First Colpy you are right the German War Machine and the propaganda department went on
radio and announced a declaration of Total War. The fight was on, Coventry, Dresden and
so on reduced to rubble to follow the total war declaration. It was Kill or be Killed with nothing
in between. Starting to sound familiar? Actually it is. The Nazi Movement was not Left wing
it was Right wing under a program of National Socialism which was quite different from the
original teachings of Soviet Socialism that was hijacked by Stalin and turned into something
quite different.
Flash forward to the beginning of the twenty first century. Nazi style Fascism and the Muslim
religious Fascism are one in the same. The two societies, modern western civilization and the
Muslim Ideology will escalate into some very unpleasant actions in the coming yeas. 2001,
ushered in the collision officially and is growing everyday. I for one can see the day when the
fight will be in our own streets. We Are Not At War With a few radical fundamentalists, no we
are at war with Islam itself. The reason is because the moderate elements do not speak up
and put the radicals in check. When that happens the radicals concentrate power and the
moderates are silenced by fear. Taliban is a prime example of what happens when good folks
do nothing.
Eventually, unfortunately the decent into war will come out on our streets, it will take some time
but the future has made room for such events. We will see more and more racism both ways.
Ethnic cleansing is coming to a village near you if the present is allowed to go on unchecked.
Multiculturalism, that even I once believed in is little more than a cruel joke. It is being abused,
and used to down grade the laws in our country. The time has come to determine who is and
who is not a Canadian in the true sense of the word. Racist statement? No actually there are
many Muslim people who do abide by the laws of our country and they should be encouraged.
Those who would engage in planting bombs or collecting money for terrorist groups and those
who encourage or pay the passage of young men to go to foreign lands to train as radical
soldiers for Islam, Should have the citizenship revoked and they themselves should be deported.
If you are coming here from where ever, if you are found to be disloyal you should not be allowed
to stay, simply put.
The time has come to stop accommodating all the minority groups and start treating everyone as
Canadians. If you want special treatment then leave. I don't see Ukrainians, or Polish people
asking for special treatment. Jamaicans, and Spaniard, British or Irish, the Japanese, they don'
seem to need special treatment. They came here to be Canadians and contribute to the new
society they entered. Time to drop the old ways off at the point of entry and come and join a new
way of life where we are tolerant of each other. Perhaps i don't sound all that tolerant in this piece
but I am being tolerant. I am saying for those who are embracing the changing world all is well,
and welcome. For those who want or expect that I have to change everything about my way of life
to accommodate them, they took take another look at their living accommodations.
We have one set of laws, Sharia Law has no place in Canadian Society, either for society or for a
specific group in the society.
The time has come to demand our government gets a backbone. While we are at it, special favours
for Christians and other religions have to come to an end as well. Everyone should be directed by the
law of the land. All churches should pay all the taxes everyone pays and they get credit for their
charity work, everything else is taxable and subject to all laws and taxes.
Am I afraid of Islam no, but I am concerned that we tolerate certain groups within that segment of the
population that advocate violence and intimidation. At some point if we allow the situation to go
unchecked and unchallenged it will lead to violence, civil unrest, an inflaming of racism, discrimination
and even the threat of civil war.
The manifesto of a blood thirsty killer and mad man might be enough to have people wake up and
realize the uneasy world full of serious danger, we are leaving our grandchildren. We can make a
difference and appeasing violent groups bent on our destruction is not going to improve the condition
of anyone. (end of rant)