I suggest you do some reading.
Start with Ayaan Hirsi Ali....Infidel. Then go on to Mark Steyn's America Alone. Then trip back to Ayaan Hirsi Ali's Nomad. Try telling her she doesn't understand Islam, multiculturalism, or the Muslim Brotherhood (she used to be a follower, a devout Muslim)
Muslim immigrants have imported to liberal western nations many things: Jew hatred, genital mutilation, honour killings, self- censorship born of fear, political terror, bombings, infidel hatred, and the severe oppression of women, while we lean over backwards to accomodate them and their cult of murder and hatred.
Assimilate or GTFO.
As I have said from day one, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a joke. Mish mash for the brain-dead. It needs to go.