I'll ignore the obtuse comment, because it hardly seems worth diverting this over. I'm not disputing that other parties have cut spending. What I am disputing is that the military is far more effective operationally under the present federal leadership. (Although there is still plenty of room for improvement)
I did not deny Mulroney wage freeze and cancellation of the white paper and purchase of new subs.
But if we are are to commit soldiers to places like Aghanistan, the FY, Rwanda, or any other special duty area we should be prepared to equip them to do their job. Otherwise don't commit them. Sending them to Afghanistan and not providing proper support is less than obtuse, it's wrong. No matter what party you are in.
Avro are you from Ontario?
I think it was Liberal John Manley who said that we can nor run for the bathroom every time its our turn to pay for our Nato commitments. Not word for word but close enough.
Where did you stand on Mike Harris' common sense revolution?
I hate the 407 toll highway.Where did you stand on Mike Harris' common sense revolution?
I'd rather pay more taxes
Pitting class against class isn't my thintg so I didn't subscribe to it.
Well I was just wondering if there was a contrast in your thinking or your politics. You stated that Martin had to make some tough decisions in order to balance the books and get our economy going. Harris was faced with a similar dilema having watched transfer payments dry up and coming in after an NDP government that had bankrupted the Province.
Why does Martin get a pass for his tough choices, but Harris was a devil pitting one class against another?
Seems to me that a lot of Liberal supporters are very selective in their memory.
Well I was just wondering if there was a contrast in your thinking or your politics. You stated that Martin had to make some tough decisions in order to balance the books and get our economy going. Harris was faced with a similar dilema having watched transfer payments dry up and coming in after an NDP government that had bankrupted the Province.
Why does Martin get a pass for his tough choices, but Harris was a devil pitting one class against another?
Seems to me that a lot of Liberal supporters are very selective in their memory.
I used to think Martin was a hero for bringing down the debt until I found out he just took the payments from the provinces- talking about robbing Peter to pay Paul (sorry for the pun) :lol:
Martin cut money everywhere, not just transfer payments.
If the provinces couldn't make the cuts that's their problem......but wait....they did.
Harris downloaded costs to the municipalities....then to us.
To bad he couldn't balance the books...to busy giving me a huge tax cut.
'fraid you got that a bit wrong. It was Rae who made promises based on transfer payments that Martin cut - and it was Harris that dumped on municipalities. It was also Harris who broke Ontario Hydro into 4 companies and sold it off to the for profit sector - but it's McGuinty catching Hell for the inevitable price gouges. Guess it all depends on how one swills the propaganda....Well I was just wondering if there was a contrast in your thinking or your politics. You stated that Martin had to make some tough decisions in order to balance the books and get our economy going. Harris was faced with a similar dilema having watched transfer payments dry up and coming in after an NDP government that had bankrupted the Province.
Why does Martin get a pass for his tough choices, but Harris was a devil pitting one class against another?
Seems to me that a lot of Liberal supporters are very selective in their memory.
And most people would be grateful for that. :smile:
I have plenty, I'm grateful for that.
But since our infastructure is eroding, our schools are decaying, our debt is growing, our hospitals are under funded and our enviroment is being destroyed I could easily part with more.
Start by eliminating loopholes for my buisness and a flat tax indexed to income.
If I was you I would kill two birds with one stone- first donate to things like hospitals and schools and then claim the donation for a tax deduction, that would clear your conscience and put money back in your pocket. :smile:
I don't pray, but if I did, Jean would be in my prayers just for this. NOT being an ass licker. NOT being sucked in. Good man Jean.
Imagine all the Cannuck body bags coming back from Iraq.
Imagine the Con sudden anti-war-anything BS which would have been spread far and wide. Even farther and wider than it is today.
Stevo, we've got your measure as a man, and, as a man you make a great amoeba. fukk you
Actually, Chretien didn't keep us out of Iraq, the UN kept us out of Iraq. All Chretien did was pass the buck by deferring to the UN.
You mean he obeyed the law.
Maybe so, but he's often made to sound like he took some kind of heroic stand against going into Iraq (like in this thread). He did no such thing. Just setting the record straight.