More Needless Multiculturalism Problems From Immigrants


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Accepting the highly educated immigrants is the worst possible thing. If they were encouraged to stay at home to better their own country's economy and social status on the world stage then there would be no reason to come here.

America has open borders. Why shouldn't Canada have open borders for all North Americans regardless of education?


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
I suggest you do some reading.

Start with Ayaan Hirsi Ali....Infidel. Then go on to Mark Steyn's America Alone. Then trip back to Ayaan Hirsi Ali's Nomad. Try telling her she doesn't understand Islam, multiculturalism, or the Muslim Brotherhood (she used to be a follower, a devout Muslim)

Muslim immigrants have imported to liberal western nations many things: Jew hatred, genital mutilation, honour killings, self- censorship born of fear, political terror, bombings, infidel hatred, and the severe oppression of women, while we lean over backwards to accomodate them and their cult of murder and hatred.

Assimilate or GTFO.

As I have said from day one, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a joke. Mish mash for the brain-dead. It needs to go.

.....and here we go again.

It's not multiculturalism that is the's the Mooooslems.....all of them.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Neo-isolationism in America has a big future.

Precisely what our Founding Fathers called for over 200 years ago and it's the very basis for my own political outlook.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Neo-isolationism in America has a big future.

Precisely what our Founding Fathers called for over 200 years ago and it's the very basis for my own political outlook.

There are four schools of thought on American foreign policy. Isolationism, Realism, Liberal Internationalism, and Neo-Conservatism. There are also overlaps among the schools of thought, ancillary doctrines, and heresies.

Most of my life I was a Realist. Now I lean toward Neo-Isolationism because of my understanding of historical forces and processes. Besides, the real action is in American domestic policy now. There is a storm coming.


Time Out
Aug 15, 2010
"The families believe music is un-Islamic"

Odd, I thought Islamic music was a big part of the culture. I guess some Muslims believe it is haram and some don't.


Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Bar Sinister,
if you do have a degree in European History than you would otherwise be aware of the chauvinism which existed under Revolutionary France, to the extent that the French had indeed seen everyone who had not experienced the revolution as being "backwards", "inferior" and needing uplifting.

The same is true for the Internationalists of today, who consider anyone who doesn't follow their belief system as being "backwards, racist subhumans who should be killed" - the same attitude I might add is what led Stalin and other Communists to murder millions in the Gulag.

How do you know all this? I consider myself an internationalist in many areas and I don't fit into any of the terms you have used to describe them. Your definition of internationalism would put Albert Scheitzer, Gandhi, and Einstein into the same category as Stalin.

We have discussed the term chauvinism - its modern meaning is one who is fanatically nationalistic, and is characteristic of the modern right wing, not the left. Accept that as that is the way I meant it.

You have to understand that nationalism as practiced in the 18th and 19th centuries was a new movement and greatly feared by the multicultural empires like Austria-Hungary that opposed it. As a result it was then considered a very subversive left wing movement. Today, when nationalistic fervour is the norm, those who carry it to extreme are considered right wing. Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and similar retro-conservatives are examples of the modern chauvinist.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
How do you know all this? I consider myself an internationalist in many areas and I don't fit into any of the terms you have used to describe them. Your definition of internationalism would put Albert Scheitzer, Gandhi, and Einstein into the same category as Stalin.

We have discussed the term chauvinism - its modern meaning is one who is fanatically nationalistic, and is characteristic of the modern right wing, not the left. Accept that as that is the way I meant it.

You have to understand that nationalism as practiced in the 18th and 19th centuries was a new movement and greatly feared by the multicultural empires like Austria-Hungary that opposed it. As a result it was then considered a very subversive left wing movement. Today, when nationalistic fervour is the norm, those who carry it to extreme are considered right wing. Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and similar retro-conservatives are examples of the modern chauvinist.




Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
...Why is Obama being labeled a Mooooslim if it's not a negative?...

Obama isn't a Muslim any more than he's a Christian. His problem is that he walked into the presidency without establishing a clear identity in the minds of the American people. Instead, he was a blank slate onto which everyone got to imagine that he was one of theirs.

Although Obama isn't a Muslim, he is an Islamophile based on positive childhood experiences and adult memories of those experiences. I recognize this form of philia. I am a Sinophile because of my family and positive experiences with the Han.

Obama is some type of American, but he doesn't come out of the traditional African American experience or any other traditional experience. Obama's a walking contradiction, partly fact and partly, neither fish nor fowl. What hath gawd wroght?


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
How about if we make the deal every time they want to change our civilization we get to go back and change theirs?

Have you ever read the Koran?

I did. Guess what it says about women dressing humbly in public.

It says women are allowed to dress like the people around them, in order to not get picked out and beat up.

Read it.

Somehow between the time the Koran got written and now the ancient equivalent of MBAs put their snouts in.

Eat this you ****ing pieces of tar from China. I told you you could be attacked from China

What you don't know is I am hanging out in China.,


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
There are four schools of thought on American foreign policy. Isolationism, Realism, Liberal Internationalism, and Neo-Conservatism. There are also overlaps among the schools of thought, ancillary doctrines, and heresies.

Most of my life I was a Realist. Now I lean toward Neo-Isolationism because of my understanding of historical forces and processes. Besides, the real action is in American domestic policy now. There is a storm coming.

Isolationism IS realism. Had we always followed this, we would not have any of the domestic problems we have today.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
That's a bit too terse for me, Colpy. Do you mean that nationalistic fervour in China is not similar to right wing nationalist movements elsewhere?

Sorry, you're right.

On both counts...........personally I see China as an emerging fascist nation, controlled econmoy, economic elite, large inportant military, no human rights, ......and nationalism used as a force of internal control, for suppression of dissent and manufactured approval of an aggressive foreign policy.....

I mean it is very similar, IMHO.

I was curious about yours.


House Member
May 18, 2010
Gym and exercise in school is what help to grow health bodies. It is what Canadians want in order to build a healthy society.
Singing in schools also helps provide students with a diverse eduction and it helps to develop their appreciation of arts which ultimately will provide a better society.
This is in part the kind of Canada we want.

If the Muslims do not like the kind of Canada we built and do want to put their shoulder to the wheel to continue to build a proven good country, we should ask them to leave.
We should tell Muslims before they come here that they have to conform to our standards if they want to live here, or they can continue to pigeon their country with their failed ways.

*** live in their country****. (iPod error,^^)