People who pass along dire predictions from God.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The main problem with these and most Christians Jews or Muslims is they have no idea on how to really hear what God is telling them even when it's being screamed by God with a bullhorn and is in full sight at all times.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I can't say I really get that deep into what I know to be story....
Oddly enough that doesn't keep you out of the list of ones who end up being saved, like any good mystery they are saved by the skin of their teeth at the very last moment. That's candy when Hollywood promotes it, vinegar when the Bible promotes it, go figure, why it's almost like people want to be deceived ... wait, never mind, carry on with your anger, I forgot what page we are on.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Oddly enough that doesn't keep you out of the list of ones who end up being saved, like any good mystery they are saved by the skin of their teeth at the very last moment. That's candy when Hollywood promotes it, vinegar when the Bible promotes it, go figure, why it's almost like people want to be deceived ... wait, never mind, carry on with your anger, I forgot what page we are on.

...don't bogart!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Oddly enough that doesn't keep you out of the list of ones who end up being saved, like any good mystery they are saved by the skin of their teeth at the very last moment. That's candy when Hollywood promotes it, vinegar when the Bible promotes it, go figure, why it's almost like people want to be deceived ... wait, never mind, carry on with your anger, I forgot what page we are on.
Ahhhh my list. There is no getting past St Petros if you've got a sh!tty atitude or fell for some bullsh!t artist like Darby or Smith.


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Who Doesn't Exist?

But Why ?....But Why? ....But Why?..But Why ?....But Why? ....But Why?
But Why ?....But Why ....But Why

to infinity and Forever..More..But why's...and Beyond..

iITt. is what it is ..


(Call iITt.All.. What You will)

So ...Peace...


MetaPhysically, Over and Far Out There, From Here ..For now. Forever ..Positively Forward into the Future..

"To Be(lieve) or Not To Be(lieve)?
That is the Question .."


Last edited:


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
The topic is some Christians have given him the impression that a person who is currently a non-believer will miss out on any of the rewards that are said to be available fore some, and that is being waved in their faces intentionally.

No, re-read what he posted:

"It is not uncommon to hear peolple say such things as God will smite us or someone is destined to go to Hell. What type of people peddle this malarky? Is it an act of cruelty, or insecurity or a feeling of self importance or what? Why are these people not able to see how ridiculous they are. If God were to select certain people to pass along messages, do you think for a minute he would select trouble makers? Believing in God is one thing, ramming it down people's is something else entirely."

He's asking why people described above act the way they do and do the things they do. It has nothing to do with feeling left out of rewards.... there is no interest noted towards gaining those rewards.

It's not that they're waving their future "Rewards" in his or other's faces..... it's the judging they have on other's, their lives & the decisions they have made in their lives that they keep shoving in our faces as if it's their right to meddle in our personal affairs that have nothing to do with them.

He, I and many others couldn't give a rats ass about what mythical rewards you may think you will have in the afterlife...... believe what you want, practice what you want, but don't drag your baggage onto us and try and make you feel better about yourselves by saying we're all sinners, we're all going to hell, God's going to punish us, etc..... because we couldn't give a sh*t.

Since we couldn't give a sh*t, why do you people continually waste your time and your breath spouting this crap at us while we walk down the street or wait in line at the check out??

That's the question.

Why do you people feel justified and proud about how you act to those different from you?

I thought the Christian way was not to force your religion onto others or force it down their throats...... you were to let those interested come to you..... that was the old teachings many Christians today seem to have forgotten, and if more of you began to get back to these old ways, you'd probably find it much more easier to recruit more believers, rather then continually turning off more and more people from your beliefs.

Rather than just give him some personal opionion if he can read the same verses that contributed to my version being that it is true that at the first moment gathering can take place that not everybody is invited to that part of being gathered.

Those same verses are pointless, meaningless jibberish to most people. The only way anybody can make much sense out of those verses is if they subjectively interpret what they mean in their own mind and re-word it in their own words..... which is exactly what has been done for centuries with the Bible and why much of it today no longer makes any sense.

Those verses make no sense to me and no sense to anybody else, and thus, they don't win any type of argument.

And if not everybody is invited to that gathering, then that says even more about Christianity.

( the reason may surprise you) and the ones who are gathered last also make up the biggest group., again to believe it the reader should read the actual passages to make sure he agrees with that 'promotion', if not, the reasons then become the next part of the conversation. Repetions of 'He doesn't exist' really only need to be posted once, yet .......... Just sayin .......

Yes, you may think they only need to be posted once..... and I only have to read the verses in the Bible once to know they're pointless, meaningless jibberish, and don't need to be posted again...... but they keep getting posted, so we'll keep saying what we think and expressing our opinions as we're damn allowed to, thanks.

So have you yet been able to explain or answer his original questions?


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Praxius ..As BattleStar G .. IS a Good Sci Fi series ( 1of the best of all time..).The Bible is a Good Historic Book ..( The Greatest Book Of All Time)

You should Actually Read it (to understand it.)

Is a Good read ..
Over and over again .(On many different levels)


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
You expect Him to straighten sinful angels out without doing anything 'mean', be content that the end of 'things' has that part of God being the most obvious trait.

I don't expect anything out of him, because I don't believe he exists. I've spent 20 years, or 2/3's of my life trying to believe he existed and I no longer want to waste my life on the concept.

I never said God was mean, or God does things that are mean, or about him straightening out sinful angels.... you're pulling pure duck crap out of thin air to continue a pointless argument.

My comments are directed to the original topic of the people who believe in the said religion and their actions of judging those around them and shoving their views down everybody's throat as if they have the right more then we have the right to verbally fight back when they do.

Why is this so hard for you to grasp?

The jealous wrath means He cared enough to even have a 'gathering plan' in the first place. If a person has to think God is a bad hombre before he can be an Atheist, well that's just plain strange.

Ah.... a jealous wrath means he cares?

Kind of like how the jealous wrath of a husband smacking his woman around because he didn't like how she looked at another man...... means he cares?

Nobody has to think God is a "Bad Hombre" before they become an Atheist..... they just have to not believe a God exists to become an Atheist. If you don't think he exists, how can you think he's bad?

Logic 101

How do you know a doctrine is twisted id the 'comparison' is not to be 'shared' in any detail?

I have no idea what you're talking about...... if you're talking about the Bible being twisted, yes.... it's contents have been twisted multiple times, by many people over the centuries. The recorded actions of Jesus himself were originally passed down by word of mouth and long after the original "Witnesses" to his existence died.... there came along many different people with many different versions of Gospels, yet only four were chosen.... around 2 centuries after many of those events occurred.

Since then, the writtings and stories continued to be re-worded & changed around to suit the era or to suit those in rule of an empire or nation.

In Factual Terms, yes, the bible has been twisted and the stories the Bible is based on have been twisted around long before they were even written down, because word of mouth was never completely reliable and exaggerations eventually occur.

I hadn't read your post to ES when I made my reply, sue me for reading out of order lol, even after reading it that doesn't shed any light on what the OP was pissed of at, specifically. You trials and tribulations aren't really a concern, if they did I would have posted something.

You sure have a lot to post then if you're posting nothing.

And you need light shed on what the OP was pissed at?

Let me flick that light on again for you:

What type of people peddle this malarky?

Is it an act of cruelty, or insecurity or a feeling of self importance or what?

Why are these people not able to see how ridiculous they are?

If God were to select certain people to pass along messages, do you think for a minute he would select trouble makers?

Four distinct questions clearly asked and the last one commenting "Trouble Makers" is in reference to these people that shove their religion down other people's throats and finger wag that they're going to rot in hell...... those are the Trouble Makers he speaks of.... and he's correct, because as mentioned before, Christians are not supposed to force their religion onto others, they are to let people come to them and then share their religion...... that's the oldest teachings that I remember about Christianity.... the oldest probably being the most accurate to how the religions was supposed to be like..... which means, anybody who doesn't do this and doesn't step back & let people come to them, are the trouble makers and most likely will not pass beyond the gates of heave..... that is, if they actually exist.

Oh BalsTar!.(Praxius)( Battlestar.G. Great Series by the way..#1.)

All in 1..1 and All..
God is.. What iITt. is ...Infinitesimally to Infinetly More, and on, For...Ever ..More..Forward into Forever.. Ever More..!...
Is What it is ..What it was, and allways Will /Shall Be..
Big G,,,
So just relax ..
let it be...

Go with the flow..

Ride the wave

Tap in ..And
Just .. Let it.. Be..
Let it Be Good/Positive (Oh.Big G.. Please let it be good/Positive)
All Mighty..!
All Bless
God Bless

I go with the flow and I done all that hippy stuff in my younger years and during my "Trip", there was no God or Jesus trying to hitch a ride..... just a bunch of colours & spacey stuff..... and the walls in my apartment were fuzzy.

Who Doesn't Exist?

But Why ?....But Why? ....But Why?..But Why ?....But Why? ....But Why?
But Why ?....But Why ....But Why

to infinity and Forever..More..But why's...and Beyond..

iITt. is what it is ..


(Call iITt.All.. What You will)

So ...Peace...


MetaPhysically, Over and Far Out There, From Here ..For now. Forever ..Positively Forward into the Future..

"To Be(lieve) or Not To Be(lieve)?
That is the Question .."


Dude, step away from the Salvia and go back to the Weed. :p

Praxius ..As BattleStar G .. IS a Good Sci Fi series ( 1of the best of all time..).The Bible is a Good Historic Book ..( The Greatest Book Of All Time)

You should Actually Read it (to understand it.)

Is a Good read ..
Over and over again .(On many different levels)

As mentioned before, I read it..... remember much of it..... and I understand most of it..... it's as entertaining and holds about as many life lessons & morals as Shakespeare stories..... which means very little and not very entertaining at all.


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
(I go with the flow and I done all that hippy stuff in my younger years and during my "Trip", there was no God or Jesus trying to hitch a ride..... just a bunch of colours & spacey stuff..... and the walls in my apartment were fuzzy.

As mentioned before, I read it..... remember much of it..... and I understand most of it..... it's as entertaining and holds about as many life lessons & morals as Shakespeare stories..... which means very little and not very entertaining at all.

" .....just a bunch of colours & spacey stuff...the walls in my apartment were fuzzy."

Maybe that was Big Papa G Man!! ..

The Fuzziness ?
.....Perhaps.." the Writing on the wall "..that you couldn't make sense of !..;)lol

Big Bro is watching ( and so are they)...
But none = #1
Last edited:


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
No, re-read what he posted:

"It is not uncommon to hear peolple say such things as God will smite us or someone is destined to go to Hell. What type of people peddle this malarky? Is it an act of cruelty, or insecurity or a feeling of self importance or what? Why are these people not able to see how ridiculous they are. If God were to select certain people to pass along messages, do you think for a minute he would select trouble makers? Believing in God is one thing, ramming it down people's is something else entirely."

.....It has nothing to do with feeling left out of rewards....
The un-bolded words make your argument moot, if being smote or sent to hell isn't being 'denied rewards' then what is malarky?

Being sent by God with a 'different message' than what is already believed is not going to be reviewed with rose petals being tossed at their feet (or whatever)

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Dire predictions of divine punishment or world wide doom seem to be characteristics of religions such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. I suspect it is because many of the beliefs in these religions are so extreme or contrary to intelligent thought it is the only way anyone can be convinced to accept them. In other words fear is used to push believers in the right direction, especially as the mere promise of eternal life after death does not seem to be enough to convince many to accept the absolute authority of the religion in question.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Dire predictions of divine punishment or world wide doom seem to be characteristics of religions such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
Unlike the Nations with machines of war actually going into places to really harm people. No need to look at that for signs of corruption. lol


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
" .....just a bunch of colours & spacey stuff...the walls in my apartment were fuzzy."

Maybe that was Big Papa G Man!! ..

Naw, that had to due with the pupils expanding to absorb more detail then normal, thus being able to observe the atoms that constructed the wall.

The Fuzziness ?
.....Perhaps.." the Writing on the wall "..that you couldn't make sense of !..;)lol

The Tea Party made a song called that and explained things quite well.

Big Bro is watching ( and so are they)...
But none = #1

Me? Yes, I know.


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Gotta Believe..Believe in something Greater ..Greater than 1self..
Gotta Have faith in the Future of all( especially friends and Family - not so much DoomSayin' Hate/Fear Mongers)..

1 All encompassing Omnipresent MetaPhysical Entity/Energy/Primordial Being...Holy Wholeness

Call iITt. All - God - If You will.


No God?..
Human's will try to be /create 1..
Then we will All know for sure..!


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
What type of people peddle this malarky?
I believe it is about control and fear.

Is it an act of cruelty, or insecurity or a feeling of self importance or what?
A little of all three, although I think the extreme nutbars just want to have sex with multiple partners or kids.

Why are these people not able to see how ridiculous they are?
Do you think David Koresh felt ridiculous? Or Osama bin Laden? Okay, well if they hadn't made a spaghetti strainer out of bin Laden he might have felt ridiculous when they categorized his porno collection.

If God were to select certain people to pass along messages, do you think for a minute he would select trouble makers?
Christ was a trouble maker. So was Moses.


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Naw, that had to due with the pupils expanding to absorb more detail then normal, thus being able to observe the atoms that constructed the wall..

Wow man .Good Eye..Great Observational abilities!Must have been using all three Eye's!..( Wonder how big God's Eye would be..) .Hmm?

..Very Trippy indeed...

( Atom(Adam)..Creation of ? ..Hm? )

" The Tea Party made a song called that and explained things quite well." - ( which was taken from the bible)

iITt. is in us all..We are all of it ..
There is no escaping ..


(Besides.(If you could)..Why would you want to ..?..)
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
You sure have a lot to post then if you're posting nothing.

And you need light shed on what the OP was pissed at?

Let me flick that light on again for you:

What type of people peddle this malarky?

Is it an act of cruelty, or insecurity or a feeling of self importance or what?

Why are these people not able to see how ridiculous they are?

If God were to select certain people to pass along messages, do you think for a minute he would select trouble makers?
Now that #1 has been answered.
#2 I have no idea what drives them to to part of the message but not all of it, that is on top of being just plain wrong. I fail to see how that is helpful to the OP.
#3 Why would I have an answer to that in the first place, let alone be able to put down that everyone that read it would instantly nod and agree. I can't imagine any one (believer or not) going out with the full intention of making a fool of themselves in public (where you talk to strangers)
#4 God doesn't send people out to be the gathers or the punishes. He likes to 'tap' everybody personally when their time comes up, no the first moment will not be pleasant but then that is never part of the way that 'meeting goes'. If you have some other explanation for Hebrews 12 I'm all ears, if not then the OP is working under a false assumption. One more point, would hell be a worse place if the ones who are sent there are 'saved' from being able to be tempted to sin when that sin would result in them being sent to the lake?

Four distinct questions clearly asked and the last one commenting "Trouble Makers" is in reference to these people that shove their religion down other people's throats and finger wag that they're going to rot in hell...... those are the Trouble Makers he speaks of.... and he's correct, because as mentioned before, Christians are not supposed to force their religion onto others, they are to let people come to them and then share their religion...... that's the oldest teachings that I remember about Christianity.... the oldest probably being the most accurate to how the religions was supposed to be like..... which means, anybody who doesn't do this and doesn't step back & let people come to them, are the trouble makers and most likely will not pass beyond the gates of heave..... that is, if they actually exist.
The time I spent expanding on the 1st question is about the same as I just spent on the remaining questions, Would it make the OP a little less anxious about what hell is so that when someone claims that is where he's headed the 'impact' is yes, so what, not everybody is first in a two man race. (rather than the loser entering an eternal horror show for rejecting some version that may or may not be right) Christians have the mandate to spread the Gospel, that means make the Bible available for them to read, if they do and they believe it then they are 'saved', if not then somewhere before the end the rest are given physical proof that the Bible isn't a work of fiction, that is when they become 'saved'. (just how that comes about is still under discussion apparently)

This post could come under the heading of 'definately too much time ......' DTMTOHH for short
I don't expect anything out of him, because I don't believe he exists. I've spent 20 years, or 2/3's of my life trying to believe he existed and I no longer want to waste my life on the concept.
What that search entailed might have been unattainable to begin with. The stuff you might have been expecting to find is only available to the ones alive that will see the events leading up to his return, the actual passages have all the minute details you would ever want any 'book' to give you that is a 'road map' through those last years, whenever they begin they follow a certain pattern and a set time limit, 3 1/2 years. Less if you didn't understand the start of that first day, the 1/3 of mankind that will survive is not set until that very last day. Having the verse in memory would give the OP some 'retort' that the overzealous Christian would not have a ready reply for (hopefully) as it shows a deeper understanding than he has (again hopefully) ie the event just before the first trump sounds involves coals from the alter before God in heaven are cast to earth. Using that you ask them if the 'coals' are equal to the 'gathering' that Saul/Paul went through (surrounded by a light and that is how God communicates during times called woe or tribulation, rather than some wild-eyed preacher full of piss and vinegar. Anyway the retort would be that , by their conduct it is proof that the end is not within sight and if anybody need to be repenting it is them. Rather than bottle it up until some thread comes along.

I never said God was mean, or God does things that are mean, or about him straightening out sinful angels.... you're pulling pure duck crap out of thin air to continue a pointless argument.
I don't have a list of your reasons for your view about why God is a figment, that isn't a request for one either.

My comments are directed to the original topic of the people who believe in the said religion and their actions of judging those around them and shoving their views down everybody's throat as if they have the right more then we have the right to verbally fight back when they do.
What is the better comeback, a verse that shows their view about some point is wrong of some other form that is more in line with a show of anger and frustration. To get beat up by the Bible is a Christians worst nightmare (for this post)

Why is this so hard for you to grasp?
It isn't up to you to determine how much time I spend on a post. If the OP doesn't go over all the answers in detail what was the real point of the exercise. The verse below is a helpful rebuttal to use on a 'false Christian' as that term is not defined by just one passage so there is no short reply available and a true busy body is not going to take the time to explain anything, let alone in detail. As with all things concerning God it is probably not an 'accident' that the conduct expected by the 'saved one' is the same for the pre-tribulation times as it is for the tribulation years themselves, Re.9 covers the whole space of time.

But let none of you suffer as a murderer,
or as a thief,
or as an evildoer,
or as a busybody in other men's matters.

Ah.... a jealous wrath means he cares?
What would you experience if you saw your child abducted my a murderous stranger right in front of you. That emotion would be your prime motivator to what you would then do in order to end that danger to him. Without that the odds that he would die go up significantly. Rules would also be 'relaxed' as much as possible, such as God using generic terms when a clear and precise phrase would just make some other part of 'the plan' more difficult to accomplish. Here is an example for a verse the applies to some or all of those last few years. The question that needs an answer is "Who dies?", the 'teacher' or the 'student'? (either one would be resurrected to life before the 1/3 that remain alive are 'glorified') Far as I know the answer will only be found through hind-sight, that being the case it isn't something that affects salvation overall.

And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries:
but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.
And they that understand among the people shall instruct many:
yet they shall fall by the sword,
and by flame,
by captivity,
and by spoil,
many days.
Now when they shall fall,
they shall be holpen with a little help:
but many shall cleave to them with flatteries.
And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them,
and to purge,
and to make them white,
even to the time of the end:
because it is yet for a time appointed.

Kind of like how the jealous wrath of a husband smacking his woman around because he didn't like how she looked at another man...... means he cares?
Nothing like that at all, it would be more to what you felt if a stranger was smacking your wife (that you loved) around. Does that parameter change affect the rightfulness of that emotion? Lack of that emotion would seem to be a major character flaw.

Nobody has to think God is a "Bad Hombre" before they become an Atheist..... they just have to not believe a God exists to become an Atheist. If you don't think he exists, how can you think he's bad?
Update me then, does the OT stories have any play on why you do not believe in God. (based on the OT being the source of the 'qualities and abilities list for God) God is far from being Mr Nice all the time Guy.

Logic 101
Well If I'm still at the same comment on page 101 then you can claim your point.

I have no idea what you're talking about...... if you're talking about the Bible being twisted, yes.... it's contents have been twisted multiple times, by many people over the centuries. The recorded actions of Jesus himself were originally passed down by word of mouth and long after the original "Witnesses" to his existence died.... there came along many different people with many different versions of Gospels, yet only four were chosen.... around 2 centuries after many of those events occurred.
The text remains intact (mileage will vary if not using the KJV1611 text due to copy write issues rather than Scribes being sloppy) Even a non believer should be able to sort through the prophecies and put it together using just logic. If you have to convince yourself that the text itself is wrong then it will be a no-go, just for you.

Since then, the writtings and stories continued to be re-worded & changed around to suit the era or to suit those in rule of an empire or nation.
That's not true, the preface to the KJV tells us how they translated it, there is no reason to 'assume' they were incapable. Have you even read that document yet, in your 40 year quest?

In Factual Terms, yes, the bible has been twisted and the stories the Bible is based on have been twisted around long before they were even written down, because word of mouth was never completely reliable and exaggerations eventually occur.
Then untwist it, sometimes using just a few 'facts' is enough to put 'restraints' to how other passages are meant to be taken.

You sure have a lot to post then if you're posting nothing.
You aren't the first one to say/notice that, should I put out a 'some sorting needed' disclaimer?

And you need light shed on what the OP was pissed at.
I prefer to give him some ammo to fight back with (without making it a 40 year quest). Do you take that as a sign that God didn't like you? What would you call proof?

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Unlike the Nations with machines of war actually going into places to really harm people. No need to look at that for signs of corruption. lol

You are going to have to explain your post to me. I can't tell if you are agreeing with me, adding to my post, disagreeing with me, or (as I think is most likely) posting a complete non-sequitur.