Wheat board monopoly to end

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
As an Urban Prairie Boy, I admit that I know next to nothing about the CWB, beyond
the fact that the Prairie Farmers HAD TO use it or face prosecution, but the Farmers
in Quebec& Ontario could use it but didn't HAVE TO.

Lots of different opinions on the topic, depending who you're talking to though....


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Yet you made the comparison between public and private pools.

Are you always so contradictory in your thought processes?
I used the word exactly..both are pools. One is in your favour the other is willy nilly.

You don't seem to like willy nilly and you don't like regulated in your favour. So what do you like?

Dismantle the pool system and leave you the end user with the freight bills?

How much would a loaf of value added mail order bread cost?

As an Urban Prairie Boy, I admit that I know next to nothing about the CWB, beyond
the fact that the Prairie Farmers HAD TO use it or face prosecution, but the Farmers
in Quebec& Ontario could use it but didn't HAVE TO.

Lots of different opinions on the topic, depending who you're talking to though....
Have you seen the size of an ON or PQ grain operation? Wal*Mart has bigger parking lots.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Tell that to the newspapers and media that refer to them as such. I'm sure they'll alter their stories to satisfy the nitpick. :lol:

It's not nitpicking, it has obvious ramifications in this discussion. I don't strive for the media's level of accuracy anyways, and neither should anyone else.... The difference is that the farmers are the producers, not the wheat board, and not the firms which buy the wheat. The Wheat board uses it's influence as the single seller of the producers product (wheat and barley), to get the best price when it sells that product, and that money goes to farmers. When the tables are turned, and there are thousands of sellers (farmers), the smaller number of firms which buy the product will be able to leverage their power.

Are people not curious why the majority of farmers are voting against this? Are people also not curious why this government on the one hand would be striving to end this practice, while steadfastly supporting other market distortions like marketing boards for milk, eggs, and poultry?

Well, there has already been considerable consolidation in those industries...

What this means is lower prices on the whole for the sellers, especially farmers who are far away from the markets.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
It will not be a good thing for the farmers, and most of them understand that.

Are you from western Canada? Where I live, I would say it is a 80/20 split in favour of a voluntary wheat board. I have no idea about the pros and cons but I figure if 80% of the people I know in the industry are for it, it probably is in their benefit. My question is why has it worked in Eastern Canada or have all the wheat farmers disappeared because they are not required to use the wheat board?

Monopolies (cartels) are not a good thing.

That really depends on what you are trying to do. I'm no expert on the food production system but one has to admit that it isn't like most other industries. I can choose not to buy most products but I can't choose to not buy food. This issue is not just about the farmer or the farm corporations.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Are you from western Canada? Where I live, I would say it is a 80/20 split in favour of a voluntary wheat board. I have no idea about the pros and cons but I figure if 80% of the people I know in the industry are for it, it probably is in their benefit. My question is why has it worked in Eastern Canada or have all the wheat farmers disappeared because they are not required to use the wheat board?

That really depends on what you are trying to do. I'm no expert on the food production system but one has to admit that it isn't like most other industries. I can choose not to buy most products but I can't choose to not buy food. This issue is not just about the farmer or the farm corporations.

Actually you can at least to some extent. About one third of the vegetables we eat in a year are grown in my garden. You can hunt and fish and raise chickens and grow fruit trees, but granted there are some things you have to buy like coffee and pineapples.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Actually you can at least to some extent. About one third of the vegetables we eat in a year are grown in my garden. You can hunt and fish and raise chickens and grow fruit trees, but granted there are some things you have to buy like coffee and pineapples.

You do understand about the "royal we"?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Interesting arguments. Why not make it truly a free for all and end the Canadian Grain Act completely as well? Why do we need a Grain Act holding producers back from being true Capitalists?

Pat's points aren't fully thought out and leave much to be desired.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Interesting arguments.
I know. Facts are always interesting.

Hopefully farmers will enjoy having a choice about where they can sell their grain. I hear having the ability to sell in US markets, will increase Canadian producers bottom line.

I hope you enjoy the freedom of choice.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Facts like? Comparing a product that rots and degrades to a stable one that can travel long distances?

Comparing wheat/barley processing to canola processing is something only an amateur would do.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
It will be interesting to see if the farmers do get to make more money. Personally, I think they'll be on the losing end, but we'll see.
Of course. The higher freight and storage will be passed on to the consumer. If everybody moves to the food sources then food will be cheaper. Has fuel been dropping in price lately?