the master race ain't what it used to be


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
You know, as a person of German descent, I'm offended that Teras would read "Nazi" in the OP and think the poster meant all Germans. Teras, not all Germans are Nazis. Please don't generalize here. Some Germans, the OP especially, are tolerant, intelligent, attractive and successful people.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Nazism was two parts and both had support Europe wide and somewhat global reach.. One part eventually came into being and unfortunately the other part simply went underground. We have the EU and abortions of minorities and impoverished. None of the idealisms have died they were merely relabeled and repackaged using slicker methods and subterfuge.

PS: that boy with the Justin Bieber haircut texted back. SQUEEEE!!!!
Don't worry. It will grow out.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Have a good day.

Thanks! It was my birthday today actually. The party was yesterday though, today being a Monday and everyone being very lamely at work. I have the week off. I went to the bookstore, did some shopping, made chicken with thai coconut and peanut sauce for dinner. My roommate loved it. I thought it was a little sweet. I'm not a huge fan of sweets. And I've had a few drinks because even though the party was yesterday, it's still my birthday damnit, I have the week off and I want a drink or two or three.

I could take on anyone here in a battle of wits with three martinis tied behind my back. Bring it on bitches.

El Barto

les fesses a l'aire
Feb 11, 2007
Thanks! It was my birthday today actually. The party was yesterday though, today being a Monday and everyone being very lamely at work. I have the week off. I went to the bookstore, did some shopping, made chicken with thai coconut and peanut sauce for dinner. My roommate loved it. I thought it was a little sweet. I'm not a huge fan of sweets. And I've had a few drinks because even though the party was yesterday, it's still my birthday damnit, I have the week off and I want a drink or two or three.

I could take on anyone here in a battle of wits with three martinis tied behind my back. Bring it on bitches.
Too early for me


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Thanks! It was my birthday today actually. The party was yesterday though, today being a Monday and everyone being very lamely at work. I have the week off. I went to the bookstore, did some shopping, made chicken with thai coconut and peanut sauce for dinner. My roommate loved it. I thought it was a little sweet. I'm not a huge fan of sweets. And I've had a few drinks because even though the party was yesterday, it's still my birthday damnit, I have the week off and I want a drink or two or three.

I could take on anyone here in a battle of wits with three martinis tied behind my back. Bring it on bitches.

Surprisingly I too have a birthday once a year but never thought of it as a reason to be obnoxious! :lol:


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Surprisingly I too have a birthday once a year but never thought of it as a reason to be obnoxious! :lol:

Try it some time.

So since Teras has decided he'd rather insult and project than actually explain himself I'm wondering if anybody else read the OP and thought the same thing. Does seem like I'm using Nazi as a synonym for German? And if so uh... please explain it because I'm baffled.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Try it some time.

So since Teras has decided he'd rather insult and project than actually explain himself I'm wondering if anybody else read the OP and thought the same thing. Does seem like I'm using Nazi as a synonym for German? And if so uh... please explain it because I'm baffled.

Is it carved in stone somewhere that a Nazi even has to be German? I doubt it!


Jan 6, 2007
Try it some time.

So since Teras has decided he'd rather insult and project than actually explain himself I'm wondering if anybody else read the OP and thought the same thing. Does seem like I'm using Nazi as a synonym for German? And if so uh... please explain it because I'm baffled.

Well... you are attempting to pin Nazi ideology from WW2 Germany, onto the Neo-Nazi movement. When discussing 'them' in a few places throughout the thread you refer back to 'them' as if referencing WW2. Now, I'm not saying that's not right for Neo-Naziism, I've never bothered to read up on what the difference is in their outlook, but, it did read a bit confusingly.
But, the article was pretty clear that these guys are Calgarians, and a very, very, tiny minority.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Well... you are attempting to pin Nazi ideology from WW2 Germany, onto the Neo-Nazi movement. When discussing 'them' in a few places throughout the thread you refer back to 'them' as if referencing WW2. Now, I'm not saying that's not right for Neo-Naziism, I've never bothered to read up on what the difference is in their outlook, but, it did read a bit confusingly.
But, the article was pretty clear that these guys are Calgarians, and a very, very, tiny minority.

Right, I'm using Neo-Nazi and Nazi somewhat interchangeably. Neo-Nazi isn't like Neo-Liberal or Neo-Conservative. It just means post-war Nazis.

Why for? Are they having grief with shoppers from the JAP?

I don't know. You'd think Genghis Khan was a good enough genocidal warmonger to emulate.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Well... you are attempting to pin Nazi ideology from WW2 Germany, onto the Neo-Nazi movement. When discussing 'them' in a few places throughout the thread you refer back to 'them' as if referencing WW2. Now, I'm not saying that's not right for Neo-Naziism, I've never bothered to read up on what the difference is in their outlook, but, it did read a bit confusingly.
But, the article was pretty clear that these guys are Calgarians, and a very, very, tiny minority.
These kids may think they are Nazis but they have no idea how hard it is to take it to the next level. Even the die hard SS had trouble killing in the way they did. After the first week in Poland these guys were so pissed they could barely walk. They had troubles doing what they did while sober because their conscience was eating at them.

Many commited suicide.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
These kids may think they are Nazis but they have no idea how hard it is to take it to the next level. Even the die hard SS had trouble killing in the way they did. After the first week in Poland these guys were so pissed they could barely walk. They had troubles doing what they did while sober because their conscience was eating at them.

Many commited suicide.



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
anything you're saying?

Last year a group of anti-defamation organizations (I can't remember which ones) got together for a conference in Ottawa and made a few pronouncements about hate and antisemitism. One of the things they decided was that people who constantly criticize Israel and never bother criticizing anything the other side does are antisemitic. That bothered me because it just wasn't logical, but it still seems like a reasonable suggestion, a good way to gauge it if you wanted to make a guess, or the beginning of a Jewish Jeff Foxworthy joke: "if you take every opportunity to criticize Israel and Jewish organizations despite little connection to the topic at hand, you just might be a Jew-hater."

Sorry the delivery was so bad.

So the illogical seems reasonable to you. That is a common enough derangement among the defenders of genocide and military occupation by the way. Constant unremitting condemnation of Israel is exactly the right thing for a decent human being to do. Is it possible that the despicable activities of Israel could be reason enough to hate that country? I have a very hard time thinking of Israelis Zionists as benevolent positive ambassadors of any religion. I'm decidedly prosemetic, one state called Palestine.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Zionists are secular in nature. They only show up for services when someone dies, gets their penis mutilated, when a boy's balls drop or a wedding just like all the secular Christians (except for the male sexual ceremonies).