Security Council accepts No Fly Zone


Council Member
Apr 4, 2010
Colonel Gadhafi vs. Generalissimo Obama.

Obama has called for Gadhafi's ouster. If that doesn't happen this will be interpreted as a major defeat for Obama, and through him for America. That will add fuel to the fire.

Either Gadhafi defeats the rebels outright, or he draws this conflict out and forces Obama to maintain his Libyan operations indefinitely in the knowledge that domestic politics in America will weaken Generalissimo Obama's ability to maintain operations. For Gadhafi this struggle is existential. But not so for Obama.

Obama and the Liberal Internationalists who have mounted this fool's errand need to be taught a lesson in Libya, just as the Neo-Cons were taught a lesson by Iraq. Obama is going to get the Bush treatment. God damn Obama to hell.

Edit: What vital Canadian national interest is at stake that would justify sending aircraft and personnel to the Maghreb? None that I can think of.

Right, right. I like the idea of protecting Libyans against their own government. If only the international community did something similar back before the 1994 Rwandan genocide.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
The United Nations needs to recognize it's only making things worse with this half-hearted no-fly zone and commit fully to Gaddafi's overthrow. The imposition of the no-fly zone makes the United Nations an enemy of Gaddafi's regime. This would have been the case whether the UN acted quickly when the crisis began or acted belatedly as it now has. But now, because of the UN's dithering, Gaddafi smartly used his air force while he still had it and has gained the upperhand against the rebels. The weeks late no-fly zone is not going to do that much good. With the UN against him, any negotiations would end badly for Gaddafi, so he has broken the ceasefire in order to put down the rebellion before the UN changes its mind about a stronger intervention. When the rebellion is defeated, the UN will be left standing embarrassed with its pants down and the party already over.

If the UN does nothing more than enforce this no-fly zone, the end of this civil war will see Gaddafi still in power with Libya back in full pariah status and any diplomatic gains made between the West and Libya over the past 7 years lost.

Essentially, by making ineffectual war with Gaddafi's regime the United Nations has set up the post-war situation to be worse than it would have been if it did nothing and let Gaddafi crush the rebellion with just some token UN-patented finger waving. Now that the UN has made this step when it no longer matters, it has to go all the way.

Then again, Gaddafi is insane and has exhibited spurts of paranoid self-preservation. He might forget that the historic odds of UN intervention are in his favour.

And I feel the need to echo Colpy: DEATH TO TYRANTS!

Solidarity, comrade. ;)


Council Member
Apr 4, 2010
If the U.S. wanted to control the cost of oil, I submit they would be more successful at it by finance reform that limits the power of speculators. But according to popular mythology, it's easier for the U.S. to achieve these means by launching military campaigns.

So, facts: The U.S. gets most of its oil from relatively friendly nations and it has more practical means of controlling the cost of oil besides invading countries.

And yet, I'm to believe that the U.S. engages in wars for oil all willy nilly.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
If the U.S. wanted to control the cost of oil, I submit they would be more successful at it by finance reform that limits the power of speculators. But according to popular mythology, it's easier for the U.S. to achieve these means by launching military campaigns.

The US would need to enforce this "finance reform" globally and not just in their own nation... This ain't gonna happen.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Colonel Gadhafi vs. Generalissimo Obama.

Obama has called for Gadhafi's ouster. If that doesn't happen this will be interpreted as a major defeat for Obama, and through him for America. That will add fuel to the fire.

Either Gadhafi defeats the rebels outright, or he draws this conflict out and forces Obama to maintain his Libyan operations indefinitely in the knowledge that domestic politics in America will weaken Generalissimo Obama's ability to maintain operations. For Gadhafi this struggle is existential. But not so for Obama.

Obama and the Liberal Internationalists who have mounted this fool's errand need to be taught a lesson in Libya, just as the Neo-Cons were taught a lesson by Iraq. Obama is going to get the Bush treatment. God damn Obama to hell.

Edit: What vital Canadian national interest is at stake that would justify sending aircraft and personnel to the Maghreb? None that I can think of.

Ah that vital national interest would be our dear dear dear security agreement with Israel and our dear dear dear deal with the international bankers who own our maple syrup covered asses, also our good friends in NATO and the infernational community would bomb us just as fast should we prove to be real humans and tell any of them to go **** themselves. IMO anyway everybody knows Ghadaffy did 9/11

the only lesson the Neo Cons learned is how to repeat the score, they're all on board for this Ghadafii thing.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I can't believe you actually believe this B.S. There is very little government health insurance for the poor, especially if the poor people live in conservative red states that are ideologically opposed to government welfare. Try being a poor, uninsured person with health problems in the State of Georgia. You're not going to get any help from the government there.

Believe it!? It is an absolute FACT. Is that what they are telling the Liberals to say now? Are they telling you liberals just to complete ignore the fact that the nations poor are covered 100% and when confronted with that fact just say they are not.

You are a fool if you think anyone is buying into that.

A poor uninsured person need only walk into ANY Georgia Hospital and will be treated in FULL and walk out without paying a dime.

THAT is a fact.


Council Member
Apr 4, 2010
Believe it!? It is an absolute FACT. Is that what they are telling the Liberals to say now? Are they telling you liberals just to complete ignore the fact that the nations poor are covered 100% and when confronted with that fact just say they are not.

You are a fool if you think anyone is buying into that.

A poor uninsured person need only walk into ANY Georgia Hospital and will be treated in FULL and walk out without paying a dime.

THAT is a fact.

Yes Virginia, there are approximately 50 million uninsured people in the U.S., and a lot of them do not get health care because they cannot afford it.

"Absolute fact"? More like reckless falsehood.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
They most often don't get health care. They convince themselves that it's too expensive to go to the doctor, and then they die from their untreated health problems.

You are such a liberal. So now you are saying even though they are covered they convince themselves they are not?

Face it... you lose this one.

Our nations poor are covered 100%... red states and blue states. No ifs, ands, or buts. If you are poor and on welfare you are covered completely with the best care that OTHERS peoples money will buy.

NOW... if you can afford Health Care and do not have a Health Plan... you will be forced to buy a plan. THAT is Obamacare and you know it. That is why states are sueing to stop mandated health insurance otherwise known as Obamacare.

Yes Virginia, there are approximately 50 million uninsured people in the U.S., and a lot of them do not get health care because they cannot afford it.

"Absolute fact"? More like reckless falsehood.

Yes there are... and they can afford it and chose not to buy it. Now the government will make them with Obamacare.

Sorry for bringing reality to you.

Facts stink sometimes eh?

Yes Virginia, there are approximately 50 million uninsured people in the U.S., and a lot of them do not get health care because they cannot afford it.


Anyone who has a job of any sort will be forced to buy one. So if you are someone making any type of a living and are not covered you pay.

We have Romney Care in Massachusetts which is just like Obamacare. People who don't have a plan are fined and their taxes are garnered until they get a plan. They are fined. The poor aren't... the working people are.

Our Liberal Governor was speaking to a college and took some questions and a young girl spoke up and said she was out of school and was working but could not afford to buy a plan.

His response....

"Whats your name honey? Ok... why don't you call my office and we'll work it out. Take her name guys."

Meaning it was way too tough a question and the real answer is... "Oh well... Pay it... you aren't poor.... you aren't on Welfare... Pay it or be fined"


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Right, right. I like the idea of protecting Libyans against their own government. If only the international community did something similar back before the 1994 Rwandan genocide.

America can't fight wars any more outside of North America. It shouldn't even try. The political dissension in America is too great to fight wars outside of North America.

The Rwandan genocide wasn't America's business. The wars in the Balkans weren't any of America's business either. Libya isn't America's business. Libya is a feel good war by bleeding heart leftists. They are going to fail. And it will be used against them.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
America can't fight wars any more outside of North America. It shouldn't even try. The political dissension in America is too great to fight wars outside of North America.

The Rwandan genocide wasn't America's business. The wars in the Balkans weren't any of America's business either. Libya isn't America's business. Libya is a feel good war by bleeding heart leftists. They are going to fail. And it will be used against them.

Its a War for Oil. Isn't that right Libs?

And yet, I'm to believe that the U.S. engages in wars for oil all willy nilly.

Too funny. Hasn't that been the US Liberal argument for years now?