Michelle Bachmann March to 2012


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
But not too old to be glorified I hope.

John McCain does not need to be glorified. He EARNED his status as a hero. He never tossed any unearned medal over the fence at the White House, like the gigolo did. He never earned a Purple Heart for self-inflicted wound like the gigolo did. And as an added bonus, he knows how to pronounce the name of a Mongol invader properly.

John McCain maybe a flip-flopper appeaser, but he is a HERO, while the Heinz gigolo is NOT.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Unflattering cover from Newsweek

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
John McCain does not need to be glorified. He EARNED his status as a hero. He never tossed any unearned medal over the fence at the White House, like the gigolo did. He never earned a Purple Heart for self-inflicted wound like the gigolo did. And as an added bonus, he knows how to pronounce the name of a Mongol invader properly.

John McCain maybe a flip-flopper appeaser, but he is a HERO, while the Heinz gigolo is NOT.

Sorry I did not realize that in order to qualify as a war hero one had to be captured and tortured. But he is your war hero, not mine so take him any way you like.


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
She looks like she has a migraine during the photo shoot ... off in space somewhere. There seemed to be some disagreement on the news regarding the Newsweek Cover ... followed by someone that claimed to be cured from homosexuality by religion.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Breaking News Alert

The New York Times

Saturday, August 13, 2011 -- 6:45 PM EDT


Representative Michele Bachmann Tops Iowa Straw Poll

Michele Bachmann’s high-intensity, Tea Party-inspired critique of President Obama propelled her to a first-place finish in the straw poll in Ames, Iowa, on Saturday, giving her presidential campaign a boost as the field of rivals expanded to include Gov. Rick Perry of Texas.

Mrs. Bachmann bested an incomplete collection of her presidential rivals in a nonbinding, early test of political organization in the state that will hold the first presidential voting early next year.

Representative Ron Paul of Texas came in second on the strength of his appeals for radically smaller government, a pullout of troops from American wars and stronger efforts to reduce the country’s debt.

Tim Pawlenty, the former governor of Minnesota, came in a distant third after struggling for weeks to create the kind of political buzz that could provide momentum for his candidacy.

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Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
When this thing is over in 2012 and Obama is still in the White House and the Democrats
have the Senate and maybe even the Congress, Republicans are going to ask what the
hell happened.
The problem is the Tea Party has brought undisciplined politics to their agenda and that is
trouble. It used to be the fighting Democrats that would snatch defeat from the jaws of
victory but not anymore. The Republicans are listening to the little me groups, and the
protest movements, the party has become a giant fringe festival where they compete with
one another for the scraps of special interests within the party forgetting the main prize.
For all his faults W was even smarter than that.
The religious groups, the behind the scenes, high priced society people, the conspiracy
theorists and the media entertainment squad, people like Rush are running the show to the
point where main stream Republicans are a shadow of their former selves. They are voices
in the wilderness, while the shrill Palins' and Michelle Bachmann with their stilted images
of history and religion lead the Republicans to a journey that could be forty years on the
desert waiting for a Moses they destroy in their stampede to nowhere. Face it the woman
is a flake. The worst that could happen is she teams up with Sarah Palin and plunges
the party to single digits.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
It is interesting to note that Ms. Bachmann won the recent Iowa straw poll. But it is even more interesting to note that according to reports she purchased over 6000 thirty dollar memberships for those attending the Republican fete. Amazingly, it appears that some of those who were given memberships did not even bother to vote for her, given the fact that she received about 1200 fewer votes than she sold.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
In the overall picture, does it really matter who is the puppet? The puppet masters remain the same.

Point taken. (agree) Makes one wonder why they spend zillions in bucks "electing" a figure head. and maintaining what amounts to a ritual.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
This woman is a lot of things but smart is not one of them. Anyone who could be impressed
by her might also be interested in playing with dust rays shining on a hardwood floor. Or
perhaps chasing a string being wiggled in front of them
She is using the religion card, she is out to lunch on the gay issue, she says she is not
judgemental yet she is making all kinds of judgements that are not popular and as soon as she
realizes it, she won't explain herself.
She is either dumber than a bag of hammers or she is nuts and I am trying to figure our which is
She is not alone this season in the Republican Party and that is there problem. The reason the
Democrats are going to win, one they are keeping their mouth shut, and the biggest reason is
they are not Republicans. Obama put the budget bait out there knowing it would cause financial
difficulty and he can blame the Tea Party, a rump of silly people who hijacked the Republicans


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
This woman is a lot of things but smart is not one of them. Anyone who could be impressed
by her might also be interested in playing with dust rays shining on a hardwood floor. Or
perhaps chasing a string being wiggled in front of them
She is using the religion card, she is out to lunch on the gay issue, she says she is not
judgemental yet she is making all kinds of judgements that are not popular and as soon as she
realizes it, she won't explain herself.
She is either dumber than a bag of hammers or she is nuts and I am trying to figure our which is
She is not alone this season in the Republican Party and that is there problem. The reason the
Democrats are going to win, one they are keeping their mouth shut, and the biggest reason is
they are not Republicans. Obama put the budget bait out there knowing it would cause financial
difficulty and he can blame the Tea Party, a rump of silly people who hijacked the Republicans
Yes i agree damngrumpy it is really silly of those tea party people wanting their government to spend less than it takes in.
I mean how ridiculous is that ?


Time Out
Jul 23, 2011
Can the republicans find anyone with an IQ higher than their shoe size to run????

Republicans aren't known for their intelligence.

One of the weirdest moments of last night's Repulbican debate probably slipped completely under the radar for most viewers. This moment occurred in Herman Cain's closing statement, when the former pizza-chain CEO recited a favorite inspirational quote: "A poet once said, 'life can be a challenge, life can seem impossible, but it's never easy when there's so much on the line.'"

Nothing strange about that on the surface, until you Google the quote and you realize that these words of wisdom were uttered not by a poet, but by disco queen Donna Summer in her song "The Power of One." Even more bizarre, this isn't even one of Summer's classic hits — she recorded it just over a decade ago as the theme song for Pokémon: The Movie 2000.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Yes i agree damngrumpy it is really silly of those tea party people wanting their government to spend less than it takes in.
I mean how ridiculous is that ?

The insanity of it!

. The reason the
Democrats are going to win, one they are keeping their mouth shut, and the biggest reason is
they are not Republicans.

I'd like to hear this explanation.

Obama put the budget bait out there knowing it would cause financial
difficulty and he can blame the Tea Party, a rump of silly people who hijacked the Republicans

What budget bait did he put out there? Amazing how the Democrats who own half of Congress and the White House still get punked by a handfull. Heck the GOP punked them when the Democrats had full control. The Obama Administration spent the first two years doing nothing but passing a health care bill that is practically doomed.