realize how easy it would be to take a laptop - open it - place a bomb inside and leave no residue for the boimb sniffers to pick up. Not that hard.
We have spent billions on screening passengers at airports and ports - yet cargo can have something that goes boom slipped inside and easily done. Pay off a gang, tell them it is drugs, on it goes. So I have no problem with CSIS.

Would that not be the job of the police and border services? Now you're proposing CSIS', the police's and border services' responsibilities overlap. Yet more bureaucracy. If that's the case, then don't cut the police budget and let them do their job and cut CSIS instead.