Privatizing Aboriginal Reserves


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Maybe true

No maybe about it

It's a shame your racism prevents you from affording the same respect to all people.

Coming from you, that is hilarious. I'm one of the few to believe that all Canadians should be equal before the law and you seem to have such a problem with that. It's quite clear who the racists are here. I mean, I'm not the one arguing for inequality.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Coming from you, that is hilarious.
I'm sure you think so.

I'm one of the few to believe that all Canadians should be equal before the law and you seem to have such a problem with that.
It's already been established that you don't actually believe that, in other threads.

It's quite clear who the racists are here.
I agree, you should work on that.

I mean, I'm not the one arguing for inequality.
But you don't believe in equal application of the law, ie Native v non native.

And I've already proven there is no inequality in hunting. So what are you talking about now?

Anyways, I might check in later, but right now, I'm off to exercise my right to be taxed at the local Nofrills.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
This guy just ain't playing with a full deck. Why would anyone brag about spending time on the golf course while he is supposed to be at work, or else it's one of his perks that he likes to throw in other people's faces. Either way, not too ethical! :lol:

JLM: Out your way....can seniors fish without a licence????
In Ontario Children under 16 and seniors can, but have to follow all regulations.
That may be why Cannot hates seniors, since he doesn't like Natives for that reason even though natives need a license unless they are on a reserve or certain areas covered by treaty.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
No maybe about it

Canadians should be equal before the law and you seem to have such a problem with that. It's quite clear who the racists are here. I mean, I'm not the one arguing for inequality.

Is discriminating against race any worse than discriminating against age? Funny statement coming from a guy who said " They are entitled to their entitlements. They are the most selfish generation in Canadian history. Let's be thankful that the generation behind them has not been so selfish and has managed to halt the slide." ..................................Oops, sorry that statement was made on a different thread, so it has no validity here. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

JLM: Out your way....can seniors fish without a licence????
In Ontario Children under 16 and seniors can, but have to follow all regulations.
That may be why Cannot hates seniors, since he doesn't like Natives for that reason even though natives need a license unless they are on a reserve or certain areas covered by treaty.

I haven't fished for a few years, but my brother in law who is 65 got his last fishing license for $1 I'm pretty sure.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
It's already been established that you don't actually believe that, in other threads.

No, it hasn't.

And I've already proven there is no inequality in hunting.

No you haven't

Is discriminating against race any worse than discriminating against age? Funny statement coming from a guy who said " They are entitled to their entitlements. They are the most selfish generation in Canadian history. Let's be thankful that the generation behind them has not been so selfish and has managed to halt the slide." ..................................Oops, sorry that statement was made on a different thread, so it has no validity here. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

It's not discriminatory if it is backed up with statistics. If you had statistics to back up your claim that the average aboriginal hunter was more responsible than the average white hunter, it wouldn't be racist but a statistical fact. I'm not sure why I'm bothering to explain this to you. You seem incapable of wrapping your head around it.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I'm one of the few to believe that all Canadians should be equal before the law and you seem to have such a problem with that. It's quite clear who the racists are here. I mean, I'm not the one arguing for inequality.

What you argue for, as does dumpy, is the throwing out or reneging of Canada's Treaty and legal obligations towards First Nations and Metis. You can try and throw the "equality for all" blanket over it all you want. There are some here that can see right through your dog and pony show.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
What you argue for, as does dumpy, is the throwing out or reneging of Canada's Treaty and legal obligations towards First Nations and Metis.

As I have said umpteen times before, I have no problem honoring our treaties. You are wrong. It is that simple.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
As I have said umpteen times before, I have no problem honoring our treaties. You are wrong. It is that simple.

Bullshyte. You argue against the existing hunting and fishing rights afforded First Nations that are enshrined in Treaties.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
No, it hasn't. No you haven't
Wrong on both counts. It isn't the first time you've been wrong.

Bullshyte. You argue against the existing hunting and fishing rights afforded First Nations that are enshrined in Treaties.
Actually he's arguing about it being a right. He tried insinuating that no other Canadian has the same right. When it was established, that despite the fact that the word right appears in the term hunting rights. It is in no way any greater a right than is equally available to all Canadians.

Which is why he ignored my comment about negotiated/collective bargaining by unions. Which of course he has defended, and clearly supports, as well as accepts the perks there of, by right of membership. Since you and I can not simply go to a union and demand they offer us the same benefits.

Since he can't actually argue the issue he brought forth, as he thought he could, he will now deny, dodge, dismiss and deflect.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Then stop whining.

Whining? You're the special interest shill. Whining is your thing.

If I am, it's the result of your inability to be honest and consistent.

No, it's about you're complete and utter inability to set aside your agenda for 5 minutes and have an honest discussion. An honest discussion is what you fear most. It's a common theme among special interest hacks.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Whining? You're the special interest shill. Whining is your thing.

No, it's about you're complete and utter inability to set aside your agenda for 5 minutes and have an honest discussion. An honest discussion is what you fear most. It's a common theme among special interest hacks.



Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Yes whining. Shall we go through all your crying about inequality and rights? Well, as it pertains to First nations, since when it comes to unions your opinion isn't logically consistent.

No, it's about you're complete and utter inability to set aside your agenda for 5 minutes and have an honest discussion.
What agenda is that?

An honest discussion is what you fear most. It's a common theme among special interest hacks.
I'm not the one that employs every manner of fallacy in these exchanges, that's your shtick.

Since he can't actually argue the issue he brought forth, as he thought he could, he will now deny, dodge, dismiss and deflect.
I really wish I could predict the lotto numbers as easily.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Yes whining. Shall we go through all your crying about inequality and rights?

Although discouraging, it's really no surprise that equality and rights are something you have a problem with.

I'm not the one that employs every manner of fallacy in these exchanges, that's your shtick.

The evidence suggests otherwise.

Quote: Originally Posted by Cannuck
I was lying.
We know. Admitting it, is the first step in healing.

Keep working on it. One day you might be able to be honest all the time.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Although discouraging, it's really no surprise that equality and rights are something you have a problem with.
Why would you be discouraged that I have a problem with your hypocritical two tiered application of equality and rights?

Oh ya, I saw it and pointed it out.

News flash, you seem to be the only one that thinks it's a big secret.

The evidence suggests otherwise.
Your inability to be honest is already well established.

Quote: Originally Posted by Cannuck
I was lying.
We know. Admitting it, is the first step in healing.

Keep working on it. One day you might be able to be honest all the time.
I've never said I was above using your own tactics against you. I wouldn't feel the need to do so, if you were capable of an honest discussion.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
No, it hasn't.

No you haven't

It's not discriminatory if it is backed up with statistics. If you had statistics to back up your claim that the average aboriginal hunter was more responsible than the average white hunter, it wouldn't be racist but a statistical fact. I'm not sure why I'm bothering to explain this to you. You seem incapable of wrapping your head around it.

You and your god damned statistics, should be shoved where the sun don't shine! You had statistics to prove seniors were the worst drivers, well I'll tell you something Mr. I have statistics to say they are the safest drivers- my insurance bill which dropped by over $200 upon attaining age 65! They even put their money where their mouth is on those statistics! :roll:

Arguing with Cannuck is highly futile, when he is proven wrong it all of a sudden changes to "sarcasm"- just no integrity whatsoever! :roll:


Council Member
Jan 19, 2012
Van Isle
I am a newcomer to this site and i must say that i am quite perplexed at the lack of moderation regarding name calling. How can a discussion ever bring any positive thinking or knowledge under these conditions? It appears to have strayed off topic as well but i will proceed, being that it appears to be accepted.

Having spent time to read most of this thread i find some puzzling statements made. One being that Natives do not have "rights" regarding subsistence hunting. Perhaps i have misunderstood this question for a great many years as my understanding is that those rights appear to exist regarding status Indians. Are "rights" a misnomer?
Although apparently not inalienable, these "rights" are being exercised in this country. Here i quote.......

"No Aboriginal right, even though constitutionally protected, is absolute in Canadian law. Fishing rights, for example, are not exclusive in the sense that only indigenous peoples can exercise them and they are not immune to regulation by other governments. Aboriginal title, on the other hand, may give rise to an exclusive right to use and occupy lands, but that right may be interfered with for other societal purposes such as economic development or power generation. Infringement of aboriginal rights or title must be justified by non-Aboriginal governments on the basis of a legitimate government purpose and recognition of the constitutional protection of the rights being affected. There may also be a requirement for prior consultation with the Aboriginal peoples concerned and compensation in some circumstances.'
Aboriginal Rights - The Canadian Encyclopedia

I have many times heard, as i am sure many others have, government sources state that as a non Native, i do not have any rights regarding fishing or hunting, only a privilege subject to their discretion. I have not heard the word "privilege" applied to Natives, in fact i would assume a crap storm if that happened.

Numerous times over the years i have personally witnessed the taking of wildlife by status Indians at all times of the year while Fish and Wildlife officers observed. If that is, as stated by some, not a right, then semantics aside, what the hell is it?
I believe the original intent was to ensure that Native folks would not go hungry in remote or wilderness areas. People who did not have the same standard of living or conveniences of their city counterparts. Few, compared to years ago, now actually need that "right", or more properly discretion, but it should not be extinguished, rather be more transparent and i blame government for that lack.

My position and reason for same reflects much of what Cannuck has stated. I have no problem with those who take advantage of the ability to provide themselves and family with fish and game where and when it is necessary as well as it not affect at risk species. IMO there should be no ethnicity involved.
Differing and accepted discretion regarding natural resources for different ethnic groups does not belong in our country.
Regardless of ethnicity, all humans basically retain the tendency to wish to achieve top dog status. Coping with that forever issue is what democratic principles are based on, lest we forget.