More Needless Multiculturalism Problems From Immigrants


House Member
Jan 18, 2005
The five American Muslim terrorists were Yankee Doodle Dandies. They were born, raised and educated in America. But they were not "of" America because they were separate from the whole. Multiculturalism produces separation and division. These Muslim Americans went to Pakistan to fight their fellow Americans in Afghanistan. That is multiculturalism in action.

The journey to Canada began in Africa and continued without interruption, except by glaciers and volcanos, until their descendants arrived.

Homegrown terrorism, that seems like a decent reason to question multiculturalism. Too many ethnic ghettos.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
Multiculturalism produces hyphenation which results in distinction and eventual conflict.

We all saw what happened in Africa between the Black, White and Brown (Indian) people in those countries. At the end of the day; even though everyone was born and grew up in the same country, they all came to a clash.

Afro-Americans are a hyphenated community within the United States and they themselves will reinforce this hyphenation. In time, it will be erroneous to assume that class greviances will not become racial greviances.

Black people in the United States blame their impoverishment on rich billionaires; most of whom in the United States, tend to come from an Anglo-Saxon background (thus "white people are to blame") - but will ignore the existence of black billionaires like Oprah Winfrey - who will sooner give money to children in Africa than to her own community in the United States.
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Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
What is the problem with, Chinese moving into an area, they don't force the other ethnic cultures to move, in fact isn't it the (mainly) Caucasians who chose to leave. There are many communities that business's have different languages advertising their products. I only have a problem if the community is a high crime zone due to who lives there. We do not have multiculturalism, just a bunch of many nationalities of people who are proud of where they came from and for what ever reason have chosen to live in Canada, the United States etc. Irish Canadian, Chinese Canadian, yes, even English Canadians. In the long run, it improves the country.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
Try telling that to people who used to live in Richmond. People saw their homes increase 5, 10 and 20 times in value between 1990 and 2000 and that meant families living paycheque to paycheque could not afford the massive hike in property taxes. Sure, people got some money out of it but they were still forced to leave Richmond! Unless, you really think declaring bankruptcy is a "choice".

It sure has improved Canada a whole lot - Richmond is a great place to buy dope, crack and eat a Peking Duck and get a handjob all in the same afternoon...


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
The same is true for a lot of the Chinese millionaires and billionaires who come to Canada and screw with our housing market (which the Canadian Government loves for tax payers' purposes). A lot of them are functionaries in the Chinese Government; or have relatives within the Government, and often have nepotisic ties to their wealth.

In my experience if you want to get ahead in China you have to a member of the CCP, a relative of a member of the CCP, or lao peng/old friend of the CCP.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
The same is true for a lot of the Chinese millionaires and billionaires who come to Canada and screw with our housing market (which the Canadian Government loves for tax payers' purposes). A lot of them are functionaries in the Chinese Government; or have relatives within the Government, and often have nepotisic ties to their wealth.

In my experience if you want to get ahead in China you have to a member of the CCP, a relative of a member of the CCP, or lao peng/old friend of the CCP.

Same was true in the Soviet Union. That seems rather indicative of Stalinism which still survives in North Korea and the CCP to some extent.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Afro-Americans are a hyphenated community within the United States and they themselves will reinforce this hyphenation. In time, it will be erroneous to assume that class greviances will not become racial greviances.

Black people in the United States blame their impoverishment on rich billionaires; most of whom in the United States, tend to come from an Anglo-Saxon background (thus "white people are to blame") - but will ignore the existence of black billionaires like Oprah Winfrey - who will sooner give money to children in Africa than to her own community in the United States.

From what I can tell a significant percentage of the African American community blames all white people, regardless of class, for their economic and social predicaments.

What is the problem with, Chinese moving into an area,...

When Chinese move to America they end up raising the overall IQ of the country.

Same was true in the Soviet Union. That seems rather indicative of Stalinism which still survives in North Korea and the CCP to some extent.

Good point. But I like to call it Leninism.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Ask them in Nunavut.

That's exactly what's going to happen if, as and when such a phenomenon occurs in a Canadian province. How do I know? Because I live in a state which is on the brink of having a new majority. Demographics is destiny.

The majority of children in California's public schools are Latinos. The problem for those children is that they will either drop out of, or will graduate from, California public schools. That means they will be ignorant. That means California's reservoir of human capital will decrease. That means the future will be poorer and meaner for those kids.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
California became the best state in the United States because it used to attract all the best and brightest. Your rocket scientist in Georgia; who was annoyed with the church and poor ethnic relations, saw warm, secular and sunny California as a land of opportunity. California was called the "last American" (dream) state for a reason!

Now, unless the person has an aspiration to become an actor, the best in American society avoid California like the plague. Not a place to raise a kid, unless you feel like arguing with Aztlan Juarez that you have nothing to do with the "American impoverishment" of Mexico.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
California became the best state in the United States because it used to attract all the best and brightest. Your rocket scientist in Georgia; who was annoyed with the church and poor ethnic relations, saw warm, secular and sunny California as a land of opportunity. California was called the "last American" (dream) state for a reason!

Now, unless the person has an aspiration to become an actor, the best in American society avoid California like the plague. Not a place to raise a kid, unless you feel like arguing with Aztlan Juarez that you have nothing to do with the "American impoverishment" of Mexico.

California is perceptibly being transformed into a part of the Third World. I've read that about 3,500 people leave the state each week. I think most of these people are educated and skilled. They are replaced with people who are impoverished, uneducated and unskilled. The poverty has reached critical mass.

Los Angeles is the second largest city in Mexico. Knowing some level of Spanish is necessary in order to cope on a daily basis.

It is impossible to have a welfare state with a porous border next to a Third World country and expect the welfare state to survive. Because of the impossibility of paying for a First World level state govt. while burdened with a significant Third World illegal population, the California middle class is disappearing. It doesn't make sense to invest in California anymore or to create jobs here.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
Refugees like bringing their problems with them. We see this with Somalians attacking Canadians in Alberta. Or even "White Flight" Liberals who; after changing their states' migration and work laws, claim the cities they grew up in became too dangerous and expensive and then bring their problems with them to rural communities.

Here in Canada, I bet the White Liberals will be targeting the 98% White Quebec and the Maritimes... just a matter of time.

Bet some people are looking up Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland as we speak. Homes there are dirt cheap compared to Vancouver! Just sell the $3 million overpriced closet in Vancouver and invade a rural community in Newfoundland, PEI, New Brunswick, et al.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Refugees like bringing their problems with them. We see this with Somalians attacking Canadians in Alberta. Or even "White Flight" Liberals who; after changing their states' migration and work laws, claim the cities they grew up in became too dangerous and expensive and then bring their problems with them to rural communities.

Here in Canada, I bet the White Liberals will be targeting the 98% White Quebec and the Maritimes... just a matter of time.

Bet some people are looking up Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland as we speak. Homes there are dirt cheap compared to Vancouver! Just sell the $3 million overpriced closet in Vancouver and invade a rural community in Newfoundland, PEI, New Brunswick, et al.

In my experience the white people who are the biggest fans of multiculturalism live in gated communities.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
Remember those commercials on T.V. about summer vacations to Newfoundland? That was the beginning of the end, for you Newfies. In 10-20 years, inner city liberals from Toronto to Vancouver will be invading every community in the Maritimes. Before you know it, every other block will have a Starbucks and "Hot Yoga" studio and your property taxes will increase a dozen fold.

Looks like paradise compared to growing up in Surrey.

Probably what Surrey was like 20 years before I was born.