First Nations paying tax payers bills for services


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
That's the title of the article, I posted for discussion. Can you show me with a quote, where I endorsed it, in any way shape or form?
I know a guy who makes posts like that all the time. He likes to see the reaction and potential of thought brewing in the brains of the blinded.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Nice try...FAIL!!
I agree, you made a nice try, but yes, sadly, you did fail.

Can you please provide a quote, of me endorsing the OP, in anyway?

I know a guy who makes posts like that all the time. He likes to see the reaction and potential of thought brewing in the brains of the blinded.
Neat idea. I post things disagree with all the time. Something I can back up, unlike Cannucks empty claims.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Can you please provide a quote, of me endorsing the OP, in anyway?

I'm not interested in searching through your 16,000 post to find a quote. If you disagree with the article, say so.

Given your clear agenda on native issues, I'm not likely to believe you anyway but knock yourself out.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The way the system is set up all Canadians have access to the same things. All you have to do is claim your rights and defend them. It baffles me why so few ever grasp on to that.

Equal means equal. If you feel you aren't getting an equal share say something and it will happen. Sitting around wishing for things just ain't gonna work no matter what your heritage is.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I'm not interested in searching through your 16,000 post to find a quote. If you disagree with the article, say so.
Cool, now that you conceded to that fact, can you answer the previous questions you chose to avoid?

Given your clear agenda on native issues, I'm not likely to believe you anyway but knock yourself out.
What is my agenda?

The way the system is set up all Canadians have access to the same things. All you have to do is claim your rights and defend them. It baffles me why so few ever grasp on to that.
Absolutely. DaS has more rights than I do.

Equal means equal. If you feel you aren't getting an equal share say something and it will happen. Sitting around wishing for things just ain't gonna work no matter what your heritage is.
Too true.

I'm still waiting for Cannuck to tell me what rights I have that others don't, as he has claimed several times.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Myself. Who do you blame for yours? We know who CB blames.

I don't have any. Well maybe I can be too modest sometimes but that's just being nice.
What makes you think you're not getting a free ride while there are both outstanding land claims and treaty violations?

BC has plenty of treaties under negotiation right now. Fact is, you are a squatter on someone else's land until those negotiations are concluded successfully. I am sure that if you had some inheritance due to you and someone simply took that, you too would be looking for some relief to that situation. That you feel you can dismiss this and all claims by First Nations in Canada shows both how ignorant you are and a disturbing aspect of bigotry on your part.

And the only thing you've "pwnt" is your own weak ass argument which I dare say is becoming a continuing theme for you.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
You've bought too much into CB's propaganda.
You keep saying that, but as of yet, have failed to provide any proof of any agenda, let alone clarified what that agenda is.

What is my agenda?

If you disagree with the article, say so.
That's irrelevant. Your present claims, are claims you have made well before I posted the OP.

Either you can prove them or concede.

Wasn't that one of your biggest issues with SJP? His failure to concede when he could not support his claims? I'd hate to see you expose yourself as a hypocrite.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
If you disagree with the article, say so.

That's irrelevant. Your present claims, are claims you have made well before I posted the OP.

OK, so I guess it's pretty clear that you do agree with the article. That wasn't so hard was it?



Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I don't have any. Well maybe I can be too modest sometimes but that's just being nice.
What makes you think you're not getting a free ride while there are both outstanding land claims and treaty violations?

BC has plenty of treaties under negotiation right now. Fact is, you are a squatter on someone else's land until those negotiations are concluded successfully.
Half the nations are not involved in treaty negotiations because they realized that the restrictions imposed by the government were designed to favour the government and screw First nations. They are a setup. As long as they don't cede their territory, they remain sovereign nations. It will be up to the courts to decide, which holds up "development" (read: rape of resources).


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
OK, so I guess it's pretty clear that you do agree with the article. That wasn't so hard was it?
Why can't you support your claims?

That was your biggest issue with SJP. Now you are doing the exact same thing.

So you are a liar and a hypocrite?

Half the nations are not involved in treaty negotiations because they realized that the restrictions imposed by the government were designed to favour the government and screw First nations. They are a setup. As long as they don't cede their territory, they remain sovereign nations. It will be up to the courts to decide, which holds up "development" (read: rape of resources).
You're quite right Cliffy. The word that makes most Councils cringe is, "Incorporation".


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I agree, you have 'pwned' yourself. By exhibiting the same traits, that you railed against.

You had your chance to discuss the OP with me, but passed it up for silly trolling.

The question you asked, can't be answered with a yes or no. There are aspects I agree with, and others I don't.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Cannuck has already stated that Canada and Canadians are responsible for all treaties made with the First Nations people as long as they are considered Nations. Since the SCC AND the International Courts DO consider the First Nations people to be legal nations then he is on the same side as the rest of us in wanting to see the existing treaties upheld and proper meaningful negotiations for those treaties that have not been ratified yet.

Thank you for your support Cannuck, it is appreciated.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
If you disagree with the article, say so.

Cannuck has already stated that Canada and Canadians are responsible for all treaties made with the First Nations people as long as they are considered Nations. Since the SCC AND the International Courts DO consider the First Nations people to be legal nations then he is on the same side as the rest of us in wanting to see the existing treaties upheld and proper meaningful negotiations for those treaties that have not been ratified yet.

Thank you for your support Cannuck, it is appreciated.

You are in error. You're probably getting used to that though.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
If you disagree with the article, say so.
The question you asked, can't be answered with a yes or no. There are aspects I agree with, and others I don't.
Are you having trouble understanding English in your spastic attempts to look superior?

Would you like to discuss the OP?

You are in error. You're probably getting used to that though.
How so?

I can provide quotes from you confirming your acknowledgment of the SCC ruling, and you say the gov't should negotiate only with recognized nations.

By your own standards, Gh is right.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
CDNBear, you can talk to him, but he ain't gonna listen ;-)
Ya I know, trying to get Cannuck to back up his claims, is like trying to nail jello to the wall.

You should have seen him attack an old member her named SirJosephPorter about that very thing.

It seems Cannuck is a liar and a hypocrite.