Harper ousts 19yo girls for facebook picture!


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Harper even admitted it hapened when questioned and then proceeded toplace all the blame on HIS staff. Apparently he has no control over people who work for him.

In Between Man

The Biblical Position
Sep 11, 2008
49° 19' N, 123° 4' W
As Durka suggested, local media first reported it, it's even linked to in the article.

Media representatives are not hard to find at rallies during election campaigns.

Right, but the link in the article says "local teen who claims she was turfed from Harper’s London rally".

She claims this happened to her. Nothing tells us that the media witnessed this.


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
Right, but the link in the article says "local teen who claims she was turfed from Harper’s London rally".

She claims this happened to her. Nothing tells us that the media witnessed this.

Dude, it happened. Harper's PR guy already apologized for the incident.

From the National Post Article:
"PMO spokesman Dimitri Soudas has already apologized for the incident,"


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
She claims this happened to her. Nothing tells us that the media witnessed this.

Most stories reported on by the media aren't actually documented with a journalist and camera team...they had their chance to deny and shifted blame to campaign workers instead.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Two young ladies were removed from a Harper rally yesterday for the expressed reason that one had a picture on facebook of herself with Michel Iggniateff at a Liberal rally. She has stated that she was undecided on who to vote for and wanted to hear all the leaders before making her choice. The picture was posted because she sees our political leaders as celebraties and wanted to show her friends she had actually met one.

It turns out that the Harper staff require you to preregister to attend any of his campaign events and then perform background checks and screening prior to accepting you into the event. The conservatives are the only party using these tactics and the policy has come under fire from the other party leaders and the media. Could this be the final affront to Canadians that cost him any chance of winning this election with a majority?

They go out of their way to make sure everyone in a crowd is clear including checking facebook pages while letting a guy who has been charged 5 times of fraud into the PM's inner circle of advisors.

Wow, this group will be fun to watch in the next few....on wait....I live here.

I wonder if they are keeping track of lawn signs as well.....don't have a Tory sign....guess what? A small blow dart to the neck and problem solved.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Most politicians don't have control of their staff..

I ahve held more than one supervisory position and accepted responsibility for the mistakes of my staff many times.....'the buck stops here' as the famous line goes. If you cannot accept blame for the actions of those you supervise you are a coward!


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
...and some of them can't be controlled anyhow
And that is where a real man stands up, fires their as*es, and takes the wrap. Harper is just another coward in a long line of politicians who subscribe to the theory that nothing is their fault even though they are the ones in charge.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
The Tories and Harper are worried about the possibility of fielding questions they don't want to answer like why they are held in contempt of Parliament. Why they don't want to tell the public how much the jets and prisons are going to cost. About why they don't want to talk about the prisoner transfers they are accused of knowing about abuses to them.

All these pesky questions that don't tell you that the evil coalition, not theirs but that other one, will ruin Canada. Or that don't showcase Harpo tickling the ivories with the junior cutie brigade. No sirree it's all about abortions, gun nuts and hating on the gays if you let "those people" in.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Most politicians don't have control of their staff..
Is that some kinda double entendre?

The polls are very discouraging, not so much that this paranoid ego maniac will possibly get a majority, but because it proves the average Canadian voter is so easily persuaded by such stupid attack ads and character assassinations. I was hoping the average intelligence of the Canadian voter was higher, but I am losing hope by the minute.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I've seen conflicting descriptions of this event. In one news outlet, it's being billed as an open event. While in other outlets, it was not an open event and required registration. Which in and of itself, means the party reserves the right to control, who may or may not attend.

Are all you anti Harper types saying that other parties don't hold events that require preregistration too?

Are you all under the impression that other parties have never asked people to leave one of their events?

Have any of you bothered to look for more evidence then just the word of the girls involved?

As DaS astutely noted, there has become a necessity for caution, in these kinds of events. be it a pie, a shoe, spit or a fist. It's all illegal under the law.

I'm surprised, well not really, to see some people ignore the fact that there may have been an intent here, on behalf of the person ejected, while the same people seem quite comfortable in manufacturing intent for other persons in the media. Including Harper, in this case, lol.

Regardless, I think Harper's staff acted hastily, and although my initial reaction to this was, that it was disconcerting. I've seen enough now, to say, I'll wait until the whole story emerges, if it ever does, before I pass judgment on what could be a simple case of his staff over reacting.

But then again, I try to be fairly objective and would offer the same consideration to other party leaders, in this day and age.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
It would seem that more stories of ejections are starting to come forward including threats of arrest. The cons are killing themselves and the other leaders are handing them shovels to dig the grave.

It is quite obvious Harpo thinks he is the king and above every other Canadian and needs to be shown the door.

Harper campaign screening 'un-Canadian': Ignatieff - Canada Votes 2011 - CBC News

While I agree that loosing Harper would be no great loss, who do you propose to replace him with? Elli May?


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Is that some kinda double entendre?

The polls are very discouraging, not so much that this paranoid ego maniac will possibly get a majority, but because it proves the average Canadian voter is so easily persuaded by such stupid attack ads and character assassinations. I was hoping the average intelligence of the Canadian voter was higher, but I am losing hope by the minute.

So Canadians are dumb if they vote conservative but smart if they vote for whomever you support?

I suspect that most voters who actually vote know what the issues and policies are.